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Israel OKs Raids Against Terror Suspects

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  • #31
    Which is causing more people, your own and the pals to die. If the Israelis stop incursions, stop attacks, pull out of Palestinian towns and stop building settlements, all reasonable propositions, then the terrorism, or to be safe, the vast bulk of it, will stop.
    What a ****ing crock of ****! Have you bothered to watch the news at all over the last 10 years? Withdraws have occured DOZENS of times and EVERY SINGLE MOTHER ****ING LAST ONE OF THEM resulted in an increase in Arab terrorism. All the Arab fanatics said "see they are weak and we are winning". The only thing which has proven itself to reduce Arab terrorism is to kick as many leaders of the terror organizations as you can. If the terror attacks continue then that just means you haven't destroyed enough of their organizations yet.
    Try for discussion and debate.

