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Something for you pen and paper RPG-ers....

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  • Something for you pen and paper RPG-ers....

    Was going through some old files today (slow day at the office, and this sort of thing amounts to my version (late, of course) of "spring cleaning."

    Anyway, with the rise of the PC, I realize that the numbers of pen and paper RPGers have thinned out a good bit, but what the Hell....perhaps someone will put the following to good use.

    As to the following, it's proof positive that I'm a compulsive writer. I HAVE TO write stuff down. Everything. And what follows stems from one of the numerous games I ran while in college (16 in all during HS and college, with these notes being from one of the last).


    Barron Dhanzler’s Magius Exotica

    What follows is a collection of various items and oddities that Dhanzler has discovered during his wanderings in the Lands of Empricol. As Realms go, Empricol is a tiny place, not home to a great number of truly well-known or revered heroes. Because of its relative isolation from other (and more heavily traveled) planes, Empricol has generated a greater than normal percentage of magical items and spells that are unique to her borders, a goodish number of which appear in the pages that follow. Read and enjoy, and may your players always scratch their heads in amazement.... :-) -BD.

    ****Item Category**** Amulets

    Amulet of Chaos: This amulet works unreliably at best, but those who choose to wear them, swear by them. Any time a character suffers massive damage from a single blow (consider massive damage to be 25% of total hit points or 20 points, whichever is the lesser of these), roll d% and consult the following table:

    01-05: Double the amount of damage sustained
    06-45: Absolutely nothing happens.
    46-75: The creature who inflicted the damage upon you takes a like amount of damage with you.
    76-95: You take no damage from the attack & your opponent takes that same amount of damage.
    96-00: Any damage done to you is added to your hp total instead, and the opponent who inflicted the damage upon you takes double damage.

    Amulet of Infinite Spells: This rare item is a prize indeed. All spells which cast at the Wearer have their normal effect, but they also serve to charge up the Amulet. Put one charge counter into the Amulet for each spell level that affects the Wearer. Charges may then be spent to instantly recall one spell, so long as that spell is in the wearer’s spell book. If the spell had been memorized at some point in the preceding 24 hours, then the cost to “re-learn” that spell is one charge per spell level. If the spell has been out of memory for longer than that time, the cost is 2 charges per spell level. The amulet attunes itself to the person who puts it on, and that person MAY NOT remove the device save for a Wish spell. Spells which do not specifically target the wearer (e.g., fireball) still serve to charge it up. (The deciding factor here is “does the spell effect the Wearer?” If the answer is yes, then charges are added. If no, they are not). No one knows the precise number of “charges” the amulet can hold (somewhere between 20-30), but what IS known for certain is that, if the maximum number of charges is exceeded, the Amulet will explode, causing 3 pts. Of damage per charge it contains to the Wearer, 2pts. Per charge to all those within 5’ of the Wearer, and 1pt. Per charge to everyone 5-10’ in distance. There is no saving throw to avoid this damage.

    Amulet of Stone: This frankly ugly and unassuming medallion is highly prized for one reason. Those who wear it are VERY hard to hurt. The amulet acts as a modified “Stone Skin” spell, protecting the wearer from all damage caused by physical attacks. When found, these amulets will typically have 4d8 (4-32) “Charges” in them. Every time the character is hit hard enough to cause damage, no damage is sustained, and a charge is burned. When all charges are gone, the item simply goes inert, and at that point, makes a really good pet rock.

    Amulet of Useful Magicks: Created under the assumption that low level Magicks are oftentimes among the most useful, this wonderful little item can store low-level spells. The amulet can only store first and second level spells, but it can store up to 12 levels of them! Any spells released from the Amulet are treated as having a casting time of one (1). When these Amulets are found, they will typically have 2-8 (2d4) levels of spells inside.

    Assassin’s Amulet: This devastating device has no combat application at all, but in situations where time is not a factor, it is almost the perfect weapon. Wearing it, you need but focus on your intended victim and never let him or her leave your sight. That person will begin to lose one hit point each turn, and begin to feel very tired. Drained. They will lose a point of Strength and Dexterity every hour, and a point of Wisdom every two hours. If they leave your line of site, these effects will reverse themselves at a rate of 1 pt. Per round.....quick enough that the person will know without a doubt that they were under some kind of magical attack. If the person should die, there will be absolutely no trace of the cause of death.

    Heartstone: Another amulet, this one fashioned of silver fittings and ruby stones, arranged in a heart shape. It is the corollary to the Amulet of Stone, in that it negates all damage done by non-physical attacks (i.e., a fireball). Any such attack will burn one charge off of this item, and reduce damage to zero. Like its first cousin, it will typically be found with 4d8 charges in it.

