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Britain's Council Estates, A Solution?

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  • Britain's Council Estates, A Solution?

    Is there even one? Are they effectively becoming day-release prisons for their occupants? And is this what their occupants deserve anyway?

    The bus I catch from Bolton goes through one of the worst five council estates in Salford, the metropolis of Kenyon Way and Madams Wood. A couple of miles of utter social desolation.

    A town has become a no-go zone for buses, leaving vulnerable people to face a dangerous walk home.

    The First bus company has suspended all its services through Little Hulton, Salford, after 6pm because of a wave of vandal attacks.

    Angry residents say "anarchy" by a minority of hooligans has caused major disruption to scores of law-abiding people.

    Gangs of youths have smashed windows of buses with passengers on board. Most attacks have happened in the Madams Wood Road and Kenyon Way areas.

    The First company said they were left with no alternative but to divert service numbers 12, 31, 36 , 37, and 68.
    Council estates never used to be this bad. When home ownership was still a dream for middle-class-aspiring families, council estates provided a home. As prosperity grew, the lower middle class purchased out some of the better (parts of) council estates, partially funded by the government, and left the rest to sink. No problem. Anyone else would do the same.

    So what we are left with is the scum of the earth living in no-go areas, wielding rifles on buses (yes, the one I was on today), bringing on salivating pitbulls (ditto) and creating social unrest for miles around. The spiral of violence leading to poor schools, poor education and a lack of opportunity leads to more violence. Drug-taking and severe alcohol abuse are rife. Vandalism commonplace.

    Of course I'd love it if we could find a couple of terrorists in these estates so America could bomb them to pieces with lots of collateral damage, but the only real solution is more and more effective policing. 3-strikes and you're out. Bring in Rudy. Enlarge our prisons system so it can take twice as much.

    Next, decent apprentice systems for those that have failed education, or vice versa - as in Germany. Not everyone can work with their brains so why is the only possible advancement in this country thorugh intellectual means. Technical schools to push those 14 year olds who obviously don't want to learn into.

    It will be easier to sort out Britain's mess sooner rather than later. Birth rates are much higher amongst council estate dwellers than than elsewhere (no stats yet). The problem will spread and envelop areas around it - already happening.

    (Local) government investment in one area works on the micro scale. it works in that estate. But it just pushes the crap in to other estates, which then sink as well.


  • #2
    The estate I lived on in Southampton during my last year of Uni was pretty nasty. Just walking down the street was dangerous. One of mates finished the year with a metal plate in his jaw after getting beaten up.

    Everybody, including the police, knew who the main trouble makers were. We reported several crimes ourselves, which perhaps contributed to the treatment we received from the locals. Or maybe it didn't, I'm ****ed if I know what they're thinking. All I know is that the police did jack ****.

    The whole thing is a big mess. I have no answers.
    If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


    • #3

      They really do get worse, Bods.

      Who're you going after next? Clowns?


      • #4
        FP, recognise?


        • #5
          I don't care if you think he's trolling Jon, or even if he is trolling... because it's true. I'm spending this week working with 300+ kids (all aged 9 and 10) largely from even worse estates and backgrounds than the one Stew describes. They all have so much energy, so much talent, so much enthusiasm... and yet 75% of them will leave school at 16 with nothing or next to nothing. That's scandalous.
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          • #6
            I have friends and relatives currently living in council estates (and I have previously) and you're a lot closer to being 'scum of the Earth' than they are.


            • #7
              Originally posted by red_jon
              I have friends and relatives currently living in council estates (and I have previously) and you're a lot closer to being 'scum of the Earth' than they are.
              (Not you EIF )


              • #8
                Originally posted by red_jon
                I have friends and relatives currently living in council estates (and I have previously) and you're a lot closer to being 'scum of the Earth' than they are.
                As I said, a lot of decent people live on council estates -usually the better ones that the aspiring-to-be-middle-class haven't left yet. I don't know if it's a worse phenomenon up North. Even Wales is split - North Wales is a ****hole, south Wales ain't too bad.

                Iain, just wait till their hit pube...


                • #9
                  We had 250+ 12 and 13 year olds last week...
                  Visit the Vote UK Discussion Forum!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by *End Is Forever*
                    We had 250+ 12 and 13 year olds last week...
                    The odd thing is, the people that go to places like this aren't usually the people that really need the help.

                    It's no excuse for not helping them, but the main problem with this is that it is underground. I can expect half of those kids will be on the street tonight.


                    • #11
                      Ok, off the top of my head:

                      * Free school meals for every single school student. This will remove the stigma of getting free school meals, and will also have health benefits for all schoolkids.

                      * Super-strict enforcement of school uniforms. Too many neds flout school uniform policy and just wear shellsuits and baseball caps. This sets them apart from the other pupils, creating divisionary cliques. It will also make it more difficult for council estate kids to slip effortlessly between school and truancy.

                      * I agree with Boddingtons that encouraging apprenticeships and skilled manual crafts is a good idea. University should not be alone as the 'acceptable' choice.

                      * Build more stuff to do in council estates. Not pissy community centres, they run the risk of getting torched, stuff that's pretty indestructable, like skate parks and basketball courts.

                      * Often a single family can act as a focus for criminality and social disorder in an area. There should be tough laws that allow such families to be evicted. Where will they go? Bounce them around hostels, deport them, who cares?

                      * Curfews for kids on particularly violent estates.


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sandman
                          Ok, off the top of my head:

                          * Free school meals for every single school student. This will remove the stigma of getting free school meals, and will also have health benefits for all schoolkids.
                          not if they are like school meals here

                          ketchup is a vegetable

                          Jon Miller
                          Jon Miller-
                          I AM.CANADIAN
                          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                          • #14
                            Jeez, school meals aren't that bad. Better than the utter garbage that they're putting into packed lunches these days. Sunny Delight or Dairylea Munchables anyone?


                            • #15
                              They are introducing a scheme into schools now where the kids get a swipe card to pay for meals, parents of kids who don't get free meals can pay money onto the card for their kids. Free meal kids get money on automatically. Has two aims, remove the free meal stigma (everyone has the same card) and reduces theft 'cause you can't steal money off someone elses card.

                              Something needs to be done, throwing teenagers in jail turns them into more efficient criminals with even less chance of becoming productive members of society. Don't know what the answer is but that isn't it.
                              Jon Miller: MikeH speaks the truth
                              Jon Miller: MikeH is a shockingly revolting dolt and a masturbatory urine-reeking sideshow freak whose word is as valuable as an aging cow paddy.
                              We've got both kinds

