If you remember we had a discussion a while ago about whether or not to use frames, and much criticism arose against using tables for page designing.
Well I invite you to look at the following easy manual, that will get you started on bringing back the control over your webpage without any evil tables.
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God, I love tables. Tell me if you can't relate: I start out with my table tags and make them, um, 600 pixels wide. Then I do my first row with four <td> cells. I'll put my content in the last one - those first three are just placeholders for later. Oh wait, it's not taking my <td> widths. Oh, well. I'll put a spacer GIF in there.
Now I'll do my second row. Oh, hold on. I didn't put in enough placeholder <td> tags. I'll have to go back and add some more. No, wait! I'll just make one of the <td> tags colspan=2. There, that does it. Now I'll put some images in and ... darn! The images aren't lining up flush. What's going on? I'll turn off all the cell padding. Shoot! That's still not working. Oh, that's right. I remember now. You can't have any spaces or line breaks in the table. So I'll have to put it all on one line. Let's see... MAN this sure makes it hard to read.
God, I love tables. Tell me if you can't relate: I start out with my table tags and make them, um, 600 pixels wide. Then I do my first row with four <td> cells. I'll put my content in the last one - those first three are just placeholders for later. Oh wait, it's not taking my <td> widths. Oh, well. I'll put a spacer GIF in there.
Now I'll do my second row. Oh, hold on. I didn't put in enough placeholder <td> tags. I'll have to go back and add some more. No, wait! I'll just make one of the <td> tags colspan=2. There, that does it. Now I'll put some images in and ... darn! The images aren't lining up flush. What's going on? I'll turn off all the cell padding. Shoot! That's still not working. Oh, that's right. I remember now. You can't have any spaces or line breaks in the table. So I'll have to put it all on one line. Let's see... MAN this sure makes it hard to read.