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Let's talk about Deutche Telekom

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  • Let's talk about Deutche Telekom

    Originally posted by Spiffor in another thread:

    I will not tell you about all the problems me or my friends have experienced with German phones, otherwise I'd write 5 pages...

    Who couldn't?

    But DT told us that installing a line in my rommate's and myself's rooms would cost 50€ each. We heard by chance that there would be a 75€ extra, and it was a hell to cancel the deal we accepted with false info. One of my friends didn't have this luck, and paid the full price...
    For some odd reason, other people from my class (who moved to Stuttgart at the same time, and who were in the same situation) only had to pay 25€ grand total. We have yet to figure out why...
    BTW, DT only gives a 10 days delay to wire the money after the bill has been printed, before charging a Mahnung. Obviously, the bill takes about 4-6 days to arrive in your mailbox
    Besides, incompetent staff plagues DT, to the point a competent worker is a rare sight. Once, 3 people consecutively given me a false info. I had to bother one of the few good DT employees in Stuttgart for half an hour for her to correct the mess of her many incompetent colleagues.
    For some reason, when we all moved to Stuttgart for the first time 3 years ago (we move back and forth between Stuttgart and Bordeaux), we didn't have any problems of this kind with DT. Things were clear, and the staff could inform us. Besides, DT wasn't on the verge to take as much money as possible from gullible students.

    This is not only a problem with DT. My girlfriend and a friend of hers are using O2 (partly because they heard about our dreadful experience). Despite having signed contracts for 2 renewable months, they ended up with 24-months contracts. Such a thing was useless to them as they were only to stay in Stuttgart for 12 months. My gf and her friend had the worst time to get rid of their contract: they had to provide proof of them moving to France with a French Anmeldebestätigung ! (there is no equivalent of this paper in France).

    In France, where the market is thankfully much less deregulated, a friend of mine took a contract with the private 9 telecom. Because of the ****ty service, he cancelled the contract. The company didn't take it into account and continued to demand money, and even threatened to send lawyers to get it (the contract was cancelled perfectly legally). Countless phone calls did nothing about the situation, and things only got solved when my friend begun to threaten them himself with special mail and such...

    These are merely my direct experiences with deregulated phone. Sure, foreign calls are cheaper. And stress related to telephone is now much worse. I wouldn't call that an absolute success.

    Please note that I can't blame DT for its behaviour. DT has lost its ways to make money (charging high prices for faraway calls), but yet has to provide cheap local calls and to care of the network. There is no surprise they make huge losses this way. Since cretin politicians demand DT to make money, they have no choice but to hire incompetent staff and to snatch money wherever they can.

    Interesting expiriences. Some of this seems to be your clash with a huge company bureaucracy which I do not think is DT specific (is it?)

    What I find weird is that DT behaves pretty arrogantly towards customers even in Germany where it is exposed to competition, strong regulation and independant judiciary system.

    I believed they reserve their arrogance to places where they have the monopolies, like Croatia. What am I talking about?

    A short history of Croatian grievancies with HT, DT & government where they act together:

    1. DT buys HT (Hrvatski Telekom), already a hugely profitable monopoly with almost completely developed optical cable & digital central infrastructure.

    2. Corrupt government makes the true deal with DT secret, so we still don't know all the clauses in it. One very important one: extended monopoly awarded to DT in fixed telephony beyond 2003.

    3. HT immediately raises the prices of local phonecalls while lowering the cost of foreign costs. Despite clear evidence that this will increase the average monthly bill, DT launches a campaign ****ing Croatian citizens in their brains telling them this is in their best interest.

    4. Instead of corrupt government forcing HT to have detailed printout of their calls sent to the users with the bills, this is won after much media fuss and with an 'ok we do this, but because we are generous..' attitude from HT.

    5. HT spends huge amount of money advertising fixed telephony in which it has no competition, offers no new services, and charges more then ever. I am talking millions in TV ads, roadside posters, etc., in a country where most people barely make a living

    6. HT, despite being rewarded cable concessions for most of the country, still did not pull one meter of the cables, on purpose. This deal is to be taken from them, but still, they were supposed to have cables all over the country three years ago.

    7. ISDN and DSL are tremendously expensive, few times more than in Germany or other European countries where DT has to compete with somebody or is held in check by uncorrupt officials.

    Result: DT makes extraprofits here which it then carries away to waste them on dumping prices who-knows-where.


