Originally posted by Shi Huangdi
Wouldn't have worked out me drinking this time, was too much driving involved on my part. Had to drive to Baltimore and back two different times, having to a make a side trip on the way back to drop of Jon Miller. This meet had me about 5 hours on the road overall.
Still a fun meet overall,
Sadly GP didn't stay all that long so never really a get chance to talk to thim, but it's always cool meeting new Poly People.
Wouldn't have worked out me drinking this time, was too much driving involved on my part. Had to drive to Baltimore and back two different times, having to a make a side trip on the way back to drop of Jon Miller. This meet had me about 5 hours on the road overall.
Still a fun meet overall,

We can get together again some time. I pass through DC and Baltimore periodically for work.