    ****Item Category****Figurines

    Daern’s Instant Porta-John: Brought to you by the same guy that created Daern’s Instant Fortress, this was one of the pre-cursors to it, created while he was but an’s functionality and usefulness are entirely self-evident.

    Laurana’s Laughing Leprechaun: This tiny figurine stands every bit of two inches high. It is ornately carved of sandstone and painted with bright colors. When set upon the ground and the command word spoken, the figuring animates, becoming a humanoid approximately 3’ tall (and strongly resembling an overgrown Leprechaun). Despite its smallish size, it is extremely loud, and it’s laughter and insulting gestures act as a Taunt spell to all opponent’s within 30’. The Leprechaun itself is very quick (AC 0), and has 20 Hit Points. If it is reduced to zero hit points, the item must save vs. Crushing blow to avoid destruction. (No modifiers for this item). If the save is successful, it will revert to statuette form until a “Mending” spell is used to repair the damage done to it (A “Mending” spell will restore d8 of the Figurine’s Hit Points). If an attempt is made to activate the item and the Leprechaun’s hit points are zero or less, the item simply crumbles to dust. The item may be called on up to three times in a 24 hour period (and will remain in active form for no longer than three turns at a time), with each usage requiring an 8 hour recharge time.

    Toy Soldier: These miniature soldiers come in all shapes and sizes, and are made from a variety of materials. They range in size from two to ten inches, and regardless of what they are made from, the level of detail in them is always striking. They look almost lifelike. And when the toy soldiers are set upon the ground and the command word spoken, the “toys” grow to Dwarven-Sized Warriors (about 4’10”) in a single round. Consider them as 3rd level fighters, under the direct control of the item owner and will do as directed, assisting with an attack or defense. They remain in this form for up to an hour, or as long as there are enemies in their line of sight, whichever is the shorter of the two. The Soldiers cannot speak, but they can understand simple commands (and as such, can be directed to attack a specific enemy, coordinate attacks, etc.). They have no skills beyond combat, and in the absence of enemies, they will revert to form in one turn. The soldiers will vary in Armour and Weapons but a typical soldier is detailed below:

    AC 5
    HP 17
    Damage: d8

    If the soldiers are “slain” they must make a save vs. Crushing blows (with a +2 modifier) to avoid being destroyed. If they make their save, they revert back to figurine form and cannot be used again until they are mended via the Mending spell. This spell acts as a cure light wounds upon the soldiers, healing d8 points of damage they had previously received. There is a button on the back of each soldier which enables the owner of the item to reset the command word. Simply press the button and whisper the new word into the soldier’s ear. In this way, if several soldiers are owned, they can all be set to the same command word. If the soldiers change hands, they will not work for 48 hours (it takes them that long to attune themselves to their new owner). And they can only be used a maximum of three times per day.

    ****Item Category**** Globes

    Globes: Magical Globes come in all different varieties. They are fragile, but potent items of magic. Several of the more commonly seen types are detailed below. As to appearance, globes are approximately 6” in diameter and filled up with all sorts of different stuff. They are (generally) designed to be hurled at an opponent and they shatter on impact.

    Globe-Grenade: These explosive devices are highly sought, though they can be as hazardous to the person carrying them as they are to their targets. These globes explode violently on impact, causing 4d4 damage to all creatures within a 5’ radius. You don’t have to be a good shot with these things, just throw and watch the festivities.

    Globe-Trotter: One of the only re-usable types of globes. These little gems actually have a map etched onto the surface of the globe. These globes float at chest level to whomever owns them and can travel with the user at a speed of up to 10”. Touching a location on the map and speaking a command word will teleport the user to that location, though some of the sand inside the globe will drain out when this happens. There is enough “sand” in the globe to allow for 8d10 such uses, after which time, it’s a pretty souvenir, and that’s about it (though even when empty, it still floats). The globe can only teleport one person and up to five hundred pounds of non-living matter. The globes can contain maps of any scale, and have been found ranging from planet-wide to a single, very exclusive neighborhood....go figure.

    Globe of Glittering: Has the same effect as the Dust of Dazzling. In fact, it’s probably Dust of Dazzling, shoved inside a hollow glass ball.

    Globe of Glowing: Another “floaty-globe” (see Globe Trotter). These provide soft white illumination. Some rare globes have been found to provide light of a different, or even slowly changing colors, but these were mostly designed by hippie mages. There are rumors even of something called a lava globe (also designed by a hippie mage), but so far, none of these have been found. The light can be adjusted by command to serve as mood lighting, a night light, or a reading lamp, but no brighter than that. It can also be ordered up to 20’ from the owner.

