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Victory for Lib Dems in Brent east election

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  • Victory for Lib Dems in Brent east election

    In an E-mail from Sarah Teather, new MP for Brent east.

    What a result!

    In case you missed the full details, the result was:

    Lib Dem: 8,158 (39%, up 29%)
    Labour: 7,040 (34%, down 29%)
    Tories: 3,368 (16%, down 2%)
    Others: 2,286 (11%)

    Lib Dem majority: 1,118

    Swing from Labour to Liberal Democrat 29%
    Swing from Conservative to Liberal Democrat 15%

    It was a fantastic achievement - and one that I genuinely believe could presage
    a major change in politics.

    The tide is turning in our direction and against Labour.
    From BBC news:

    Labour reels from by-election defeat

    "The biggest hammer blow of Tony Blair's political career" is how the Sun sees the Liberal Democrats' victory in the by-election at Brent East.

    The Independent describes the result as a humiliating defeat for the government.

    The paper claims the outcome was based on "hostility to the government's record on schools, health, crime and the war in Iraq".

    The Daily Telegraph echoes this, saying the result is an indication that the government has lost popularity because of the recriminations over the Iraq war and growing infighting over public service reforms.

    The Times puts it more simply - "voters in Brent East", it says, "decided to give Tony Blair a bloody nose".
    Im so glad to have been involved in this. All our hard work has payed off, and we have given labour a blow in what will most likely be the last bye election before the general election.

    The beggining of the end?
    Safer worlds through superior firepower

  • #2
    This one isnt as important to read, but if you want more info. From

    Lib Dems stun Blair by taking Brent
    By Nigel Morris, Political Correspondent
    19 September 2003

    The Liberal Democrats celebrated a stunning victory early today after demolishing a 13,000 Labour majority to win the Brent East by-election.

    In a humiliating defeat for the Blair Government in a formerly safe seat, the Liberal Democrat Sarah Teather won 8,158 votes to give her a 1,118 vote advantage over Labour's Robert Evans on 7,040.

    The Tory Uma Fernandes, helpless in the face of the surge, was reduced to third place with 3,368 votes. Turnout was a higher than expected 36.4 per cent.

    Charles Kennedy, the Liberal Democrat leader, said: "This isn't just a big boost for the Liberal Democrats. It's a big boost for British politics. We've shown there's no such thing as a no-go area for the Liberal Democrats."

    The result - the first seat lost by Labour in a by-election for 15 years - will ring alarm bells in Downing Street and sets the scene for a jittery Labour conference later this month.

    The party won the constituency - which until 2001 was held by Ken Livingstone, the Mayor of London - with 63 per cent of the vote at the general election but saw its support crumble amid disquiet over its record on public services and opposition to the war in Iraq.

    In the first important test of public opinion since Dr David Kelly's death, the issue of trust in Tony Blair and the Government haunted Labour. Senior cabinet ministers and dozens of MPs were drafted into the north-west London constit-uency in an attempt to shore up the vote and Mr Livingstone was even called in to rally his former constituents to the party that expelled him.

    But with days to go before polling, David Blunkett, the Home Secretary, admitted the Liberal Democrats had drawn neck and neck with Labour.

    Mr Evans, an MEP, had been defending a 13,047 majority won in 2001 in Brent East by Paul Daisley, whose death in June from cancer caused the by-election. The Conservatives were runners-up then with 5,278 votes and the Liberal Democrats third with 3,065, or just over 10 per cent of the vote.

    But party canvassers encountered hostility to the Government's record on schools and health and discovered that fear of crime was a recurring theme. The Iraq war a constant theme in a constituency with a substantial Muslim vote.

    The Liberal Democrats, whose annual conference begins on Sunday, cashed in on the disillusionment with stunning success despite having a minimal presence in Brent previously. They flooded the area with activists and MPs and Mr Kennedy made repeated visits.

