Originally posted by Asher
Agathon got KOed a while ago when he tried using the meaning of university as the reason philosophy is necessary. One of the weakest arguments I've heard from him in a while, and easily knocked down.
Agathon got KOed a while ago when he tried using the meaning of university as the reason philosophy is necessary. One of the weakest arguments I've heard from him in a while, and easily knocked down.
GePap is doing much better, he's almost making it sound useful. Unfortunately, he's succumbing to the vast, unprovable generalizations that people have made before in that "philosophy improves lives!".

I've seen no theorys from philosophers recently that have been useful, nor any ideas or concepts coming from them.
The fallacy here is that there is any need for "new" ideas to make teaching philosophy important. When was the last time english teachers came out with a brand new concept? Or a brand new idea? Any new literary forms of expression come up lately? New letters perhaps? Has Shekespeare changed somehow in the last 400 years? NO, but the fact is that teaching english remains vital, and while the benefits of philosophy are not as clear as those of english, they remain as important and valid. The very same reason why it was important to teach philosophy 400 years ago remains today, because none of the subsets of the subject has replaced the core issues of philosophy and the study both of knowledge itself, man's relation to it, and man's condition.
I see them all the time on TV telling me what is and isn't ethical, like they're some supergod capable of judging what is or isn't...I see them in the classroom arguing about Plato and Socratese, and I see the philosophy students smoking a bong in the washroom and barely passing and understanding the Philosophy of Logic courses we were in. For the compsci students it was a joke, but the philosophy kids (only a few of them)...man, the dumbest questions. Grr!
And your personal experiences have what? to do with any of this?
I'm still unconvinced the world would be worse off if we elminated the philosophy department and used the money to boost medical research funding.