    Globe of Green Goop: This globe is dangerous indeed. It contains a derivative of Green slime, and as such, when it hits, it begins to immediately corrode whatever it lands on, causing all items to save vs. Acid every round and also causing 2-5 (d4+1) points of damage per round. It is not green slime per se, and has only a short life span when exposed to open air. It will last for 2-5 (d4+1) rounds after breaking. Needless to say, anybody affected by this stuff isn’t gonna be doing anything but hopping around and trying to get it off.

    Globe of Pain: This globe contains scorpions, kept in some kind of stasis until the globe shatters. Like the Grenade, you don’t have to be a particularly good shot with this one. Of course, a heavily armoured person won’t find much trouble, but almost everyone else will. The scorpions aren’t picky either, so if you drop this one, they’ll be more than happy to loose their venom on careful! (Game effects: Consider that there are approximately a dozen scorpions in the globe. Anybody in a 3’ radius is all but guaranteed to get stung, probably repeatedly. This will only cause 1-4 points of damage (figure one point per sting), but it will also cause 2pts of damage per round until something is done! (Lancing, sucking the poison out, etc.). To a maximum of one turn! (20 pts)(more than enough to kill a normal human) Additionally, since the toxin is so fast acting, victims of this device will begin to suffer the effects immediately. Due to swelling, pain and disorientation, anyone so affected will suffer a -2/-2 penalty on all combat rolls, and will automatically lose initiative. If left untreated in some way, the penalties will not subside for a full week, and additionally, the person so affected will not get any strength or dexterity bonuses he normally would be entitled to.

    Vermin Globe: This globe releases tiny mites upon impact, which grow into a horde of rats! Invariably, these creatures are ravenous, and will crawl over/chew on whatever they happen to be close to. Collectively, this horde has an ac of 6 and will withstand 20 points of damage before disbanding. They do not need to make a “to hit” roll (there are so many of them, one of them will surely hit anyway, and will inflict 1-4 points of damage per round. For every point of damage inflicted there is a cumulative % chance that some kind of disease will be contracted. Tally the damage totals and check each round, adding the previous round’s total to the last. Check until a disease is contracted, or until the effected parties are dead. Note that the vermin swarm is not very fast 6” and can likely be outrun unless released into a confined space, and the smoke from several (4+) torches will disband them, so it is useful, but not devastatingly so. (As to maximum number affected, the horde will have its effect on anyone within a 10’ radius of where it lands).

    Escape Globe: This handy little tool has a couple of different effects, all designed with your escape in mind. Simply toss it down and run like hell, the globe will do the rest. First, it creates a thick, billowing shroud of fog (equal to the spell of the same name, and lasting d4+1 rounds, unless dissipated by some other means), useful for concealing which way you’ve headed. Next, it creates a zone of silence in a five foot radius from the point of impact. This silence lasts only 2 rounds, but that should be enough time for you to be long gone. Third, at the moment of impact, it produces a really brilliant flash of light, causing all those looking at you to save vs. Magic or be blinded for 1-2 rounds, again, giving you time to get away. Finally, if anyone recklessly charges through the fog after you, they’ll find the caltrops that were inside the globe, and it’ll cost them d4+1 of their hit points as well! All in all, a very handy tool to carry with you!

    (to be continued....)
    Last edited by Velociryx; July 9, 2003, 14:04.
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.

  • #2
    ****Item Category**** Gloves, Gauntlets, and Bracers

    Bracers of Blazing Bolts: A pair of Rustic, intricately carved arm bands. When worn, these mystic bands become weapons in their own right. The Bracers may be activated individually or separately, with the following effects:

    Left Bracer only: A shield springs up for the round. Treat this as a +3 Shield which can block up to three melee attacks during the course of a single round. It will move and shift to defend even from rear or flank attacks. The shield will also block Magic Missile attacks, but after doing so, it winks out for the rest of the round.

    Right Bracer only: A ray of bluish light springs from the Wearer’s hand. Treat this light as +3 weapon with a speed factor of 3 (effectively zero, with the weapon bonuses). All rolls “to hit” with this weapon are made on the Wearer’s normal hit table, or as a 6th level Warrior, whichever is more advantageous. If a hit is scored, damage is 2d4+3 (regardless of the size of the creature) (Strength bonuses DO apply).

    Both Bracers Together: A bolt of golden light shoots out with a maximum range of 60 yards. Treat this light as a +3 missile for purposes of determining a hit, rolling on the Wearer’s standard combat table (or as a 6th level fighter, whichever is more advantageous). If a hit is scored, the bolt will do 3d4+3 points of damage and cause the creature hit to have to save vs. RSW or be stunned for d4 rounds.

    Gloves of Ambi-dexterity: These simple leather fighting gloves are highly prized by anyone who makes their living by the sword. Simply put, fighting Florentine while wearing these gloves causes no penalties whatsoever. If worn by a Rogue or Ranger, the gloves actually grant a +1 bonus on the “to hit” roll for each hand.