    1. DT is deeply evil. It pulls things here it would not dare to try in a more .. eh, orderly country, such as Germany.

    2. A private monopoly is not any better than state monopoly, in some cases it is much much worse.

    End of rant

  • #2
    Oh, if you have pleasant expiriences with DT or its daughter companies, feel free to post

    Although I personally don't like them, this is not a 'lets just bash DT' thread. Instead lets talk about them and compare expiriences. (see who is worst off with the bastards ... ok, ok )


    • #3
      Aaaaah, ranting about Deutsche Telekom is one of my favorite sports ! Welcome to the club !
      Indeed, DT is clearly using an evil strategy in Croatia, which somehow reminds me of what French oil companies did in tinpot dictatorships (massive corruption, screwing up the locals for some profit at home ) (don't get me wrong, I don't consider Croatia as a tinpot dictatorship).

      But what I'm amazed with is that DT continues to try snatching as much money as possible, wherever it's possible, yet it wants to be hyper fastuous. Huge advertisment campaigns, owning of many useless property (right next to my Stuttgart home, there is a DT hotel ), and crap like that sure can't do good to DT finances. And the common man pays for this crap
      "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
      "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
      "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


      • #4
        BTW, VetLegion, if I understand you correctly, the local prices have raised since DT has taken over HT. I suppose it means you pay even more than before for your dial up internet ?

        And unrelated: I love your new avatar
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #5
          After all I havemixed experiences with DT and T-Online (which is an Online-Provider which was one Time part of the Deutsche Telekom, then became a Daughter oft the Company and now isconsiderd to be independend from the DT although this isn´t really correct, as DT and T-Online are closely linked together.

          The only bad experienced I had were, when T-Online minimized the size of their eMail-accounts from 10 MB to just MB, just to promote their Profimailer-Accounts which come with 100 MB and that I had to pay for my DSL-Modem, as DT at first issued them for free, but after some time let all their new customers buy it for 110 Euro (which was no Problem btw. as it enabled me to buy a Fritz!Card DSL for 120 Euro which is both, DSL- and ISDN-Modem, and is an internal PC-Card, where the DSL-Modem from T-Online is an external Device).

          As for really positive Experiences I have to say that they are really fast if you want to change your Tariff.
          You can do it Online and within a few days afterwards you use the new Tariff.

          But yes, you hear a lot of evil experiences other people have made. I am lucky my experiences weren´t really bad til now.
          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
          Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


          • #6
            Aaaaah, ranting about Deutsche Telekom is one of my favorite sports ! Welcome to the club !

            Yeah, here too. I did not go into their customer service which is appaling here. The stories are heartbreaking and HT bureaucracy is something that would inspire Kafka for a 10 tome volume instead of that pathetic booklet the Process is

            if I understand you correctly, the local prices have raised since DT has taken over HT.

            Yes, quite some. About three times I think. Bills skyrocketed.

            I suppose it means you pay even more than before for your dial up internet?

            Ah, no. They actually lowered the dialup price for about 40%. This helped silence the internet community a little, and we were/are their greatest critics. Still, I pay by the hour, about 0.45 euro per hour for 56k, which does not sound much but adjusted for Croatian average income is too much.

            Problem is, why am I, in the middle of europe, in 2003, with infrastructure in place, still stuck with 56k?

            Because DT made everything else artificially too expensive (ie, there is no justification for prices to be that high)

            Thankfully, private cable companies are slowly introducing cable modems (which also used to be HT monopoly) so I will probably switch to cable and HT digital equipement can rot from the lack of users for all I care.

            So I am as angry at our corrupt and inept government as I am with DT. The DT is just exploiting the situation and nobody here has power to stop them.

            Because of continuous protests about their pricing and other policies they announced they will offer us a Big New Wonder, Three Different Tariff Models. What A Wonder. Which are designed in a way nobody will want to switch from the current model, But Now The Customer Has Options. Which was explained to us in an expensive promotional campaign

            By the way, I am usually pro-privatisation, but not in this case.

            I see telecomunications as something so crucial it should be government owned.

            And unrelated: I love your new avatar

            thanks. wild thing


            • #7
              Nice nun.


              • #8
                Hey paiktis. I was searching for info about the olympics and I found this guy: Interesting site. He calls Turks "Kemalo-Nazis from Turko land"

                Why didn't you let us know you started a blog?


                • #9
                  Sorry I'm downloading MP3s. Will check it later.


                  • #10
                    Nice photograph. I was a bit bored to read anything else. But as for the Olympics I saw he has the Christian Science Monitor's article. Which I have also found and I agree with.

                    So read.

                    A year before the Games open, Greeks increasingly wonder 'what's in it for us?'

                    Roi was my proffesor of Art in University. She's a bit of a fruit cake but has it right in this instant. I can't believe she used the word Malakas (w@nker) in an interview though. Then again I can.


                    • #11
                      Ok, I'll check it out. Let's not threadjack anymore, this thread is about DT.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Spiffor
                        Aaaaah, ranting about Deutsche Telekom is one of my favorite sports !
                        Most Germans share that pleasure with you

