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Disturbing dreams, nightmares

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  • Disturbing dreams, nightmares

    Well some of them just plain weird... Not nightmares
    like I'd wake up in the middle of the night screaming and all sweaty, but enough to bother me when I wake up.
    You can try to interpret what they mean:

    dream #1:

    This is the most disturbing dream I've had in a long long time (not re-occuring, I hope). A person I know from real life was in it. I don't know him good, and I am not friends with him, and I've seen him couple of years ago last time. We don't like each other, but there's no hate.
    So, I see him in the woods, in forrest, and he's walking towards his friend (friend in real life, know even less about him). Then I see that he has a gun in has pocket, and I'm hiding and thinking 'oh God, he's gone nuts.. well he's using it for scaring that other fellow for some weird reason'. So I was shocked to see a gun in his hand and 110% convinced he wouldn't use it. But he just walks to his friend who is now on the ground. He's not begging, he's like calming down and 'ok ok now.. listen to me' but not in panic. But then he gets the gun from his pocket and points it and I'm like 'OMG he's going to shoot him!' and somehow the image of him pointing the gun at his friend was one of the most disturbing images I have ever seen. And then without saying a word, he quickly executes him with his hand gun, close range to the temple of his head. Now I'm really starting to freak out and thinking 'Oh ****!' and I started to run away from there, if it was like I had a serial killer catching me.
    Now, why would I see this in my dreams?
    In real life this person is having very difficult mental problems, very difficult. But I don't know him that good.

    dream #2:

    I just had a dream of being a smuggler without my own permission. I was passing borders with a car, and few muscle men come and put my trunk full of drugs and promise to execute me right there if I don't do it. So of course I do it. And the stress and horror waiting the border control guys to check me out and trying to look not suspicious is killing me totally. I end up getting caught for being too nervous, and I have to go to prison AND the drug guys are pissed and want to kill me inside the prison, for losing there stuff. NICE DEAL!
    I get stabbed multiple times by scary looking mexican dudes in the face. I mean, for some reason I end up IN AMERICAN PRISON, even when I get caught in here. But otherwise I couldn't have mexican dudes stab me. Fair I guess.

    I'm usually getting stabbed in my nightmares all the time. I'm always pinned down and some psycho starts to slowly rearranging my face and hands. This is when I usually wake up and notice my hand is sore because I just slept 6 hours on it .

    dream #3:

    I'm late. It doesn't matter from where, but I'm always late. And this is the time where I then have to go to millions of places late naturally and bother million people and ask 'am I in the right place?' because now I also can not find where I'm supposed to be. It's frustrating!

    dream #4:

    This was half fun, half weird one. I was in a military boat, simular to what they travel in apocalypse now, and the only weapon I had was water cannon. Now what the heck am I supposed to do with it? We're cruising in my own block and near it. So, I'm the leader of the ship and I'm like 'damn, there's not water on this road!', and we proceed taking our boat to the gutter, which maybe had 10 cm of water, but hey we road our boat beautifully in it! There were jogging people who jogged past us, but then we ran out of fuel, so this jogger dude comes in and jogs next to us (on the road, we on the gutter with our huge military boat) and gives us these small paddles. What the heck, we need to use them!
    Doesn't matter, we're going forward full speed! Doesn't matter that paddles are waiving in the air, since there is only 10 cm water anyway, it still seems to work.

    Now I start to see VC all over the place (Yeah, real Vietnam!), aiming their guns from knee in every crossroad. But somehow they don't shoot us. I figure we're just too fast for them. I decide to take the boat to the road, which is of course the only sane thing to do, but it seems to go just fine on asfalt too.........

    *Disclaimer: I see normal dreams too, ok? These are minority, but they sure are weird!
    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

  • #2
    I got lots of weird dreams. Really strange ones. Like shapechanging into an aeroplane and fly around.

