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Name that book!

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  • Name that book!

    When I was 11 or so, I read a fiction story that I liked a lot, but I can't remember the title for the life of me. If any of you know a website that specializes in finding book titles from descriptions, then maybe you could let me know.

    Alternatively, I'm going to summarize the book plot here and maybe one of you immensely well-read people can steer me in the right direction! Even if you don't know what it is, maybe you'll enjoy the story. (I hope.)

    The book is set in a faintly medieval setting, in Britain. The people use swords and shields and ride horses. The story is told by a young man who is elected to be head chieftain by an uneasy and unstable alliance of nearby villages and their chiefs. He marries a woman from another village - she is named Blodwen - and looks forward to his new reign.

    Within two days of his coronation, his chieftains rebel and elect another chief, who takes his wife Blodwen. The deposed king is sent into exile, and he wanders the snow-swept land with only a faithful retainer for his company.

    As he does so, he meets strange, mutated creatures called "polymuffs" that were twisted by some strange magic from long ago. He also mentions that the neverending snow has been particularly bad of late, and talks about myths before the snow began, when England was a green and pleasant land.

    Bit by bit, the reader realizes that this is not a story from the past - it's a story from the future. The whole thing takes place long after an age of machines led to a war that wiped out most civilization and resulted in the permanent winter. Relics of this terrible age still lie around, though much is unuseable.

    The king and his servant stumble across a monastery where the monks take care of them. During this time they receive an artifact called a "Sten gun" which they can use to keep the polymuffs at bay. The king and his servant leave and are thrown once again to the snow.

    After a while, the polymuffs that trail them start to learn how far the Sten gun can fire its bullets. They advance and retreat, waiting for the two humans to run out of ammunition. Eventually, this happens, and the servant prepares to sacrifice himself to the pack of polymuffs in order to save his lord.

    At this juncture, a group of travellers comes across the situation and chase away the polymuffs. They are humans, led by a character named Jok. They take the king and his retainer in, offering them to join their clan.

    In their clan, everything is very harmonious and all things are organized communally. I did not notice this when I first read it, but now I think this tribe may well have been a metaphor for a small communist society. The king is urged to stay with them and contribute to the whole, but he refuses, although he admires their way of life. He still harbors hatred and vengeance for his usurper chieftains, and for his false wife, Blodwen.

    He returns to the monastery and demands that the monks give him more advanced weaponry. I don't remember if they acquiesce or not, but either way he gets cannons and artillery and turns towards his former castle.

    He destroys village after village as he advances with his men (I don't know where these men came from - there must be a bit of the story I've forgotten) and finally are in sight of the castle. The castle sends out its defenses to repulse him, and he arrays his cannons to take them out.

    For some reason, I remember that he is ready to shout out the order to fire, but his throat seems blocked by ice. The enemy knights draw closer and closer, and still he cannot shout. It's only when their first arrows land nearby that he finally gives the order to fire, and the cannon fire annihilates the enemy forces utterly.

    He commands them to advance to firing distance of the castle and then rests for the evening. In bed, he thinks only of killing all of his enemies and burning their bodies, but after he goes to sleep, he dreams of Blodwen and his pillow is wet with tears when he wakes.

    In the morning, the castle sends out a priest from the monastery to see the former king, bearing messages of surrender and the declaration of fealty. But the king is unwilling to accept - he swears to bombard the city into rubble and kill everybody in it. The priest accepts this but puts a pair of binoculars into the king's hands. He says that the king will see the people with his own eyes before he decides to destroy them.

    The king looks through the binoculars and sees people standing on the ramparts and crenellations of the castle, joining hands and singing. Amongst them he sees Blodwen.

    He hands the binoculars back to the priest and is lost awhile in thought. Then he commands his men to stand down - he will spare the city.

    I don't remember how the story ends. I believe the king returns to the city, but I can't remember what becomes of him or how he resolves the remaining issues with his subjects.

    All I recall is that the title has the word "Sword" in it somewhere. When I wrote a book report on the book, I drew a picture of an ornate sword near the top of the page because of this. (I lost the book report, sadly.)

    Does anybody know what this book is called?

    Or does anybody know where I can find out the book's title from this information?

    If you answered no to the above questions then I hope you don't feel bad about reading all that! At least I hope the story synopsis itself was interesting!
    Last edited by Alinestra Covelia; July 26, 2003, 23:17.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

  • #2
    Blowden's Magical Wifeswapping Adventure?


    • #3
      Re: Name that book!

      Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
      As he does so, he meets strange, mutated creatures called "polymuffs" that were twisted by some strange magic from long ago.
      Methinks a 'Poly Muffs' thread would be closed rather quickly.

      What the hell type of book is this?


      • #4
        John Christopher's "The Sword of the Spirits" Trilogy


        • #5
          "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


          • #6
            Hot damn, asleepathewheel, you found it!

            Thanks a lot, man. You are my sci-fi novel hero now!

            This thread can now be closed. I managed to get a useful response after only TWO (2) bloody useless ones and within 11 minutes. For the time taken to find useful information on Poly, this must be something of a record.
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #7
              Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
              Hot damn, asleepathewheel, you found it!

              Thanks a lot, man. You are my sci-fi novel hero now!

              This thread can now be closed. I managed to get a useful response after only TWO (2) bloody useless ones and within 11 minutes. For the time taken to find useful information on Poly, this must be something of a record.

              Don't close it, this can be a testament to me being useful for once

              That trilogy is from the same guy that did the great Tripods trilogy.

              I remember reading those when I was a child. I was so pissed that he gave up his girl and castle. At that age I just wanted him to destroy the whole damn thing.

              edit: I have to change my vote on closing the thread due to the below threadjacks.
              Last edited by asleepathewheel; July 26, 2003, 23:42.


              • #8
                sounds dorky

                next you'll film yourself hopping around like a character from that book


                • #9
                  I like my idea better...


                  • #10
                    it wasn't inventive enough. dorky, too. you ever filmed yourself imitating characters?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ecthelion
                      it wasn't inventive enough. dorky, too. you ever filmed yourself imitating characters?
                      Nope. And you wanna talk dorky, post another pic mate


                      • #12
                        that'd be very "redfern". at least I only post them before meetings.

                        and in pic threads. and...


                        • #13

                          Count your blessings. Someday there will be giant billboards of me. Everywhere.


                          • #14
                            but first comes London. you there?


                            • #15
                              Of course

                              I need to survey the new spot for the giant statue...

