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"He's been a cheeky darkie"

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  • "He's been a cheeky darkie"

    NZ News For those who are ill informed, Paul Holmes (New Zealand's answer to Britain's Jeremy Paxman, only 10 times as crap) called Kofi Annan "a cheeky darkie" on his radio show this week. TVNZ = Television New Zealand (NZ's BBC, only with ads), Newstalk ZB = radio station in question

    A spokesman for the Secretary General of the United Nations said that when public figures in the United States have made racist comments they have paid for them with their careers.

    Fahan Haq said that many people at the UN were offended by Paul Holmes' reference to Kofi Annan as a "cheeky darkie".

    Holmes has apologised for making the derogatory comments on his Newstalk ZB radio programme last week.

    Haq said that the Secretary General is aware of Holmes' remarks.

    Meanwhile, petition has been launched calling for Holmes to be fired from his positions at NewstalkZB and TVNZ.

    A Professor of English at the University of Auckland, Michael Neil, said Holmes' apology was not good enough.

    He has helped organise an open letter, signed by more than 50 prominent New Zealanders, calling for Holmes to be sacked.

    Neil says the comments harmed New Zealand's reputation overseas.

    The Race Relations Commissioner is also criticising TVNZ and Newstalk ZB, for lack of action over the comments.

    The primary sponsor of the Holmes' television programme, Mitsubishi, is not renewing its contract to sponsor the show.

    Commissioner Joris de Bres says Mitsubishi Motors' decision is testament to the strong public feeling.

    De Bres says he wants to see a clear policy of zero tolerance for racism and sexism at TVNZ and Newstalk ZB.
    I want Holmes to go. He was a prat anyway. So, has this sort of thing occured much in the US/overseas, and if so what were the effects there?

  • #2
    Who is Jeremy Paxman??

    Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


    • #3
      British television personality, always asks harsh questions to political personalities, and is tough to answer to.


      • #4
        Well on TV last night it showed him crying and apoligising. He has all ready lost sponsers and some Maori members of his crew have quit. I dont think he should be fired he has been imbarrsed enough for his stupiddity. But i never really liked his show anyway, so who cares.
        You cant get a dollar out of me


        • #5


          • #6
            Originally posted by P.I.M.P
            Well on TV last night it showed him crying and apoligising. He has all ready lost sponsers and some Maori members of his crew have quit. I dont think he should be fired he has been imbarrsed enough for his stupiddity. But i never really liked his show anyway, so who cares.
            go and sit in the corner, DL.


            • #7
              Holmes is a moron, but someone sent me a transcript of the show and he said that and various other derogatory things about women and other "oppressed groups". At the end of the show he said this:

              "Anyway, I've been conducting a test. You see I called Kofi Annan a
              darkie this morning and people have been phoning up and complaining and
              moaning and yelling about it this morning.

              "All you've been complaining about is my position on the UN is wrong, or
              my position on Bush is wrong, or my position on Iraq is wrong.

              "Of all the calls we've had, only two people have objected to me calling
              him a darkie.

              "You've failed very, very badly.

              "I put this on in anticipation of a complaint to the Broadcasting
              Standards Authority. Have a nice day ... I think I've done enough damage."
              That's pretty funny in my book. A pity that NZ is so full of humourless losers who can't take being the butt of a joke meant to point out their skewed priorities.

              Now they are hounding the guy out of his job with a ****ing witch hunt. Not that I think he doesn't deserve a hard time, but not for that.

              Only feebs vote.


              • #8
                And haven't these people ever heard Lindsay Perigo's shows?

                Here's the whole thing - it's obviously a pisstake.

                This is what Paul Holmes told his listeners during his NewstalkZB radio
                show on Wednesday morning

                At 7.45am, Paul Holmes brings up the topic of Kofi Annan's speech,
                saying Annan had his "moment" over the United States invading Iraq
                without sanction.

                Holmes said that about 13 resolutions had been passed on the Middle East
                by the United Nations but "nothing had been done".