    Yours are just peanuts in comparison.
    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


    • #3
      I've been killed in my dreams before... the most vivid was as follows:

      I was with one of my best friends at our local mall. But it was different. It seemed as if we had been taken into the past. Instead of the current level of growth, there was forest all around and the parking lot was rocks and gravel. It was at night, and my friend and I were walking to the door. The door was locked, so we decided to go back to the car. From the night mist, emerged a shadowy figure holding a strange gun. It was a primitive looking revolver with 9 shots. The figure raised the gun and started to fire at us. My friend ran one way, I ran the other... the figure ran after me, firing shot after shot. I tripped and fell into the gravel. The man approached me, stood above me, and fired his last shot into my face. Everything went dark and I woke up sweating. It was a terrible dream.
      To us, it is the BEAST.


      • #4
        Urban Ranger, yeah but you're certified anyway .

        Few weeks ago I saw a dream where I was at airport.
        I was getting my boarding pass, and the clerk was black, and I was just waiting for him to give my ticket.. then he just suddenyl says '**** you'.. For some reason I get real pissed and say 'No! **** you!' real loud, and then I look back the line and just my luck.. a god damn basketball team is waiting their turn and they're REAAAALLY pissed. And over 2 meters high! They surround my quickly and playing me like I was the ball.. and I was like 'No no I don't hate black people?!' and then the clerk said 'BS. He called me *** nigga' and I'm not believing my ears! This dude is screwing around with me and I'm paying the price. So then few more guys come in who supposedly are gay, but very very masculine. I'm a tiny ant next to these fellows 'No, I have nothing against gays either!'

        And then it happened.. one of the black basketball players said 'I don't mind, I've been in prison before' and I'm like NOOOOOOO!!!! I'm not getting raped here!
        That was when the dream ended, but man it was also horrible . Though it didn't bother me afterwards, it made me laugh.
        In da butt.
        "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
        "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


        • #5
          Sava, that sounds disturbing! I don't get shot in my dreams though, I get killed by stabbing.. but of course there is always a chase before it and I just seem to be slow runner! And my voice is gone too
          In da butt.
          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


          • #6
            My dreams are almost exclusively violent and/or supernatural.

            Psychoanalyze what you will, but you haven't lived until you've gone through the turbines of a hydroelectric dam.
            "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


            • #7
              once I was killed battling orcs in middle earth, and when I got to heaven, god needed my help, because people were too rowdy and wouldn't listen to him. and god was woody allen.
              "mono has crazy flow and can rhyme words that shouldn't, like Eminem"
              Drake Tungsten
              "get contacts, get a haircut, get better clothes, and lose some weight"
              Albert Speer


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pekka
                Urban Ranger, yeah but you're certified anyway .
                Hey, you promised you wouldn't tell!
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #9
                  Psychoanalyze what you will, but you haven't lived until you've gone through the turbines of a hydroelectric dam

                  I consistently have certain "feelings" in my dreams... or themes... it's hard to describe. Like I'll be trying to run, but the harder I try, the slower I go, kind of like running underwater. Sometimes I have dreams where I don't really fly, but it seems as if I concentrate, I can defy gravity, jump higher, and controll my descent.

                  I've also had a few dreams where I am able to suck my own.. well... you know...
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    I only have kinky dreams. Seriously. I haven't had a sane dream in a while, all of them focused on some kinky sex aspect that I'm not going to reprint here for fear of moderation.
                    meet the new boss, same as the old boss


                    • #11
                      Sava, hey I get that too! Except that sucking thing

                      Sometimes I really defeat myself and think 'don't think bad things or they'll appear and attack you!' and that's the first mistake I just made, and there are massive mega bears, I even once had militant Tao Tao trying to rip me apart and other stuff. Then I get all my nightmares in one!
                      In da butt.
                      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                      THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                      • #12
                        I've had several weird ones (which (un)fortunately, by now I don't remember them quite as well...)'s one:

                        I (or I shouldn't say *I*, as it had a third person view) was out on a camping trip with some friends up in some kind of mountain, when suddenly we were surrounded by hordes of bees, we jump down some cliff into a lake, thinking that the water will be safer...but there are tons of bees just above the surface, making swimming rather impossible, to put it lightly...the ****** sound of those bees, almost right next to my ears, seemed 100% real and terrorizing, I tell you...luckily I woke up a few seconds later.

                        There was another where I dreamed that I was in my bed, waking up to find a black spider hanging just above me on the ceiling...and then it came down near my head, and seemingly moved from left to right, blocking my view and messing with my hair, despite my attempts to kill/push it away...woke up pretty quickly from that god-awful situation too.

