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Nuclear Power

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  • Nuclear Power

    After that heat which decimated parts of western Europe some kalothelites (do good ers in the bad sense) from some american newspapers claim that it is time for Europe to build new nuclear reactors.

    westner Europe has had a ban on building new nuclear reactos after chernobyl. eastern Europe OTOh has gone to a nuclear reactor building extravaganza much to the dismay of western Europe.

    Now that ol' scurvy sea dawg Hanx Blix has been designated to lead the first World Nuclear University (sic) to raise awarness for the cause.

    Basically the black crows of the nuclear industry want to use that summer heat to their own advantage and try to get some business back.

    They claim, that western Europe has usewd up all its hydroelectric options, that aeolic (wind?) energy doesn't work etc. So the option is more nuclear plants.

    Tell that to the Greens of Germany. Also Austria tries to conveince the Chezs (I always **** up that word) to not build a new one in Tamalin?. But seems to have failed.

    There's also Koslodui in Bulgaria that gives Greece (and all caring neighboor countries) the goosebumps because it is very old. OTOH our neighboor gets 70% of its energy from it. I think it's going to be upgraded and made safe but not closed. Greece also managed to conveince Turkey not to build one.
    However countries like Slovakia go at it at full throttle. Italy has a ban. Germany has vowed to phase it out, France has fobid new nuclear plants etc.

    So electricity from Nuclear Plants. Your opinion?
    Pros and Cons.
    What to do with the radioactive waste? There was an american plan to send them to space but was scrambled because there was the fear the watse would fall to the head of some alien and he'd be pissed and coming back asking for explanations.

    The US has also not gone forth for new Nuclear Plants but they say it's thinking about it.

  • #2
    I recently read an article that modernizing existing (non-nuclear) power plants has great potential in efficiency and environmental aspects. If that´s true (can´t consider me an expert) we should rather do this than building new reactors.



    • #3
      Nuclear power would be a good idea it wasn't for nuclear power stations.


      • #4
        What´s with new energy sources. I mean sure, currently they are expensive and not very efficient. But wouldn´t more research in that field improve it?


        • #5
          Nuclear power is the last best choice to head off global warming. There is no other energy source (accept hydro which we've already built out) that can produce so much energy without generating a single green house gas.

          That it also enables us to not buy Arab oil is just an added benifit.
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #6
            nuclear power sucks. You have to dig holes and **** inthe ground to store it, and not only does nobody want it, but it can leak into the ground water, or the dirt, and then you get funny looking animals, and people, and terrorists can get their hands on it, and when they transport that ****, the train can derail and then you have a disaster.
            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


            • #7
              modern nuclear power, well done, is the safest, most economic, and environmentally freindly power source in existence

              old power plants are bad, and power plants not up to code are also

              also if waste is not taken care of properly, it is bad

              Jon Miller
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • #8
                I believe Nuclear Power is the best available option as for now to have energy.

                The big problems is, as you have all pointed out, the waste (and the security of the plant as nobody wants another Chernobyl)

                Anyway.. just send the waste to space, and if any green aliens come asking for explanation just... push the red button and nuke him out


                Anyway.. sending wastes to space seems like the perfect solution in terms of enviroment issues... but I believe it would be too expensive and I doubt that many of the East European Coutries would be willing to send their waste to space, knowing thay can just store them in some hole in the ground and sit on it.

                "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                The trick is the doing something else."
                — Leonardo da Vinci
                "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BeBro
                  What´s with new energy sources. I mean sure, currently they are expensive and not very efficient. But wouldn´t more research in that field improve it?
                  I almost fell out my chair when I read this. awesome post.


                  • #10
                    It's hard to get wind power when there is no wind and it's also hard to get solar power when it's cloudy. Even if you imporve the effieicny by 10 times it will still take up more space then most of our over crowed cities have room for.

                    You average nuclear plant produces huge amounts of power from a very small space compared to the other nonfossil fuel alternatives. The amount of waste they produce is miniscule compared to coal, oil, or gas. What's more is that we can recycle most of the waste by using breeder reactors so the waste can continually be reused over and over and over again.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #11
                      I find it hard to believe that the nuclear-powered French are in on this 'no more nuclear power stations in Western Europe' rule.

                      We should max out wind power, that can handle about 20% of our needs, and use a mixture of sources for the rest.


                      • #12
                        which should be predominantly nuclear power

                        Jon Miller
                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • #13
                          modern nuclear power, well done, is the safest, most economic, and environmentally freindly power source in existence
                          You're incorrect. Nuclear power is one of the most expensive of the major electric power sources available now.
                          I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


                          • #14
                            there are too many nuclear powers nowadays

                            just my €.02


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DanS Nuclear power is one of the most expensive of the major electric power sources available now.
                              On a per kilowatt basis nuclear power is expensive but when you factor in enviromental damage, the danger of being dependent upon potentially hostile foreign powers from dangerous parts of the world, and other such things the nuclear power starts looking better and better.

                              Think about it. We reduce our dependency upon oil so we don't have to drill as much or transport it or put the pollution into our air. Nuclear power is the solution to global warming and our current dependency upon foreign energy.
                              Try for discussion and debate.

