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Which Socio (or) Economic Class is Truly Racist?

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  • #31
    Boddies: Good point.
    Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
    Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
    We've got both kinds


    • #32
      It's why a lot of them will buy new cars and yet get disgruntled when eggs, milk or bread rise by a few pennies..


      • #33
        Race and Class,

        The link is mostly historical I'd say. Assuming we're talking about majority white countries (probably different in Africa/Asia/Oriental nations where class exists but 'race' issues are more precisely about ethnicity/religion and history):

        The working class tends to be the most ignorant and thus the most easy to take-up or retain racist world-views. They are probably also the first to intergrate with other-raced people from working class cultures (black America, the Carribean) should the opportunity arrise to do so without significant interferance (racist movements, religious segregation etc) they usually settle down and recognise their common plight as working folk with simple tastes.

        The middle-classes tend to be most individualised, they come with all kinds of CrAzY opinions, who knows what you may be dealing with with any given individual middle-classer. Liberalism flurishes amongst the Middle-classes, because Liberalism is individualistic, unfortunately Liberalism can also be patronizing to a degree that is almost as bad as (and in some cases worse then) racism.

        The rich-elites are a small band that move in closed circles and find anything different or 'outside' of their group and it's flags to be scary and threatening. They are hounded and persecuted and forced to live behind their walled compounds and tinted Lexus windows by the vast hordes of the filthy unwashed, everybody wants a peice of em, therefore they have a fortified outlook on life, and enjoy an air of superiority as a perk of their persecution.

        Race and Class.

        That is how I see it anyway.
        Freedom Doesn't March.



        • #34
          :b problem-child

          You make me feel so bad for the upper class


          • #35
            Give generously to the Save the Rich campain, they are people too.
            Freedom Doesn't March.



            • #36
              Well, I think it depends on what you mean by racist...

              If you mean that they believe on is superior over another, blah blah blah... or just that they fixate on race as an aspect of every day life.

              If its the first, then there are plenty of rich white folks that don't dwell on race much at all, but nevertheless are what you mean by racist... that they do think that other races just can't quite cut it, though they often don't know why.

              If its the second, then the answer is hands down lower middle class blacks.

              And if its in terms of in the media, it is unquestionably blacks since they're the only ones who are allowed to even acknowledge the existence of races since whites would just be magically labeled instantaneously as racist.

              So black producers are allowed to produce whatever cheap, racist pieces of crap movies where all the white men are uptight, Mayonaise-eating, castrated automotons, and white women are stupid innocent airheads with a sex kitten locked up inside just waiting for Mandingo to come along... and by the end of the flick they've come to the realization that they can't be black, but at least they can try...
              Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

              I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...

