Can anyone tell me, what's the state of the development of alternative energy sources?
I've seen windfarms in California near Livermore, Mojave and Palm they appear to be reaching economic viability.
What about solarfarms? There's one honkin' big desert just over the hills from L.A., so transmission costs here wouldn't be prohibitive. Why aren't we building huge solarfarms over there. They'd work great in summer, when we need most of our power. (Decades ago, my sister had solar-powered water heating in her apartment, but it needed tax breaks to make it economically viable.)
And fusion? That was supposed to be the cure all, once it was developed. But that was decades age.
Tidepower? Wow, talk about a renewable resource.
I always though Geo-thermal was over rated. You need thin areas in the Earth's crust, like in Hawaii or around Yellowstone.
I've seen windfarms in California near Livermore, Mojave and Palm they appear to be reaching economic viability.
What about solarfarms? There's one honkin' big desert just over the hills from L.A., so transmission costs here wouldn't be prohibitive. Why aren't we building huge solarfarms over there. They'd work great in summer, when we need most of our power. (Decades ago, my sister had solar-powered water heating in her apartment, but it needed tax breaks to make it economically viable.)
And fusion? That was supposed to be the cure all, once it was developed. But that was decades age.

Tidepower? Wow, talk about a renewable resource.
I always though Geo-thermal was over rated. You need thin areas in the Earth's crust, like in Hawaii or around Yellowstone.