Well, rumor is Wesley Clark is about to join the Dem. race for president:
Now its up to ten, and even given that 3 of them are not really important (Ku..whatever, Braun, Sharpton), that leaves 7 white guys left!.
We need some thinning out...I say, a 3 way between Dean (most money and org.), Kerry (has own money) and now this guy (cause everyone fawns over military record, like Kerry). The other 5 are second tier.
Now its up to ten, and even given that 3 of them are not really important (Ku..whatever, Braun, Sharpton), that leaves 7 white guys left!.
We need some thinning out...I say, a 3 way between Dean (most money and org.), Kerry (has own money) and now this guy (cause everyone fawns over military record, like Kerry). The other 5 are second tier.