Go to end of thread for scores
Spiffor still hasn't replied, its been over a week since 18 ended, so here are new questions from me, Ixnay, and Zylka.
The rules, as always, are so simple even the most stupid should understand them. You answer to the questions and send the answers to the quizmaster, that's me, via PM. Scores are calculated on not how correct they are, but on how many others chose the same answer. The answer doesn't have to be in any way correct: if eight people reply to the hypothethical question "Do you hate George W. Bush?" with "I like cheese", they will receive eight points each for that question.
PART A: General Questions
1 - ***?
2 - Where is my ****ing remote control?
3 - Should Zylka currently be banned?
4. What is the main ingredient in the recipe for success?
5. What is the best Dance Dance Revolution song?
PART B: Choose the Apolytoner who is the most:
6. Egotistical
7. Loveable
8. Loud
PART C: Essay Question
Suggest a way to mitigate the worst excesses of consumer culture.
(Scoring for this question would be based on how close each person's response is compared to the whole group. Scoring will be done subjectively. The maximum score on the essay will be equal to the maximum possible points for the first 8 questions.)
PART D (New): The Art of Stupid]
Sorry to add this halfway through, but this idea is simply too good to pass up.
Draw or photoshop the ultimate tank. Image size should be 300x300 pixels with file in .gif or.jpg format. Email to firstcultural@yahoo with subject line IWS 19 and your forum username
(Scoring for this question would be based on how close each person's response is compared to the whole group. Scoring will be done subjectively. The maximum score on the drawing will be equal to the maximum possible points for the first 8 questions.)
So the full score is 1/3 short answer questions, 1/3 essay, 1/3 drawing.
The deadline is September 25th, 1200 GMT, that's next Thursday.
Spiffor still hasn't replied, its been over a week since 18 ended, so here are new questions from me, Ixnay, and Zylka.
The rules, as always, are so simple even the most stupid should understand them. You answer to the questions and send the answers to the quizmaster, that's me, via PM. Scores are calculated on not how correct they are, but on how many others chose the same answer. The answer doesn't have to be in any way correct: if eight people reply to the hypothethical question "Do you hate George W. Bush?" with "I like cheese", they will receive eight points each for that question.
PART A: General Questions
1 - ***?
2 - Where is my ****ing remote control?
3 - Should Zylka currently be banned?
4. What is the main ingredient in the recipe for success?
5. What is the best Dance Dance Revolution song?
PART B: Choose the Apolytoner who is the most:
6. Egotistical
7. Loveable
8. Loud
PART C: Essay Question
Suggest a way to mitigate the worst excesses of consumer culture.
(Scoring for this question would be based on how close each person's response is compared to the whole group. Scoring will be done subjectively. The maximum score on the essay will be equal to the maximum possible points for the first 8 questions.)
PART D (New): The Art of Stupid]
Sorry to add this halfway through, but this idea is simply too good to pass up.
Draw or photoshop the ultimate tank. Image size should be 300x300 pixels with file in .gif or.jpg format. Email to firstcultural@yahoo with subject line IWS 19 and your forum username
(Scoring for this question would be based on how close each person's response is compared to the whole group. Scoring will be done subjectively. The maximum score on the drawing will be equal to the maximum possible points for the first 8 questions.)
So the full score is 1/3 short answer questions, 1/3 essay, 1/3 drawing.
The deadline is September 25th, 1200 GMT, that's next Thursday.