Originally posted by Asher
Hello strawman, we meet again.
My issue was with you saying people take philosophy because they like it, even it's not necessarily the case. Only a handful of kids in my entire Philosophy of Logic class wanted to take it. It was a course requirement for the CompSci and EE/CE kids.
Hello strawman, we meet again.
My issue was with you saying people take philosophy because they like it, even it's not necessarily the case. Only a handful of kids in my entire Philosophy of Logic class wanted to take it. It was a course requirement for the CompSci and EE/CE kids.
So saying because people keep taking them doesn't necessarily mean they want to take them. Basic stuff, but something you try to make excessively complicated so you can bury the argument in a semantic mess.
Not all people who take philosophy courses take them because they like them or think they'll be interested, but most do and all in all but one course I've taught. Good enough?
But go ahead, keep it up with the strawman, you're getting real good at that now.