Re: Re: Bush coddles Castro, betrays liberty
Sorry to burst your bubble but this has been US policy since at least the days of JFK. But don't think it just applies to Cubans. It applies to any refuges found trying to enter the US by the sea. If they are found at sea headed for the US, they are returned to the country origin and any makeshift vessel that they might be using is sunk as a navigational hazzard.
Are you too young to remember all the flap over the Haitian refuges? The ones we put in camps at Gitmo before we shipped them back? Have you forgotten about Elian? Have you forgotten that he was taken by Federal troops (which btw had no jurisdiction in a state custidy suit) and return him to Cuba?
We have been doing this for years. The only thing "special" about Cubans is that if them manage to get one foot on American soil before they are caught, they are automatically granted political asylum.
You, and which ever reporter filed the report, need to actually find out about what you are going to say before you make wild and unfounded statements.
Originally posted by oedo
personally resonsible or not, George Bush Senior and any President before him would have never allowed such a thing.
shame on W
personally resonsible or not, George Bush Senior and any President before him would have never allowed such a thing.
shame on W

Are you too young to remember all the flap over the Haitian refuges? The ones we put in camps at Gitmo before we shipped them back? Have you forgotten about Elian? Have you forgotten that he was taken by Federal troops (which btw had no jurisdiction in a state custidy suit) and return him to Cuba?
We have been doing this for years. The only thing "special" about Cubans is that if them manage to get one foot on American soil before they are caught, they are automatically granted political asylum.
You, and which ever reporter filed the report, need to actually find out about what you are going to say before you make wild and unfounded statements.