Originally posted by Ned
I will repeat. The news report indicated that this is Bush's policy. Apparently, there is some room for discretion in the law.
I will repeat. The news report indicated that this is Bush's policy. Apparently, there is some room for discretion in the law.
Your news source is full of that stuff mentioned above.
This has been US policy for at least 40 or more years. It just doesn't apply to Cubans. It applies to all people found at sea attempting to enter the US illegally. I would venture to guess that President Bush hasn't even given this one a half a thought since taking office. President Clinton allowed the same thing to happen, so did Bush senior, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson and Kennedy. Earlier than that, I don't know, I wasn't around. I am sure, if you strain those gray cells, you can recall hearing of several cases of Chinese people on frieghters returned to China when they were caught. Mexicans found in the backs of trucks, returned and that didn't involve water.
There are certain countries that had/still have excepts. Most communist and former communist countries populace, if they were in the US were allowed to claim political asylum and have it granted no questions asked. There are few of them left. Cuba being the only one that I know still has the auto-grant.
Is this an outdated policy, left over from the days of JFK? Most likely. Does it make sense in light of todays reality? NO, but then neither does the rest of our Cuban policy. Why could we open up trade with Russia, but not with Cuba? The answer is more political than anything else. The fastest way to get Castro out of power is to make his economy so dependant on ours that he craps red, white and blue. Will it happen? Maybe in 10 years or so, but don't bet your 1950 sugar stocks on it.
To put Castro up on the same level as Saddam or the Taliban is simply silly. Yes, Cuba does have WMDs and they have exported some of the tech for it. But they are not in of themselves a direct threat to the US in any way. The Cuban army is in worse shape than even Saddam's was. The US pilots could bomb his bunkers and make it home for supper. His best defense is a set of deep bunkers, set to repel a 1950s style Cuban invasion. We could take out the complete island in a matter of hours. But to what purpose? The plain fact is that Castro doesn't kill thousands every month. His crimes are more of incompentancy than evil. He and his brother aren't running harems were they grab 13-14 year old girls off the street to abuse and rape. Yes he has political prisoners, and yes some get the death penalty. But it isn't whole towns, heck he dosn't have as many to kill off as Saddam and company. He isn't oppressing women any worse than men, he isn't forcing arachic systems (except the government) on the people. His one great achivement in life is thumbing his nose at the US since the time of JFK.
And the one achivement of this thread is to attempt to launch yet another straw dog...