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  • #61
    And to give a better answer, academic world really doesn't offer me anything I'd be actually very interested, except programming. It only happens to be, that it pays pretty well also. I wouldn't do it only for money. Otherwise I could just go and sell my butt for rich Japanese business men who want to do the freaky.
    But it's definitely not a turn off for me. I like money. It's not the #1 goal in my life, but it gives me the security I like, since you never know what's going to happen, it's always good if you have money. Plus, I don't know if I'm a big spender, I think I'm not a big spender even with lots of money, but I'd like to provide for my kids and family if I ever manage to get them, so they won't be left out of anything that is important.. I got good support and all I needed, and it's my duty to do the same for my kids, anything else would be a personal failure, and I hate failing. Programming is also ever fast developing area, it interests me in all its forms and it gives me stimulation to my brains. Programming doesn't mean you can't do anything else, that's just a stereotype. It's like saying all boxers likes to eat babies because Mike Tyson likes it. Well, I'm pretty sure not all of them want it, and the same goes for people who enjoy programming and challenges it brings. It's problem solving, and that's fun.

    And not to be all off topic and spamming, my blog is coming off just fine, I've been writing every week to it, so when I finally put it online, there should be something to actually read. Naturally it's a fake and I've written it so, that it seems like it's been online for a longer time and that I have a fanbase already, I'm thinking big, I'm thinking Randy Berliner t-shirts, or designing competition where you can enter your own t-shirts designs for Randy Berliner shirts and the winner design will be then made.
    If nothing else, I make one for myself, so there's nothing to lose, and if someone wants to buy some cool pornstar t-shirts, the real Randy Berliner flavour... all the better.

    edit: besides, how cool is it to have my own pornstar t-shirts???? People go 'hey who's that guy?' pointing at my shirt and I just say 'maybe the coolest dude who ever lived'. They'll never know what I mean..
    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


    • #62
      I want to belong to you. Control my existence in the void. Everything in me is a denial, including myself. I want to live in the vacuum you created. It would be my womb, my haven from this jungle of a world.

      I want to walk with the dead. I'm sick of groping around. If I ever see any more poseur around here, someone's got to hand me a piss bag. Anyway, I wouldn't be wounded out of colliding with decaying flesh and seeping stale blood, would i? I would smell like you.... feel like you...taste like like you...

      Everyday I perform the daily communion of eating myself out. Bit by bit. Cell by cell. And today, what's left is a scrawny sketch of a soul...lost and losing. I hear so many voices in head, begging to be freed, but still clinging like hell itself...We are one...I am them. They are me. I am possessed by a million souls. So many people have tried to steal my ghost away from me... They were hunted by 999, 999 others for revenge...

      I know you are weak, my necromancer. It has been long time since you inhaled a sweet suffocating breath. It has been a long time since you were fed by a soul bursting with decomposition.

      Don't be timid. Don't you know how to adapt to the changing times? Aren't you excited I was seducing you into pulling me closer into your skinny little arms? Haven't I aroused your perversity as i touched your translucent skin, marked with snaking blue lines?

      Of course you are not...You are skeptical too, right? Afraid that even the killed can kill? But I am not, one of those who take a person, or in this case, mister-on-charge-of-death's generosity for granted. Just like you are not like those who are not obsessed with possessions... and possessed by obsessions (hopefully).

      We can get a high out of being together. I will feed you with my sickness... You will stuff my frozen body with your darkness. I will walk with the living, like a black lamp, spreading emptiness into the world...

      Others would be oblivious, just like they have always been...I will urge them to follow me...follow you...Let's make the world a happy place - let's leave it! Let's fill our own ideal world with all the hatred, power, rage we could muster!

      I will write you again by the time I finish making the blue print of our own nightmare paradise...
      Is it necessary to ram your head far up your arse in order to start a blog? Or is it something that happens gradually?
      The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


      • #63
        Well that blogcity site won't be taking new registrations for a couple of weeks, but I've decided to have a go. In the meantime I'll just write up stuff to go in when available, in case anyone's interested.
        The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


        • #64
          lol, where'd you find those?
          "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
          Drake Tungsten
          "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
          Albert Speer


          • #65
            Originally posted by Asmodean
            can you do that, BTW..."verberize" blog??)
            You don't have to "verbize" verb. It has already been verbed as "verb."
            (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
            (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
            (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


            • #66
              Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
              Is it necessary to ram your head far up your arse in order to start a blog? Or is it something that happens gradually?
              It's probably easier than ramming someone elses head up your arse.
              Regardless, I'd be interested in reading your blog.
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