                "When do the United Nations actually do anything? When do they actually
                do anything except get paid well ... get off a plane and sit on their

                "The greatest bloody perks job in the world, their job at the UN. The
                greatest perks do-nothing job. It's such a tower of fable, nothing would
                ever get done."

                A few seconds later ...

                "That Kofi Annan, I've got to say to you, has been a very cheeky darkie
                overnight. He's been a very cheeky darkie. It's all very well giving a
                darkie that secretary-general job but we'll only take so much [laughs]
                I'm sorry, we will only take so much.

                "We're not going to be told how to live our lives by a Ghanaian. They're
                a model aren't they, to how to live your life, to how to run a country.
                Mr Nkrumah, remember him ... 1957 the Prime Minister of Ghana ... We're
                not going to be told by a Ghanaian too much.

                "Mr Annan says the collectivity of the United Nations kept the peace for
                58 years. Hang on a minute about that 58 years. Where does Mr Annan get
                that idea? Where does that darkie bloke get that idea? What about the
                oppressed states of Eastern Europe for 50 years who endured the
                Communist boot for 50 years? What about the heart of Africa? How much
                peace was kept there? The nuclear bombs kept the peace for 58 years in
                states like Russia and France.

                "That Mr Kofi Annan. That cheeky darkie should ask the people of Rwanda
                how the United Nations kept the peace for 58 years. The people of the
                Congo or the people of Zimbabwe or the oppressed people of South Africa
                or the people of Mozambique, Angola, Sudan, Somalia, Vietnam, Cambodia,
                Laos, Bosnia, Kosovo. They had peace for 58 years? You've got to think
                about what these people say, this is nonsense."


                At about 8.15am, Dr Brian Edwards comes on to the show for a regular
                weekly discussion about the news media and brings up the topic of how
                journalism is becoming the domain of women. Dr Edwards says that there
                are far more women bylines in newspapers than men, saying it is a marked
                change in the gender profile of the media.

                Holmes: Do you think it's making our journalism ignorant and *****y do
                you think?

                Edwards: No, I don't think so. I think it's unfortunate if you have a
                significant imbalance in any profession. I think the journalism
                profession ought to represent the reality of the society around it. And
                if women are outnumbering men two to one, you do have some sort of
                imbalance there ...

                Holmes: At certain times of the month, do the newspapers get
                particularly judgmental? (Both laugh).

                Edwards: Oh, you are in trouble. You are in desperate trouble for saying
                something like that.


                Just before his show ends at 8.30am, Holmes spoke about reaction to his

                "I've been conducting a test. Someone phoned up and said I'm Hitler. I
                tell you, I'm not Hitler because I wouldn't keep records. (Pause and
                then he laughs).

                "Anyway, I've been conducting a test. You see I called Kofi Annan a
                darkie this morning and people have been phoning up and complaining and
                moaning and yelling about it this morning.

                "All you've been complaining about is my position on the UN is wrong, or
                my position on Bush is wrong, or my position on Iraq is wrong.

                "Of all the calls we've had, only two people have objected to me calling
                him a darkie.

                "You've failed very, very badly.

                "I put this on in anticipation of a complaint to the Broadcasting
                Standards Authority. Have a nice day ... I think I've done enough damage."
                Last edited by Agathon; September 30, 2003, 05:19.
                Only feebs vote.


                • #9
                  We need seperate human-only games for MP/PBEM that dont include the over-simplifications required to have a good AI
                  If any man be thirsty, let him come unto me and drink. Vampire 7:37
                  Just one old soldiers opinion. E Tenebris Lux. Pax quaeritur bello.


                  • #10
                    Cook me some ****ing eggs, *****!
                    KH FOR OWNER!
                    ASHER FOR CEO!!
                    GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by P.I.M.P
                      Well on TV last night it showed him crying and apoligising. He has all ready lost sponsers and some Maori members of his crew have quit. I dont think he should be fired he has been imbarrsed enough for his stupiddity. But i never really liked his show anyway, so who cares.
                      Does the

