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The office hottie & questions about sexual harassment.

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  • The office hottie & questions about sexual harassment.

    My work recently hired, yet another, new secretary. Normally this isn't something I'd bat an eyelash at considering how the manager seems to have a penash for hiring grey haired old women, but, the new girl most certainly is not a grey haired old woman. In fact the new secretary (We'll call her Jean because... that's her name. ) is a down right hottie. She's 22 years old, 5'9" tall, weights in at about 115-120lbs (I'm estimating), a runner's physique, a magnificent rack, blue eyes & light brown hair. Throw on her good taste in designer clothes and you'll quickly see why every guy in the office is drooling.

    I must admit I don't know anything about Jean (she could have a boyfriend for all I know; heck a girl like her probably does have a boyfriend) and I don't normally work with the office staff so it looks like I won't be learning anything soon. Still, what is your take on office romance? Is it a no-no or does the office register as a prime date getting zone for you? Also what sort of stuff is allowable and when does it cross the line into sexual harassment? I'm not planning on harassing anyone I just want to make sure I don't run a foul of the law unintentionally.
    Try for discussion and debate.

  • #2
    One has to be extremely careful in the workplace.
    If you're in an office environment, especially, I'd look elsewhere.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
    "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
    He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


    • #3
      Avoid humping her desk or sniffing her chair and you should be fine and harrasment free.
      Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
      -Richard Dawkins


      • #4
        also the yawn, reach and grab thing is probably a bad idea

        Jon Miller
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #5
          Bend over your desk, and when she looks at your butt, sue her for everything she has.
          In da butt.
          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


          • #6
            Office is a really bad place to date, particularly with osmeone like that, for ya may end up competing with ya boss, which would suck.
            Visit First Cultural Industries
            There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
            Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


            • #7
              It's not harassment if she likes you...but if you're a tech nerd or something, I wouldn't even look at her for fear of being outed as a stalker creep weirdo.
              Life and death is a grave matter;
              all things pass quickly away.
              Each of you must be completely alert;
              never neglectful, never indulgent.


              • #8
                SuperSneak, Asia Carrera is a super nerd who built his own little network.. just look at her site man.. it's all about programming these days.. chicks love it.
                In da butt.
                "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                • #9
                  Asia Carrera? Isn't she a porn star?

                  Super Sneak: I'm not a tech nerd I'm a rock nerd. I'm not sure were we Geologists rank in the international pecking order of manly jobs but I'm sure we're not very high.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • #10
                    if you value your job I say don't do it.

                    But if you don't care if you get fired then go right ahead.


                    • #11
                      Oerdin, yes, she is. And she loves puters. Living proof that the hottest chicks loves techie stuff. And they love nerds.
                      In da butt.
                      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                      THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dissident
                        if you value your job I say don't do it.

                        But if you don't care if you get fired then go right ahead.
                        When you put it that way it sounds like I really shouldn't do it.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #13
                          Hostile work environment sexual harrasment must be severe & pervasive and actually interfere with the person's work (I know I've left out a few elements of the offense). So as long as you don't follow her around and make sexually degrading comments constantly, you should be fine .

                          Basically, don't be a jerk and you won't get hit with it.
                          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                          • #14
                            that's true, I didn't think of that.

                            If you only hit on her once, you should be okay. Because you're allowed that warning I think. Long as it isn't a continued pattern of harrassment it isn't a problem.

                            The only risk is if she's a psycho hose beast. Say you date her for a while, then you dump her. She could go psycho and say you sexually harrassed her until she finally went out with you.


                            • #15
                              Working in the same office as your partner sucks.
                              Definately not.

                              Find somewhere else to pickup.
                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