    Gloves of Surgical Precision: If a Thief dons these gloves, he immediately gains a +40% increase to his Open Locks Percentage, and a +20% chance for Finding and Removing Traps. Bards who don the gloves get these percentages (halved) and may begin increasing these skills as they gain levels. No other character classes receive any sort of benefit from the gloves.

    ****Item Category**** Incense

    Incense: These magical smells are rather similar to potions in their effects, but they will impact a larger number of people (generally, anyone within 10’ of the burner). The magic comes from the incense itself, and not from the burner, so any kind of burner may be used (even a rock....just whatever’s handy). The size of incense sticks will vary, but there will be sufficient quantity to burn for 1-6 turns. In terms of the length of effect, generally it will be one hour per turn burnt.

    Incense of Capitulation: Light this and lock it into a room with a prisoner. Come back in a little while. You’ll find him MUCH more cooperative! (Game Effect: Wisdom (and thus the willpower to resist the questioner) is reduced by two points per turn of exposure. Duration is 1 hour per turn of exposure).

    Incense of Bravery: Gather your friends around and sniff a little of this! You’ll find your henchmen and hirelings are 15% more loyal during the effects of this stuff, and everybody will get a +1 bonus on damage rolls! :-) (Burning for one turn is sufficient to activate this effect).

    Incense of Healing: Fire up one or more of these babies before drifting off to sleep and you’re good to go. Everybody in the radius gets 1 hp per turn, per stick burned. How’s that for instant healing?! Beats the HELL out of Vicks Vapor rub!

    Incense of Invulnerability: Another good “lets all sniff something before the fight” item. This incense grants all those in the area of effect +2 Hit points per turn of exposure, and -1 on their armour classes per two turns of exposure (drop all fractions). Also, during the duration of this stuff, all affected parties will find themselves regenerating at a rate of 1 hp per 2 rounds. Good stuff!

    Incense of Poison Leeching: Simply breathing in these fumes will act as a “slow poison” spell, but continued exposure will actually counteract the poison. There are no hard and fast rules here (but of course, it is better to overestimate than to underestimate). In general, it takes one turn’s exposure to neutralize a mild poison, and up to two hours (two complete sticks) to neutralize the very worst poisons.

    ****Item Category****Misc. Items

    Daern’s Instant Rice: Another of Daern’s early creations. Just put the little pouch into a pot with some water, boil for five minutes and let stand.....a one ounce packet will feed six, and provide sufficient nourishment that nothing else need be eaten that day.

    Dust of Dazzling: This ordinary looking sand is used by placing it onto the palm of the hand and blowing it gently toward your enemies. From “your side” the dust appears very pretty and glittery, but that’s about it. From “your opponent’s side,” however, it is breath-stealing. Thousands of sparkling colors and patterns dance about in the dust, causing all viewing it from “the other side” to save vs. Magic at -2 or stand stunned and watching. The dust lingers in the air for 2-5 (d4 + 1) rounds, and those affected by the display are stunned for an additional two rounds beyond that. Even those who make their saves still fight at a -2/-2 penalty due to the distraction value.

    Goblet of Proof Against Poison: These goblets are quite rare, and highly prized by Kings and other peers of the Realms. The goblets not only neutralize any poison put in them, but if the person drinking from the goblet was affected by poison from any other source, that person is entitled to another saving throw to negate the effects of the poison, and this second save is made with a +2 modifier. The goblets are not uniform in fact, only two have been found that look alike, and that matched set resides in the palace of the lord of Cerilon.

    Headband of Uncanny Ability: This headband magnifies 1-4 (d4) existing skills possessed by the wielder. The skills magnified are selected randomly, and the amount of the increase in skill is as follows:

    1 Ability = +8 (or +40%)
    2 Abilities = +4 (or +20%) each
    3 Abilities = Two abilities at +3 (or +15%) each, and one ability at +2 (or +10%)
    4 Abilities = +2 (or +10%) each

    The abilities that may be affected are: Any proficiency. Any thief skill. Any talent associated with a particular character ability (i.e., “bend bars and lift gates”). Note that this headband does not alter ability scores in any way, it merely grants a heightened percentage chance to perform one (or one to four)specific feat(s). Note that if a one or a two is rolled, the skills affected will NEVER be weapon skills, though no one knows quite why this is....

    Horn of Obedience: Sounding this horn will cause all enemies within 30 of the wielder to make a save vs. Spell or come under the influence of the horn’s magic. (Note that if the horn is sounded by someone with musical proficiency, the save is made at -1, and if sounded by a bard of any level, the save is at -4). The horn may be sounded to cause any of the following to occur:

    Stop: All persons failing their save will immediately stop what they are doing. No attacks will be made, spells being cast will fizzle. This effect will cause creatures so affected to take no action for d4+1 rounds unless attacked. This sound may be effected up to twice per day.