                        ...I don't think the ones where I re-live videogames (Castlevania in particular) or am elected President of the USA through Internet voting (wtf?) qualify as disturbing though.
                        DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS


                        • #13
                          Actually, I did like part of one of my recurring nightmares...I get to call down lightning from the heavens to destroy a demon that's attacking me.

                          Of course, he's already killed all my friends and stuff, so I guess it kinda came a little late.

                          Do other people wake up paralyzed sometimes? I do that's like my mind wake up before sleep paralysis wears off. It's really disturbing when you wake up that way and a sheet is over your face so you can barely breathe, but you can't move or scream for help or anything, you just lie there willing yourself to move but you can't.

                          Ok. I'm not sleeping tonight.
                          "In the beginning was the Word. Then came the ******* word processor." -Dan Simmons, Hyperion


                          • #14
                            dv8ed, yeah, that sometimes happens to me. VERY rare though, but sometimes sure. It is frustrating, and the first few times it happened I got scared until it was over in few seconds..
                            In da butt.
                            "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                            THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                            "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                            • #15
                              I had a very peculiar dream back in the late 80's after a night of smoking pot. I saw two things in my dream that stood out, in fact, the dream seemed to center around these two things. One was a "birdman", a rock carving of a short man with wings standing with his eyes glued to the southern horizon and sky. The second was a rock wall with small vertical gaps with the base of the wall forming a slope like a pyramid, and all around this feature were Indians fighting with each other.

                              At the time I considered this dream just like any other - no real meaning. But a few months later I moved from S California and spent a month in Utah in the Moab area, specifically Canyonlands and Horseshoe Canyon about 60 miles south of the town of Green River. I was driving toward a section of the park called "The Maze" south of Horseshoe Canyon when I saw the wall I had seen in my dream (I was there looking at pictographs and petroglyphs). I stopped and investigated the wall and decided the coincidence was too much to ignore, so I didn't go on to the Maze and stayed in that area.

                              That was when I found the birdman...

                              Sure enough, a stone carving (or was it "natural"?) of a short man with wings looking at the SE horizon. Well, that's why I ended up spending a month out on that plateau region of SE Utah. Near the birdman I found a very perplexing archaeological site - a rock formation in the shape of a small mound with a hole punched through the top pointing toward the SE horizon. I was convinced the rock and the hole was used to site a celestial body shortly after rising. But what was really bizarre about the rock were these two grooves on a north-south alignment which I figured were there for a reason - celestial alignments again. But then I stumbled upon the strangest thing I've ever seen.

                              I stood behind the rock formation lined up with the grooves looking south with my binoculars, and the landscape changed! Yeah, the vegetation all along the plateau all the way to the horizon changed color! It's hard to explain, but it was like someone had used a big knife to slice the grooves in the rock and dragged the knife across the landscape altering both.

                              Long afterwards, I read articles on how aerial photography had uncovered ancient trails created over decades or even centuries by peoples inhabiting the Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonita region in NW New Mexico. These peoples kept using the same paths to the point where the foot traffic wore a path into the landscape, much like caribou trails are created by migratory patterns. So, that led me to think maybe what I had seen was ancient pathways, but they ended at the rock and headed due south without variation. Anyway, someday I will go back to that site to investigate more...

                              Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this rock formation had all these ridges running across it. These were tiny ridges and they all formed ellipses and there were dozens running off and onto the rock from the surrounding ground, it was like someone went wild with a large compass drawing circles everywhere. I have no idea what they were, but maybe an archaeologist or geologist has come across them elsewhere. One more feature, the reason I know this was an archeaological site is because I found a turquoise head on the ground with it's jaw agape.

                              Btw, if you don't like snakes, I suggest you avoid that area. There were rattlesnakes everywhere. I had to take a good look everytime I walked around, especially at night. God only knows what they fed on since they seemed to far outnumber any other life forms out there. If I was quiet for a while and got up and made some noise, the rattles would go off for hundreds of feet in all directions. I found one little bugger sitting on a nearby rock and held my hand out about a foot away and he struck at me. Gotta watch them youngsters, they latch onto you and they keep pumping the venom.

