I have a serious resource problem with my PC and desperately need some techy help.
Within a very short time of logging on my PC the screen updates slow up by loads, e.g. when typing into the Poly thread box the text does not appear straight away and a 10 word sentence can take 10 secs before the text is there, all I see is a flashing cursor.
Everything was ok with my PC until a week ago. I don’t know what has happened, whether it has a virus or what?
About my PC: I have had it 5 years so it’s a little old. It’s a Gateway 2000, 600mhz Pentium3 with Windows 98, 256 MB RAM, 32 MB Nvidia TNT 2 Card, 20 GB HD (though its always around 200 – 500 off its limit and has been for a year or so), oh and I have ADSL connection at 576000 BPS and ZoneAlarm firewall.
When the problems started last week I also started getting 2 error messages just after Windows booted, the first one says “Cannot find the file “MSINFO.exe””.
What could be causing these problems, can someone suggest what I should go and investigate, what settings I need to check change etc.
Do you need any more info?
Within a very short time of logging on my PC the screen updates slow up by loads, e.g. when typing into the Poly thread box the text does not appear straight away and a 10 word sentence can take 10 secs before the text is there, all I see is a flashing cursor.
Everything was ok with my PC until a week ago. I don’t know what has happened, whether it has a virus or what?
About my PC: I have had it 5 years so it’s a little old. It’s a Gateway 2000, 600mhz Pentium3 with Windows 98, 256 MB RAM, 32 MB Nvidia TNT 2 Card, 20 GB HD (though its always around 200 – 500 off its limit and has been for a year or so), oh and I have ADSL connection at 576000 BPS and ZoneAlarm firewall.
When the problems started last week I also started getting 2 error messages just after Windows booted, the first one says “Cannot find the file “MSINFO.exe””.
What could be causing these problems, can someone suggest what I should go and investigate, what settings I need to check change etc.
Do you need any more info?