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Occupation death toll of U.S. troops equal to that of war

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  • There's powerful voices in Washington now calling it a quagmire, the morale of US forces is poor, public support for Bush is plumetting. There is no end in sight and every day a few more body bags are coming home.

    I'm sorry but you are losing that war.
    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


    • On the bright side: At the pace it's going at the moment, it'll take about 140 years until has turned into another Vietnam...


      • In the early days of Vietnam US casualties were very light. Just like Iraq now.
        Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

        Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


        • Nah.
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • Originally posted by MOBIUS

            The standard refrain from one who has nothing better to say - people are dying because people with similar views to you put them in the line of fire...
            The standard refrain of someone tired of proving the same thing over and over again to a nutcase.


            • The American right is in denial over this.
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                So who does own it now?

                Prove my point whydoncha?

                Nice spin. Saying something along the lines of "if you want your share of the oil, pitch in and help out" isn't exactly admitting defeat. I think it's just a political move. We have to ask. Doesn't mean we expect the UN to get off it's dead ass and do anything, but we'll have gone through the motions and asked.
                So what you're saying is that this was a blatant oil raid after all and you're just inviting the UN to share in the spoils of your conquest...

                No. The US said words to the effect: "Don't tell us what to do, we'll have this over in a few weeks and all the Iraqis will love us for it - go f*ck yourself!". Now everything has gone to sh*t cos US troops and US allies are being blown up left, right and centre - the US is crawling on its knees, cap in hand, saying "we need you after all"

                Talk about a blatant Volte Face...!

                And I suppose you Brits ought to take the blame for all the IRA bombings you failed to prevent - after all, security forces are supposed to be omniscient and have tinfoil hat penetrating mindreaders everywhere.
                The US is well known for its arrogant faith in its all powerful military and intel services - if you believe what your govt says, it is omniscient...

                And yes, every time an IRA bomb went off, a certain amount of blame would rightfully land at the doorstep of the British govt and security forces. They have a job to do preventing those attacks, when they fail they should be held accountable.

                By the Geneva Convention (I know you and the US chickenhawks do their level best to pretend that this document doesn't exist... ), the US as an occupying power is responsible for the security of Iraq - any failure in this regard is the fault of the US forces...

                Did they ask the US for protection? Did they attempt to provide their own?
                No, but they were protected by their own security (who could have been in part responsible for the blast!), as well as US soldiers - US troops were actually protecting the compound contrary to your faulty assumptions!

                The US isn't obligated to protect every ****ing facility in the country.
                Actually, according to the Geneva Convention...

                The good ol' UN types there, operating at the outer perimeter of a converted hotel with no physical security or perimeter barriers, thought they were immune from attack.
                Actually there was a 'physical security or perimeter barrier' in the form of a wall 50ft away from the building, which is where the truck exploded - so again you are wrong. They didn't so much as think they were immune from attack as hope that they wouldn't be such a target...

                Say what you want, but they left their asses hanging in the breeze under the mistaken notion that their diplomatic status would be respected by a bunch of terrorist *******s.
                If your f*cking country had done a decent job about what to do after the war, instead of hoping the Iraqis would rejoice and everyone would live happily ever after - this kind of sh*t wouldn't be happening.

                Also, the irony is that this was probably a foreign terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda on a busman's holiday, attracted to the anarchic chaos and rich western picking so kindly provided by the US creation of a lawless power vacuum - Bin Laden must be laughing in his Turban at the incompetent handling of the 'peace' by the US forces...

                Good. I don't want the ****ing UN in our way anyway. And if they're the "bridge" I have to rely on, then I'm gonna damn well learn to swim, or start lookin' for a boat.
                Good. If those bodybags keep mounting, I would far rather they were filling by the nations responsible for this war, than those not. Unfortunately the UK is in a unique position where the nation itself didn't want the war, but was hoodwinked by its government on the basis of Iraq's WMD!

                Not a problem. Just mount up, shut up, lock and load and prepare to go along for the ride.
                Yeah, that's the worst part being dragged in like this! Our troops having to weather a storm not of their creating...

                Soldiering can be hazardous to your health. Anybody who signed up and didn't realize that has some major problems.
                Hey nothing wrong with that - but the reason I would never be a soldier is having to do things that I am ideologically opposed to. I'm all for good causes, but to be used like this is criminal.

                I would have called in B-52 strikes on the mother****ing skinnies from K4 to the corner of Armed Forces and Da-aud myself, but that's just me. I suppose you types would whine then about "civilian casualties."
                Just when I believe you when you say you're different from the chickenhawks, you say stuff like this...

                We weren't obligated to the ****ing Somalis who used relief aid as a weapon of war, and a funding source for other weapons. In fact, we were there to bail out the UN's ass once again with UNITAF replacing UNISOM I, then after we stabilized the situation (with a ****load of Marines), and turned it back over to the UN again with UNISOM II, things went back to hell in a bucket. It wasn't our mess in the first place, and it wasn't our mess at the end. Even your buddies from the UN admit "there was no peace to keep."
                The US shat its pants, it went in overconfident and arrogant and then got pussywhipped by a bunch of militia with guns. There might have been a peace to keep if the US hadn't stirred up a hornet's nest and then run away...

                They should rename that movie to 'Chickenhawk Down' instead...
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • Originally posted by skywalker
                  The standard refrain of someone tired of proving the same thing over and over again to a nutcase.
                  If all else fails, those with arguments whose holes a so large a terrorist truck bomb could be driven through them with equally devastating results, resort to personal insults...

                  If I could be bothered, I would paste all your posts on this thread together so that people could see just how woefully lacking in substance your posts have been up until now...

                  Come back when you have something to say - at least with Ted's 'lame troll' posts we can laugh with him at his lame sense of humour...
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • lame troll
                    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


                    • Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Well I think the US need to come out from hiding in their tanks. They need to step up the fight for law and order but above all they need to give the people of Iraq something to hope for i.e. terms of withdrawl.


                        • Maybe they should throw some more money at the situation - that always helps...
                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • Originally posted by Ted Striker
                            lame troll
                            At least he confines himself to one thread. That's something at least.
                            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                            • People who have no water or electricity and have been living under a dicatorship all their lives don't give a sh** about "freedom". To an American "freedom" is synonymous with all that is good. In most other languages, there is no single word with the same meaning. This is how different culture is, and how ignorant Americans are about other cultures.

                              Democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people. It must come FROM THE PEOPLE. By definition, YOU CANNOT INSTALL A DEMOCRACY.

                              The American Military did a masterful job in the war, and are doing a remarkable job in the occupation. Its not their fault that they have no justification to be there, and that they will never be welcome there. They simply have to stick around for as long as possible while Haliburton et al sucks out oil money. Unfortunately, this will not be very long. The American public does not see much purpose in being there anymore, not in the sense of purpose worth my son or daughter's life.

                              Bush and co. simply have no clue as to foreign policy. Whatever regime they install in Iraq will collapse within days or weeks of the military's departure. Civil war is likely, or balkanization, and the situation will end up worse for the Iraqis than it was under Saddam, and much worse than under Saddam pre sanctions.
                              Best MMORPG on the net:

                              An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. -Gandhi


                              • Originally posted by The Mad Viking Bush and co. simply have no clue as to foreign policy. Whatever regime they install in Iraq will collapse within days or weeks of the military's departure. Civil war is likely, or balkanization, and the situation will end up worse for the Iraqis than it was under Saddam, and much worse than under Saddam pre sanctions.
                                Also, whoever does end up in power will probably be far more of a threat to the US than Saddam ever was...!

                                Wow TMV! A blast from the past, haven't seen you round in ages!
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

