Not only is this machine insanely fast, but it's also noiseless. The only noise you can hear from it is when a CD or DVD drive spins, and the muffled clunking of the HD when things are saved.
It overclocks very well: The Radeon 9800 Pro can hit 486MHz core (380MHz stock) and 720MHz RAM (680MHz stock) before artifacts start showing. The Athlon 64 hits 2140MHz (2000MHz stock), and the RAM hits ~430MHz (400 stock), at CAS 2 timings.

And image of the outside of the case is attached. They don't do it justice (the flash mostly ruins it): those blue LEDs on the front are actually designed like a car's headlights, with a reflective, curved back, but aimed towards the ground mostly. At night it illuminates floor all the way across my room with a gorgeous blue light.