    Die: Will not actually kill anyone, but the creatures who miss their saves will fall to the floor unconscious for d4+1 rounds. An attack made against them will wake them up immediately. This sound may be effected only once per day.

    Flee: Will cause all opponents missing their saves to flee in utter panic for d4+1 rounds. This sound may be effected only once per day.

    Dance: Causes opponent’s failing their saves to stop what they’re doing and dance around for as long as the player keeps playing. In addition to looking utterly ridiculous, this strenuous dancing will cause 1 hp of damage per round to anyone who was wounded prior to sounding the horn (as the wounds are aggravated and re-opened). Additionally, persons dancing “lose” one point of constitution per turn as they wear out. When they hit zero, they pass out from exhaustion. (The player may sound the horn for one turn per point of constitution, and then must make a constitution check every turn thereafter with a cumulative -1 penalty). Lost constitution points are not really lost, and return at the rate of one per hour. This effect may only be used once per week by a non-bard, once per day by a bard.

    ****Item Category**** Rings

    Gambler’s Ring: Anyone donning this ring automatically gets the Gaming proficiency. If the character already has the gaming proficiency, then checks are made at +2. If a Rogue character puts the ring on AND has the gaming proficiency, checks are made at +4. While no one can say for certain how many of these rings exist, they have surely made more than a few reputations throughout the Realms.

    Ring of Compatible Magicks: These rings vary greatly in appearance and function. The one thing they all have in common though, is the fact that the spells they contain and allow the wielder to make use of are devastatingly effective when used together. Some examples that have been unearthed so far are detailed below:

    Fun with Rocks:
    1x per day, the ring allows the wielder to lay down a hail of stones as per a 12th level Mage (12d3 damage to all within the area of effect). Each use requires 12 hours to “recharge” itself.
    1x per day, the ring allows the wielder to cast Stoneshape (and if you’ve just done a hail of stone, there are LOTS of rocks just lying about). The stones could be shaped into manacles to hold your opponents fast, or pretty much any other thing you could dream up. Each use requires 12 hours to “recharge.”

    Cold then Hot:
    2x per day, the ring allows the casting of Chill Metal
    2x per day, the ring allows the casting of Heat Metal
    Both of these are cast at 12th level ability and each use takes 12 Hours to recharge. If metal is subjected to Chill, and immediately thereafter subjected to Heat, that item must save vs. Crushing blow at -2 or shatter due to stress. (Not to mention the fact that whoever happens to be in the armour will likely be in pretty bad shape!)

    Ring of Illusionary Mastery:
    2x per day, the ring allows the casting of Phantasmal Force
    1x per day, the ring allows the casting of Improved Phantasmal Force
    3x per day, the ring allows the casting of Audible Glamer
    All the ingredients are here for a whole string of highly effective illusions, all cast at 12th level ability. All you need to provide is a bit of imagination. Again, any power used from the ring will be unavailable for 12 hours while it recharges.

    Ring of the Master Thief:
    2x per day Spider Climb
    2x per day Silence (1’ personal radius, travels with that person)
    2x per day Invisibility
    Again, all spells are treated as having been cast by a 12th level mage, and all are subject to the 12 hour recharge time frame.

    Roach Motel:
    1x per day: Stone Shape
    1x per day: Cloudkill
    Especially effective in a dungeon setting......trap your prey and squeeze the only exit nearly shut with stoneshape....goodnight! As always, treat these as being cast by a 12th level mage, with each use requiring 12 hours to recharge.

    1x per day: Blade Barri
    1x per day: Invisibility
    EEK! Watch that first step! It’s a doozy and then some! Once more, each use requires 12 hours to recharge itself, and each is considered to have been cast at 12th level ability.

    2x per day: Smoky Form
    2x per day: Wind Breath
    In case you just really would rather not deal with someone....As per all the others in this set, each usage requires 12 hours to recharge, and is considered to have been cast by a 12th level Mage.

