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What happened to Zylka?
Hello Mr. Striker,
Thank you for your question, it is not often in this industry that the professionals themselves are case for concern. Yet I assure that you may rest at ease with any further wonder, as this particular year is indeed the last of my first degree - thus it is a suiting time to move on with life.
The stories shared with yourself and others on this website indeed held merit, yet I must stress that those days were not pleasant ones - especially when afforded easy prescription to pretty much any addictive substance at pharmaceutical grade and price. Luckily I, like many doctors before me - was given not only the most of unbiased professional help; but went into the dilemma with fit knowledge of what I was doing to myself and why I needed to stop.
It is of utmost importance to realize that there is more to life than simply hanging out at all girl junior high schools during exit time and maintaining stimulant labs in one's own bathtub. In fact - did you know that one of the key precursors and aids to many such stimulants is ethyl ether; a gas that is heavier than air? If this gas escapes, it will creep around about your feet, building up higher and higher and ready to set violently aflame with contact upon any bunson burner or non sparkless motor. This is why gasses generally can't be trusted in the scientific community, and are being scheduled as controlled substances at a justly increasing rate.
I hope this answers some of your questions, and feel free to any time approach myself with medical concerns; I am, after all - here to help you people.
Originally posted by Zylka
It is of utmost importance to realize that there is more to life than simply hanging out at all girl junior high schools during exit time and maintaining stimulant labs in one's own bathtub.
I hope this answers some of your questions, and feel free to any time approach myself with medical concerns; I am, after all - here to help you people.
We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln
Originally posted by Azazel
his signature says he's only in his 4th year in medical school. I don't think that's nearly enough for an MD. it takes 7 years here.
Anyway, I never previously heard that that he wants to, plans to, or about to become a doctor."I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!
Originally posted by Azazel
really? that's weird...."I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!