    The Conservatives were putting a brave face on the result, but it was a bitter blow to Iain Duncan Smith, who this week renewed his attempts to rebrand the Tories as a "caring party". Ms Fernandes, a community nurse, was the only candidate from the three main parties who lived in the constituency, but betrayed her fears about the impending Tory rout in a newspaper interview, conceding that she had little hope of victory.

    Theresa May, the Conservative Party chairman, said: "This is not natural Tory territory. The real story ... is people wanting to give a message to the Labour Party that they don't trust them."

    The field of 16 candidates also included the self-styled comedy terrorist Aaron Barschak, who won 37 votes, and Kelly McBride, protesting over retention in the Army of two soldiers who shot dead her brother in Belfast in 1992. She received 189 votes.

    Nick Raynsford, the Local Government minister, denied that Mr Blair, who had barely featured in Labour election literature, had become a liability to the party. "He will carry on as Prime Minister. He has a huge contribution to make," he told the BBC.

    "And a large number of people in the country whatever their current unhappiness - and there have been unhappinesses in the last few weeks - recognise [that]."

    Stephen Twigg, an Education minister, said the party would have to learn from Brent. "I'm not denying that a big swing away from us is not good news for us but it is certainly not good news for the Conservative Party either. They will have to have their own inquest about this election as well."

    He added: "The Lib Dems and before them the SDP have a history of winning by-elections and then on the next vote losing the seat. I think that the Lib Dems are fooling themselves if they read great significance into this result."

    * Labour beat off a challenge from the British National Party to win a seat on Stoke-on-Trent City Council in a by-election. Paul Sutton won at Abbey Green, with 842 votes compared with the BNP's 782.
    Safer worlds through superior firepower


    • #3
      Why this is the top story on the BBC page I haven't a clue...well, I do actually.



      • #4
        The BBC is chock full of lima deltas...
        KH FOR OWNER!
        ASHER FOR CEO!!


        • #5
          Not quite. Its top because its important. This is major swing against Labour, not just in words, but actual votes. Its all very easy to say how to war has cost Labour, but now we have real evidence. 5000 we took right off of Labour.
          Safer worlds through superior firepower


          • #6
            go see fox new then ....
            "Ceterum censeo Ben esse expellendum."


            • #7
              By elections where the ruling party lose a seat are always top story. There is no bias in this instance.

              Everyone always overplays the significance, but thats what the media do. Its not bias.
              Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
              Douglas Adams (Influential author)


              • #8
                Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for that smarmy **** Blair.

                Anyway, you missed the highlight of any by election: the big time losers.

                Here they are:

                Brian Butterworth (Socialist Alliance) 361

                Iris Cremer (Socialist Labour Party) 111

                If these two parties could only put aside their differences I'm sure that they'd beat the legalize pot people.

                Now for the real clowns.

                Khidori Fawzi Ibrahim (Public Services Not War) 219

                Brian Hall (UK Independence Party) 140

                Alan Howling Lord Hope (Monster Raving Loony Party) 59

                Rainbow George Weiss (WWW.XAT.ORG) 11

       has to be seen to be believed.
                Only feebs vote.


                • #9
                  The 2 socialist parties are far more clownish than the others you mention
                  Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                  Douglas Adams (Influential author)


                  • #10
                    The 2 socialist parties are far more clownish than the others you mention
                    I'm sure the candidates could make a nice toffee between them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TheStinger
                      The 2 socialist parties are far more clownish than the others you mention
                      But no doubt still better than the Tories by a handy margin.
                      Only feebs vote.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Park Avenue

                        I'm sure the candidates could make a nice toffee between them.
                        Well I see that your friends the National Front couldn't be bothered even running a candidate. I guess they couldn't get a day pass from prison.
                        Only feebs vote.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TheStinger
                          The 2 socialist parties are far more clownish than the others you mention
                          It's hard to top


                          • #14
                            Well I see that your friends the National Front couldn't be bothered even running a candidate. I guess they couldn't get a day pass from prison.
                            Apparently the mental asylum is first in the queue.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sir Ralph

                              It's hard to top
                              I hounestly think they would do less damage than those socialist parties
                              Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.
                              Douglas Adams (Influential author)