    (to be continued....)
    Last edited by Velociryx; July 9, 2003, 14:03.
    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


    • #3
      If you say so.
      "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


      • #4
        ****Item Category****Shields and Armour

        Anti-Magic Shield: This tiny buckler carries with it no plusses or ac benefits of any kind, other than the fact that it is a shield (and despite its small size, it can be used to block up to three melee attacks per round), but it remains one of the most highly prized devices in all the Realms. Any spell which targets only the shield bearer is sucked into the shield with no effect whatsoever on the shield bearer. Record the level of the spell, and consider the shield to have that number of storage counters in it. Storage counters may be removed from the shield at a rate of 0-2 per round, with each counter so removed granting a +1 Bonus in any of the following ways:

        +1 on your next “To Hit” Roll
        +1 on your next “Damage” Roll
        -1 on your AC for the next combat round
        Regenerate 1 HP of damage
        +1 on a savingthrow or ability check

        No one knows for certain how many storage counters these devices can hold, but the “best guess” is somewhere between 20-30. All that is known, is that if the amount is ever exceeded, the device stops functioning permanently.

        Spells with multiple targets: Spells such as fireball (which affect those in a given area, and do not specifically target a single person) still affect the shield bearer, but at -1 per die. They are in no way sucked into the device, and do not add storage counters to it. Also note that the Shield Bearer cannot be healed by a curative Magicks. (Ex.: A cure light wounds spell is cast on the Shield Bearer. The spell is sucked into the shield, and the Bearer gets to disperse one storage counter (which he could use to regenerate a point of damage, or whatever else). The shield may not be removed, save by a Wish spell. Even if the storage counter limit is exceeded, and the items goes inert, a wish is still required to remove it.

        Badwall: (Unique) Rumored to have been forged at the furnace of Lone Crag before that Citidel’s destruction, Badwall has turned up all over the Realms in the hands of a great number of Warriors over the years. It’s first appearance in modern times was at the Battle of NorthRidge, where Jerim HuntingHand, of the Red Spears Mercenary Company arrived of the field of battle bearing it. Thirteen winters later, Jerim vanished from a Whalen’s Warf, in East Gate, and the shield went missing with him. It has turned up sporadically since then, but its current whereabouts are unknown. The shield itself is an unassuming (ugly even) device, constructed of badly scarred oak and brass. Despite its rather unsightly appearance however, it is a stout defensive item. First, it is able to block up to four melee attacks per round. Second, it confers a +3 Bonus to AC. Third, it grants a +1 Bonus to all saving throws except saves vs. Poison. Once per day, the shield may be called upon to invoke a “Feather Fall” as per a 6th level caster. Finally (and most dramatically), the shield can actually be used to deflect missile attacks and turn them aside (up to and including stones from a catapult). Only one such missile can be blocked per round (though numerous attempts may be made, until one succeeds), and this does not count against the four melee attacks per round that can be blocked. To determine if a missile is blocked, use the following system:

        If the missile is aimed at you, and your opponent rolls high enough to hit, make a save vs. BW (at -4) and the missile is deflected. (If the missile has any +’s to hit, these are counted as -’s to your saving throw).
        If the missile is aimed at another: First, a Dexterity check must be made to see if you are able to intercept the flight path of the missile (no attacks may be made this round, as you are focusing entirely on defense). If the Dexterity check is successful, simply make the aforementioned saving throw and the missile is considered blocked. Many times in the past, the Bearer of “The Wall” has been seen on the battlements of some town protecting buildings from catapult stones or burning oil.

        Shield of Confusion: This shield operates as a +2 Device, capable of fending off up to three melee attacks per round. Additionally, up to twice per day, the item may be called upon to create 2-5 (d4+1) mirror images of the wielder (Treat these as though cast by a 6th level caster for duration purposes). Each use of this ability requires 12 hours after the last image fades before it is considered to be “recharged.”

        ****Item Category**** Swords and other weapons

        Arrows of Masterful Support: These arrows are considered +1/+1 for purposes of determining a hit or miss, however, if they have been taken around and “introduced” to the members of your adventuring party, if the arrow misses its intended target, it will swerve so as to intentionally miss anyone it has been introduced to. This can be “reset” (such that the arrow does not swerve to miss anyone), by speaking a command word to the arrows. They are typically found in bundles of 4d6.

        Dagger of Wounding: This handy little jewel can morph itself into a buckle knife on command (to make it easy to hide). It is a +2/+2 Weapon. Each time it does damage to an opponent, that opponent suffers one point of damage per round until he stops to bind that wound. Also note that it is a terrific weapon to use Florentine, as it’s bonus “to hit” cancels out the penalty for fighting that style.

        DoomSong Battle Axe: These “Full-Heart” War Axes have a menacing quality to them indeed. In addition to being fine weapons (+3 to hit/+2 Damage), they have been imbued with Illusionary Magicks such that any time a person or creature is wounded by the wielder of the axe, he must save vs. Spells or come to see the wielder as his doom. The person/creature gets a -1 adjustment (non-cumulative) for every three points of damage caused. Failure means that the person/creature struck by the axe reacts as though a Fear spell has been successfully cast on him. The axe makes a ferocious hissing noise when it is swung.

