According to this article in the Tagesspiegel paper of Berlin, the Schröder administration has made repeated careful attempts to bring back the decades old debate about a permanent UNSC seat for Germany. This debate slowed down with the German government change in 1998 and got frozen with the recent tensions between Germany and the US in 2002/03. Now that Schröder and Bush have been talking, the debate is brought back, but it also brings back the more recent question of how sensible and possible it is to create one permanent security council seat for all of the European Union.
According to the 2002 (september elections) government coalition agreement, Germany would only try and pursuit a course for her own UNSC seat if chances to a European seat appeared marginally low. Thus, the newly brought up discussion indicates, that at least for the German government the debate about a European seat has already ended.
Does it really mean this? How could it happen, is it merely because of the UK's totally different foreign political stance in most matters compared to continental Europe, as well as with other middle sized nations in consideration such as Spain and Poland? Or is it just blatent shortsightedness of our government, them totally forgrtting about European approaches when making German decisions?