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Anime Apolyton

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  • Anime Apolyton


    It's been a couple months, and Anime Expo has come and gone. Not as many big announcements as expected, so it's likely the studios have been saving up for the upcoming Otakon.

    Still, there has been plenty of news. I'll start off talking with newly announced licenses.

    Viz picked up both the anime and the manga for Hikaru no Go. This one was a bit of a surprise for me. The series was very popular in Japan, and I was expecting the manga to get licensed, but I was not expecting anyone to license the anime.
    This one is a bit unusual for sports anime, in that the focus is on the game of go. Hikaru (yes, the title character) is rooting in his grandfather's attic for something to sell when he finds an old goban (go board). This board turns out to be haunted by Sai, the spirit of a Go player from ancient times, who's pretty much hanging around as a spirit in order to play more go. Unfortunately for him, he can only be seen by Hikaru, who doesn't really have any interest in the game...

    ADV finally formally annouced that they've license Kino's Journey. I've only seen a few episodes of it, but it's one of the few shows that's aired in Japan recently I'm definitely getting when it comes out here.

    Funimation's big announcement at AX was their license of Detective Conan. This is a very popular (and long running) show in Japan. I've never actually seen any of it, so I can't really comment further.

    Bandai has confirmed their license of Banner of the Stars II, and they've even set the release date of the first disc for October. Unfortunately, we'll probably be seeing the same level of translation as the prior two series, which is to say, lots of problems.

    The only other really big news in the anime license is that Pioneer does not have the third Tenchi OVA. They expect the company which does have it to announce soon.

    Moving on to a few recent releases, Alien 9 came out not long ago. Definitely not a show for everyone, but I quite enjoy it. The DVD will leave you hanging, however, so be sure to also get the manga. There are a total of three volumes, two of which have been released in the US so far. CPM is planning a box set of the DVD and all three manga, so if you can wait that might be a good buy. CPM has also licensed the sequel manga, but no release date yet.

    ADV released Voices of a Distant Star recently. Good show, but with one minor problem. There were originally two versions of the voice track done in Japanese; one by the director and his fiance, and one by professional VAs. Someone at the authoring house messed up, and instead included two copies of the latter track. ADV has set up a replacement program, but it's probably best to wait if you care about this.

    ADV also released Sailor Moon series 1 uncut. Fans of the show have been waiting for it for some time now. It's not without problems (in part because of the original studio, Toei Animation), but it definitely isn't what was shown on the air in the US before.

    Cowboy Bebop the movie came out on DVD. Just mentioning it.

    FLCL volume 3 finally came out. SynchPoint continued doing an excellent job on the release, and the show is just as off-the-wall as ever. It's also scheduled to appear on Cartoon Network next month...

    Next month is actually fairly light for new releases in the US. Other than a couple of continuing series, the only noteworthy (to me) title is Haibane Renmei (Careful of the blurb for the second DVD; there's some spoilers there). This one title more than makes up for any other lack of titles, of course. It is being released under the original title, and the first DVD is called "New Feather". Pioneer will also be releasing the soundtrack.
    Just as an aside here, but Yo****oshi ABe was at Anime Expo. Plenty of interesting information from his panel, of course, and he also donated some things to the charity auction. His signed doujins of Haibane (with a little drawing of Rakka saying "charity" on them) did pretty good. What was most impressive was a watercolor he did of Rakka, which was auctioned off for $6,000.

    September gets moving more again, with Infinite Ryvius, Animation Runner Kuromi, Cat Soup, and the end of GTO.

    In other news, ADV has started a manga division. They're starting out with some interesting titles, including the Azumanga Daioh manga and something amusingly titled "Cat ****e One". Yes, that is the real title.

    ADV's also announced that the Anime Network will be moving into 15 new cities, but I don't have a list of which ones yet.

    On the manga side of things, the other big news is that Tokyopop licensed Fruits Basket.

    I mentioned it before, but more news has come out. The same old survey is up for Legend of the Galactic Heroes, but they had a panel at AX that cleared some things up. The price listed there is just the price of the original; they're expecting their release to be in line with US prices.

    This really just leaves what's going on in Japan right now. It's actually pretty quiet. Twelve Kingdoms is still coming out, and it looks like the series will be at least 68 episodes.
    Other than that, the most notable anime currently running is Scrapped Princess. I was a bit worried at first (the whole Soopi-kun running gag), but it's settled into a pretty decent fantasy-ish adventure with fun characters.

    "That's not how you spell genius!"
    -- Washu ("Magical Project S")

  • #2
    another anime fan! w00t!

    Someone need to make an Anime Civ.
    Visit First Cultural Industries
    There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
    Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


    • #3
      How good is Haibane Renmei? I've seen the first episode and the artwork is stunning, and I like how they're not afraid to portray sometimes questionable scenes, but is it more than just rewriting the entire angel myth from another perspective?
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #4
        --"another anime fan! w00t! "

        There's several around here. They just aren't all that communicative sometimes ^_^

        --"How good is Haibane Renmei?"

        Well, it is my favorite series, so I'd say very good. I can't promise you'd love it, of course. People who need action will hate it. If you like slice-of-life shows you should give it a try, though. It isn't one, but it does have a lot of the same general tone.

        It really doesn't have anything to do with the angel myths, either. ABe was asked about how much influence there was on the series by Western religion, and he pretty much said none at all. Their appearance was chosen for aesthetic reasons. Which means that, like most anime, they've got wings because it's cute ^_^
        (Not that he doesn't make good use of them, though. They do serve to highlight how the haibane are set apart, among other things. It's also the only show I've seen that addresses some of the practical issues of the whole people-with-wings motif.)

