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Why do Protestants believe in the Bible (not a troll)

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  • Originally posted by Elok
    Er, the power to hold ecumenical councils doesn't rest in the emperor of byzantium. Constantine called the first, but from the second on all of them were called by the hierarchy of the church itself. I'm guessing the responsibility passed to the pope first, and then to the current ecumenical patriarch in Constantinople. Not that it matters, since the last true ecumenical council was held in the 780s.
    And the copts are monophysite, but we are allowed to partake of sacraments at their churches, or were last time I checked.
    A few years ago I saw a note from an Orthodox poster who said that the Orthodox could not attend an ecumenical council called by the Pope, but that they could attend one called by a Roman Emperor - only there was no Roman Emperor to call one. I assumed he was being serious. This is why I suggested that the EU+Russia may have the political power call ecumenical council, and might actually do so to promote reconcilliation between East and West. This is also why I suggested that a descendant of the last emperor might also have the power to do so - albeit, as a formality only. All parties would actually have to want to attend such a council because they would all know that there were basic differences on doctrine that would have to be addressed and all would have to compromise to reach a concensus on any new cannons.

    What I would also like to see, if this is possible, is a conference where Jews and Moslems were invited as well. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


    • Originally posted by obiwan18


      I agree with you that Christians should work together, but to do so does not mean glossing over the differences. It is only by examining the differences, can we ever come to a joint understanding.
      I think its better to concentrate on areas of agreement - and there is so much all Christians agree on.

      As for the Vatican, well yes, the church is an ass. But most of the real progress on Christian unity is coming from the grass roots.

      One thing about Roman catholicism is it takes a very long term view of everything.
      Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

      Look, I just don't anymore, okay?

