During my vacation, I've taken a little bit of interest for the precolonial African empires such as the Ghana/Mali/Songhai, the Ethiopians and the Zulu. (Mind you, I didn't put enough energy into it to actually buy books
I am not talking about Egypt here, but about subsaharian African Civs.
Argguably save for the Zulu, these empires took most of their 'civilised' traits (technology, weaponry, political structure) from the Arabs or other influential mediterranean powers. Even Ethiopia owes its success to its Arab-influenced political structure.
Besides, they almost systematically got their butt spanked by non-African countries or tribes. Heck, even Timbuktu the golden Capitol was unable to defend itself from desert raiders. Sure they have put some resistance to the European all-out invasion, but modern Ethiopia was the only successful African nation against a non-African one ever.
Subsaharian Africans developed their way to the top of the food chain, and had dropped nomadism for a very long time, without any influence from the outside. Tribal wars were many, yet the Africans barely developped tech / efficient political structures by themselves.
How come ?

I am not talking about Egypt here, but about subsaharian African Civs.
Argguably save for the Zulu, these empires took most of their 'civilised' traits (technology, weaponry, political structure) from the Arabs or other influential mediterranean powers. Even Ethiopia owes its success to its Arab-influenced political structure.
Besides, they almost systematically got their butt spanked by non-African countries or tribes. Heck, even Timbuktu the golden Capitol was unable to defend itself from desert raiders. Sure they have put some resistance to the European all-out invasion, but modern Ethiopia was the only successful African nation against a non-African one ever.
Subsaharian Africans developed their way to the top of the food chain, and had dropped nomadism for a very long time, without any influence from the outside. Tribal wars were many, yet the Africans barely developped tech / efficient political structures by themselves.
How come ?