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I'm feeling depressed

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  • I'm feeling depressed

    not exactly but i'm feeling quite depressed. last night, a 16 year old female friend of mine told me about how she has started having sex and has taken up smoking weed and getting drunk. age 16 so she lasted somewhat long before getting into that **** but she's still a little girl... or was...

    i can't talk to her anymore. the little long-haired girl with the slight puerto rican accent who lived across the street from me who never wore a bookbag to school because she had her strange little rebellion against the idea of 'home'-work... who wrote me a letter when she was at camp and wrote it in ebonics, which i never did get around to getting on her for that... who would play basketball in the rain cause it was the only time she actually could play because no one else was out taking the courts and i would help her go from hurling the ball awkwardly to... well the same **** but still... but now... thats all gone... my little home girl's dead... i have failed for my sister.

    why? god damn... all so some little boy could get his **** wet?! all her aunts had bastards by the time they was 18 so you'd think something would stop her!

    i'm tired of this... i'm tired of girls getting pregnant left and right... i'm tired of 12 year old boys standing on the corner smoking blunts... i'm tired of the drug house behind my bus stop that the police are too stupid to figure out is a drug house... i'm tired of crack addicts asking for change... i'm tired of knowing i can't go anywhere without a weapon... i'm tired of these broken homes...

    and i'm tired of failing... i know why i am on this earth... i know what God's mission for me is but i am failing at every turn. i beg him for the strength or power or whatever it takes for me to bring my battered brothers and sisters onto the righteous path but he seems to have forsaken me. i dont know why i'm posting this here... i want you to read this and please put down that blunt... put down that can of beer... throw away your condems and vow abstinence til you are married... please... i want peace in these streets.

    Last edited by MichaeltheGreat; September 11, 2003, 23:05.
    "Flutie was better than Kelly, Elway, Esiason and Cunningham." - Ben Kenobi
    "I have nothing against Wilson, but he's nowhere near the same calibre of QB as Flutie. Flutie threw for 5k+ yards in the CFL." -Ben Kenobi

  • #2
    Albert, I feel sorry for you. You never had the chance to act like a kid. Whether from circumstances or from some feeling of having a "mission", I don't know.

    But, you let take these things personally, you ain't gonna last long.

    Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


    • #3
      Maybe you're the one that's wrong.
      Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


      • #4
        Failing what? YOU ARE 19 (OR 18) YEARS OLD!!! YOUR LIFE HAS JUST FREAKING BEGUN!!!

        Cut the martyr bull: it is not, and has never been your job to make everything around you a paradise. I assume you have tried, and you know what, after you go to college and get an adult life you will have a much better chance to do something. if you care so much, why add one more statistic?
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #5
          Speer, despite our differences, it sounds like the "world sucks" syndrome that you have is pretty much the same as me... although my depression and thoughts of suicide focus more on how ****ty my own situation was. I suppose if my life were going good, I'd care a little less about the world's problems.

          Anyways, don't worry about the world. Whether you believe God gave us free will or not, we have it, and we each make our own choices. Sure it's painful to see such problems around you and be helpless, but you've got to focus on your own life and how you can make things better. Telling people how to live their lives is lame and immoral. But educating people, and "suggesting" lifestyle choices is a noble thing. Don't tell people to throw away their condoms. Abstinence is a respectable choice, but its not for everyone.

          The best you can do is live your life to the fullest and create an environment where people can make good decisions. In the end, you cant' force your morals on people. They have to make their own decisions.
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            Sorry to hear all that Speer. If you care for people this life can get very depressing. I worked with teenagers for years and treated them like my own sons. Many of them went to prison and some were killed. You cannot bear this kind of stuff on your own.


            • #7
              You have no right to expect others to live up to your insane morality, kid. The only person in the world you have a right to expect the kind of behavior you want from is you.
              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


              • #8
                is she actually dead or are you just saying that because you think it would be the same thing. If youre just saying it then all youre doing is giving up, stick by her and help her through it dont just abandon her like that! My friend turned into a alcoholic one summer while all of his friends (including myslef) were out of town, but I didnt just come back and tell him to **** off because I didnt like how he was anymore. I was still his friend and you know what, he's not a drunk anymore.

                The worst thing that could happen in her life is for her to lose one of the few people that actually care about her and want to see her do positive things with her life. Dont give up!!


                • #9

                  Try doing that which gets girls pregnant more. Make sure you use birth control so as to avoid adding to that problem, but you will marvel at how it improves your outlook on life.

                  I've never met a depressed man who just got laid. Don't fall for the abstinence nonsense whatever you do.
                  Only feebs vote.


                  • #10
                    Good advice Space05us.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Agathon
                      I've never met a depressed man who just got laid. Don't fall for the abstinence nonsense whatever you do.

                      I've known plenty of people who felt far worse after sex than better, because as a consequence of how they went about it, they felt dirty, cheap and like a user.

                      Sex shouldn't be used as a balm...
                      Tutto nel mondo è burla


                      • #12
                        I am very sorry your friend got pregnant, Albert, your pain is perfectly understandable.

                        You feel you have a mission from God. God did not expect us to act alone, rather he formed us a Church. I strongly encourage you to get involved with one of the religious student organizations at temple.

                        There are more sins then those against chastity. Failure to compassion is one, and it is important you remain there for this girl as a friend. Removing yourself from her or showing her coldness will harden her heart.

                        Pride is another sin, and a dangerous one at that. Lucifer(Satan) is a very powerful being and the world is strong as well. It's prideful if you think you can take on the world by yourself. You feel you have a vocation from God. You must not attempt this on your own. Get involved with one of the Christian student organizations at your school and try meeting others who feel as you do. If you seriously expect to do anything, you need to this.

                        I'm going to eat with some friends now, but if you want to talk, feel free to PM me.
                        "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

                        "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


                        • #13
                          che: shud-up!

                          Tuberski: I don't feel sorry for him.


                          I love you man!

                          You can't fix the problem until you have the means. Being a poor boy working at Mc-Ds, wondering how you are going to pay rent, and just whinning at the system ain't going to help these people, or people like her.

                          You are getting fit, training for the race or match or game... Don't forget your path, and don't forget your aim, you are one bad mother F'er who knows what it takes to get this **** taken care of; once and for all.

                          Yeah, you will lose some on the way, but that, my friend, is collateral damage. Some have to lose so others can win. It is this that you are seeing that will become your vision to stop. Don't through away your best of means, there is no gaurentee, but only the pain that it will stop.

                          You are a good man, and you are doing what is right. Get your education and get yourself to a point so that you have the POWER to help. You rock, your awesome, you are what I wish I could be.

                          Be Strong, Be the MAN, and I will be here to tell you that you are



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Boris Godunov

                            I've known plenty of people who felt far worse after sex than better, because as a consequence of how they went about it, they felt dirty, cheap and like a user.

                            Sex shouldn't be used as a balm...
                            Don't tell us your problems.

                            On the topic of sex I'm with William Blake.
                            Only feebs vote.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
                              I am very sorry your friend got pregnant, Albert, your pain is perfectly understandable.
                              She's not pregnant, just sexually active.
                              Tutto nel mondo è burla

