OK, I'm planning on getting an X-Box tomorrow (Saturday) because I love RPG games and Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is an X-Box exclusive title. Well, that and the fact that Ninja Gaiden is coming out for the XB as well. And that Panzer Dragoon Orta game. (But *not* Halo ... bleh!)
Anyway, I've heard that the controllers are bulky, and that I might want to get an "S" controller. Is this true? Or do XBs ship now with the more "hand-friendly" controllers? Also, is the XB pluggable directly into A/V slots on a TV and/or VCR? And it doesn't need a separate memory card because it has built-in memory? And it's connectable to the Internet if you have a broadband connection? And it plays DVD movies (I'm assuming one needs a "S" video input on the TV for that or, lacking that, a translator-type device)?
BTW, I'm going to keep my PS1 and maybe pick up a PS2 for the sheer joy of it all. Screw the GameCube!
OK, I'm planning on getting an X-Box tomorrow (Saturday) because I love RPG games and Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is an X-Box exclusive title. Well, that and the fact that Ninja Gaiden is coming out for the XB as well. And that Panzer Dragoon Orta game. (But *not* Halo ... bleh!)
Anyway, I've heard that the controllers are bulky, and that I might want to get an "S" controller. Is this true? Or do XBs ship now with the more "hand-friendly" controllers? Also, is the XB pluggable directly into A/V slots on a TV and/or VCR? And it doesn't need a separate memory card because it has built-in memory? And it's connectable to the Internet if you have a broadband connection? And it plays DVD movies (I'm assuming one needs a "S" video input on the TV for that or, lacking that, a translator-type device)?
BTW, I'm going to keep my PS1 and maybe pick up a PS2 for the sheer joy of it all. Screw the GameCube!