        Shock Blade: This sword is much prized for its ability to inflict significant amounts of damage during key points of a combat. Basically, it is a weapon (generally of +2 caliber) with the ability to generate a “shocking grasp” effect up to three times in any 24 hour period. In addition to the weapon’s normal damage, when this power is activated, it will cause d8+6 points of additional damage. When the “shock charge” is activated (usually by mental command), the blade will crackle and glow with a faint bluish light. The charge remains active for up to four rounds, and if no hit has been scored by that time, it will dissipate. As with most weapons of this type in the Realms. Each use of this ability requires a 12 hour recharge period.

        Swords of Doom: Actually, this applies to any type of weapon with this enchantment overlaid on it. It functions as a “regular” magical weapon, with one important difference. At any time, the wielder may choose to give up one level’s worth of experience points (and the level that went along with it), in exchange for the soul of his opponent. The decision must be made before the “to hit” roll is made. Level loss is calculated before the roll is made, and if the wielder hits his opponent, that opponent dies. No save. End of story. These types of swords will function either 7, 9, or 13 times (determined in secret by the DM), and when the last life is taken by the weapon, it will shatter into thousands of pieces.

        Swords of Life-Leeching: These blades are quite rare, and highly prized. They are +2/+2 weapons with a singular special power. Upon command, and no more than a total of three rounds in a 24 hour period, all damage done by the sword is doubled, and half of that total is added back to the wielder’s Hit Point total). If this puts the wielder above his normal hp total, treat those points as “phantom” hp, and take damage from them first. These phantom hit points remain for 12 hours, and then begin to dissipate at the rate of 1 hp per hour. The command to “Leech” must be made before any dice are rolled.

        Swords of the Master: These blades come in all shapes and sizes, but they differ from “regular” magical swords in one important aspect. These blades were designed with artistry and flair in mind, and for the purposes of determining whether a “called shot” hits or misses, these blades all have an additional +4 (20%) bonus (note that this is not a combat or damage bonus! In fact, it is conceivable that the character will never even know he/she HAS one of these weapons, but if they discover it, they’ll think you’re wonderfully subtle!)

        ****Item Category**** Tassles and Charms

        Tassles: These are leather thongs with beads and feathers attached to them. They are semi-permanent magic items, generally functioning with some lesser benefit for a time, until fulfilling a greater purpose, and then becoming inert. Tassel effects are cumulative with one another, so that many may be worn together.
        Charms: Charms are Runic Stones and other small objects which are generally kept in a small pouch at the belt or around the neck (A Gris Gris Bag, would be an example of a Charm). Like tassles, charms are semi-permanant in nature, warding off a specific type of danger or attack as their primary function, and then “burning out” to perform some greater purpose.

        Charm of Undead Warding: This charm grants the Wearer a +1 AC Bonus specifically vs. Undead creatures for as long as the charm is worn next to the skin (almost always worn about the neck). The first time the Wearer is struck by a level or life draining attack from an undead, the attack is nullified and the Charm burns out.

        Deathstroke Charm: This charm does nothing at all until the character wearing it suffers a wound which would reduce him to zero or fewer hit points. At that time, the damage caused by the wound is reduced to zero, and the character gains 4 hit points. The charm then burns out.

        Charm of Swimming: For as long as this charm is worn, the Character in question gains the swimming proficiency (if the character already has this, then all checks made against it are at a +1 bonus). On command, the Charm can be used to cast “Water Breathing,” with a duration as per a 7th level caster, then the charm burns out.

        Charm of Resistance: This charm grants a +1 bonus to all saves regarding charm-type spells (friends, charm person, etc). Upon command, the charm can be used to cast “Charm Person” or “Friends” (targets of the spell get a -2 modifier to their saves). The charm then burns out.

        Charm of Tolerance: This charm enables the wearer to consume vast quantities of alcohol or other relatively mild drugs without noticeable impact or impairment. One time, the charm will completely neutralize any poison the wearer is exposed to. After that, the charm burns out.

        Charm of Celerity: This charm grants its wearer a -1 bonus to all initiative rolls. Once, the charm may be used to cast haste on the wearer only, with a duration as per a 7th level caster. Then the charm burns out.

        Tassel of Good Fortune: While worn, the wearer’s Charisma increases by one (1). This benefit lasts until the wearer is caught doing something he/she should not be doing. At that time, should the wearer try to explain his/her way out of the situation, add +5 (25%) to the chance of success, and the item becomes inert.

        Tassel of Wisdom: While worn, the wearer’s Wisdom increases by one(1). This benefit lasts until the wearer fails a save against his wisdom. Re-roll that check, this time adding a +5 (25%) bonus to the wearer’s roll. The item becomes inert after this.

