2 days ago I was walking home from downtown with my girlfriend and our 15 months old child in his baby carriage when suddenly, after 2 months of record heat, it started raining and lightening when we just had entered the central park of Graz, which we had to cross. We knew that should happen that day or the next, but there were not much hints that it would come so soon.
At that point I already knew we'd come into heavy rain, we put a rain cover over the baby carriage and my girlfriend opened the umbrella, me getting completely wet, well I don't care much about rain. A wind set in and I told Katja that we should walk a bit faster, before the wind becomes stronger. All of a sudden (all this happened within less than 2 minutes!), a storm started and I saw smaller branches coming down from the trees and the horse-chestnuts falling down. I shouted at Katja to run and I ran with the baby towards the end of the park, where there was a roof for people wating for public transportation.It was still scary there, because it's at a highly frequented street and those idiots continued to drive past us at 50-60km/h. I only got hit by minor branches on my way, the baby cried in panic and Katja didn't come after us. Looking back I saw bigger branches coming down and decided to run back, leaving the baby with some people I didn't know who also seeked shelter there from the storm ("where should they go in that storm?" I thought). Luckily I didn't have to go back far when Katja came - with a completely destroyed umbrella, broken by the branches falling down on her.
Only few minutes later, the wind was completely gone, in the news they said it were Tornado-like whirles that struck Graz with speeds around 115km/h I don't know, people in Tornado areas will maybe laugh at that speed, but we don't have Tornados in Graz, damn it and we were completely unprepared. On our way back home we saw in an alley a car that was severly hit by a falling tree while driving (the driver being hurt badly) and yesterday I went back to see how the park looks like and it was horrible. Right where we wlaked there was a fallen tree and several huge branches. Considering that the tornado lasted only, say, 3 minutes we were pretty close to being hit.
Just felt that I have to share this experience with you, thanks for reading.
At that point I already knew we'd come into heavy rain, we put a rain cover over the baby carriage and my girlfriend opened the umbrella, me getting completely wet, well I don't care much about rain. A wind set in and I told Katja that we should walk a bit faster, before the wind becomes stronger. All of a sudden (all this happened within less than 2 minutes!), a storm started and I saw smaller branches coming down from the trees and the horse-chestnuts falling down. I shouted at Katja to run and I ran with the baby towards the end of the park, where there was a roof for people wating for public transportation.It was still scary there, because it's at a highly frequented street and those idiots continued to drive past us at 50-60km/h. I only got hit by minor branches on my way, the baby cried in panic and Katja didn't come after us. Looking back I saw bigger branches coming down and decided to run back, leaving the baby with some people I didn't know who also seeked shelter there from the storm ("where should they go in that storm?" I thought). Luckily I didn't have to go back far when Katja came - with a completely destroyed umbrella, broken by the branches falling down on her.
Only few minutes later, the wind was completely gone, in the news they said it were Tornado-like whirles that struck Graz with speeds around 115km/h I don't know, people in Tornado areas will maybe laugh at that speed, but we don't have Tornados in Graz, damn it and we were completely unprepared. On our way back home we saw in an alley a car that was severly hit by a falling tree while driving (the driver being hurt badly) and yesterday I went back to see how the park looks like and it was horrible. Right where we wlaked there was a fallen tree and several huge branches. Considering that the tornado lasted only, say, 3 minutes we were pretty close to being hit.
Just felt that I have to share this experience with you, thanks for reading.