        There is a real story in there, and it's very character driven. If you like the characters (you should at least have an idea about Reki and Rakka from the first episode), it'd be worth at least borrowing to see.

        I know I'm being vague, but it's a hard series to describe without giving away spoilers. I've never said something like this about a show before, but if I had to use one word to sum it up, I'd use beautiful. And I don't just mean the artwork.

        "You've got pretty wings. Neither white nor black. A pretty gray."
        -- Reki ("Haibane Renmei")


        • #5
          I just watched Grave of the Fireflies. Haven't really seen any other series or films lately.

          Planning on getting Haibane Renmei in a month or two. What's this about CN showing FLCL? That was the other series I was interested in...
          <p style="font-size:1024px">HTML is disabled in signatures </p>


          • #6
            Re: Anime Apolyton

            Originally posted by Wraith
            ...and something amusingly titled "Cat ****e One".
            Awr?? o_O

            Damn, I had something to say and I forgot it.


            • #7
              has anyone yet heard of soul keeper yet?

              care to tell me anything about it?

              it seems to be the most tripped up thing I have ever seen

              (a random episode of Lain makes more sense)

              Jon Miller
              Jon Miller-
              I AM.CANADIAN
              GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


              • #8
                If I didn't mention in one of the other Anime Apolyton threads, I got the Cowboy Bebop movie. Very good, IMHO. I may try the series out when I get the cash. I saw that X is a series, or was before the movie. I have the movie but I'm seriously considering picking up the series as it's only seven(?) episodes. Anyone seen it?


                • #9
                  --"I just watched Grave of the Fireflies."

                  That's a good one. Definitely not a movie for when you need to be cheered up, though ^_^

                  --"What's this about CN showing FLCL?"

                  Next month. Rather sooner than I had though, actually. Looks like they've got it scheduled for August 4th, starting at midnight (ET, PT). It'll be the dub version, of course, but it's a decent dub as far as I've listened to it.

                  --"Awr?? o_O"

                  It's actually an online webcomic.

                  It's sort of a Watership Down meets Vietnam thing. I just had to mention it for the title, which ADV is apparently not going to change. I just wish I could see the looks on retailer's faces when they spot that on the list.

                  --"has anyone yet heard of soul keeper yet?"

                  Heard of it, but haven't seen any of it. From what I've read it's a pretty standard sci-fi story, really.

                  --"I have the movie but I'm seriously considering picking up the series as it's only seven(?) episodes"

                  I've seen a couple episodes of it. I'm pretty sure it's a 26 episode series, but 7 may be all that's out at this point. It seemed okay, but it's a title I'd want to borrow and see more of before buying.

                  "Kids: You do this, YOU DIE."
                  -- ("Just Kidding, Mr. Vampirian")


                  • #10
                    I also watched Spirited Away and was impressed. Very good story and animation. Picked up The Crying Freeman and wished I had saved my six bucks on rental fees. I watched something else, too, about mutants and humans battling each other. Involved a quest to India, bad dialog, and lots of swearing along with a rock soundtrack. Wasn't very good.


                    • #11
                      --"I also watched Spirited Away and was impressed."

                      Anything by Miyazaki is worth a try. There'll be more releases of his films in the US by Disney next year. Looks like Porco Rosso (my favorite) is next on the list.

                      Nausicaa is finally getting an R2 DVD release. Looks like Studio Ghibli is really getting into the extras thing, too. 21,000 yen...

                      Haven't seen Crying Freeman, or even heard much about it. What I have heard is negative, so your comments fit right in.
                      The other doesn't even sound familiar.

                      "Then should "Blue Five" be Jackie Chan or something?"
                      -- Osaka ("Azumanga Daioh")


                      • #12
                        That's a good one. Definitely not a movie for when you need to be cheered up, though ^_^

                        Au contraire, monsieur. After watching the cheez-whiz sentimentality of Laputa: Castle in the Sky, I asked my roommate if I could see the most depressing movie in his collection that was good. And thus I watched GoF, and felt much better after watching some extremely high quality depressing cinema. At least then I had a nice authentic depression, as opposed to the one you get after watching a terrible movie that you can't MST3K.
                        All syllogisms have three parts.
                        Therefore this is not a syllogism.


                        • #13
                          Looks like someone's put the FLCL commercial off of CN online.

                          It's the first one under Newest Downloads. The one with the kid in the blue sweater and the person in the pompadour and the vaguely Elvisy outfit.

                          I've never watched it in the dub version, but I have heard a lot of good things about the dub. It shouldn't be bad. I am kind of curious what kind of editing it'll get. For time, for sure, but there's nothing really straight out objectionable to cut. Lots of innuendo, but nothing explicit.

                          --"At least then I had a nice authentic depression, as opposed to the one you get after watching a terrible movie that you can't MST3K"

                          You have a good point there. I felt something simliar after having to watch Pirates of the Caribbean. Had to come home and watch some Twelve Countries to get rid of that one.

                          "Nothing unusual ever happens here. Only the ordinary."
                          -- Naota ("FLCL")


                          • #14
                            The other doesn't even sound familiar.
                            I'll try to get a name on it tonight or tomorrow so everyone can avoid it in the future.


                            • #15
                              I saw Voices From a Distant Star. I was rather disappointed, but only because of the length. It was so good I wanted much, much more.
                              Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