        Tassel of Strength: Guess what this does? (If you guessed +1 Strength (+10% on the exceptional table), you’re a genius) And the first time the wearer misses a bend bars/lift gates roll, re-roll it, adding a 25% chance to his success. Then the item goes inert.

        Tassel of Agility: guessed it. A +1 Dexterity bonus. This is in effect until the wearer misses a Dexterity related check. When he does, re-roll the check, adding a +5 (25%) bonus. The item goes inert after that.

        Tassel of the Ancients: Very rare Tassels that give a +1 Intelligence bonus. This is also one of the few Tassels that is completely permanent.

        Tassel of Fortitude: A plus one Constitution bonus, for as long as it’s worn. At any point the wearer can will the amulet to stop working. When he does this, he gets the following benefits over the next week:

        +8 Hit Points
        If death occurs during this week, % chance of resurrection is 100%
        Wearer needs only 1 hour of sleep per night during the week in question
        Wearer needs only drink a quart of water a day for sustenance during the week in question
        Wearer CANNOT be tortured. It would be totally ineffective. The wearer’s mind would simply reject and block it out. After the week is over, everything reverts back to normal, and the tassel is inert.

        Tassel of the Serpent: This ward grants its wearer a +2 bonus with regards to saves versus poison. The first time such a roll fails, re-roll it, granting a +5 bonus, then the tassel becomes inert.

        Tassel of Storing: These tassels serve as vessels for spells. Because of the nature of a Tassel, it is NOT a stable storage medium, therefore, a tassel may only store a total of six levels of spells over the course of its life before becoming inert. These tassels are generally found by themselves, but now and again, a grouping will show up (see below):

        01-75: One (1) Tassel found
        76-85: Two (2) Tassels found together
        86-95: Three (3) Tassels found together
        96-00: Four (4) Tassels found together

        ****Item Category**** Wands, Staves, Rods

        Wand of Striking: This wand typically has (4d6)+4 charges in it when found and can be re-charged. By speaking the command word, the wand causes a missile to shoot forth similar to a Melf’s Acid Arrow, with a range of up to 100 yards. A “to hit” roll is required, and is made on the fighter table at the wielder’s level or 6, whichever is greater. A successful hit will cause d4+1 points of damage each round. The effect lasts for 3 rounds. Persons struck by this device are unable to concentrate sufficiently to cast spells, however, regular melee attacks can be made at a -1/-1 penalty. Each use of the wand burns one (1) charge.

        Wand of Strafing: This wand is a favorite among archers, rogues, and others who do not fare well in hand to hand combat. In a party of adventurers, put this in the hands of someone who is not a “front-line” fighter, and you have absolutely beautiful “Light Artillery Support.” These wands will typically have 3d10 charges in them when found and can be recharged. When the command word is spoken, a number (1-3) of charges is expended and a corresponding number of missiles shoot forth (no range limit, save for that the target must be at least partially seen). A “to hit” roll must be made on the Warrior Table (at either the wand wielder’s level or 6, whichever is greater). For every hit scored, roll d4+2 (3-6) points of damage. The missiles may be targeted at the same creature, or up to three different targets. If the intended target is missed, the missiles dissipate harmlessly.

        The Ugly Stick: A rod of gnarled wood, three feet in length, it will NOT appear magical, even if scanned, but appearances can be deceiving….if used in combat, the staff is treated as a +3 weapon, and will inflict d6+3 points of damage to any size creature struck. Also, for every successful hit, the person or creature struck must save vs. RSW (at –3) or lose 1 point of Charisma. Normally, such losses are regained at the rate of 1 pt. Per day, but if the save is missed by four (4) or more, the loss is permanent. No one is sure exactly WHY these devices were created exactly….someone with a sick sense of humor?

        Last edited by Velociryx; July 9, 2003, 14:00.
        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


        • #5
          Ugly stick. I've seen the effect of that particular tool.

          So, all this is used, for what?
          Is this jsut a list of stuff, or is there an actual game involved?
          Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
          "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
          He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


          • #6
            Anybody who still plays pen and paper RPG's could (potentially) have a use for it--subject to some modification to fit a particular gaming system.

            And yes....the much dreaded ugly stick...someone at the office must have one...

            The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


            • #7
              Sounds like you ùsed those Items for AD&D isn´t it?
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


              • #8
                Jeez, I just read a couple of those, but talk about stupid and/or over powered.
                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #9
                  Sure was, Proteus....and as Osweld....everyone else who has read it complained that the items were by and large underpowered....proof positive that there's no pleasing everyone all the time....

                  The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Velociryx
                    Sure was, Proteus....and as Osweld....everyone else who has read it complained that the items were by and large underpowered....proof positive that there's no pleasing everyone all the time....

                    I like to have very low magic campaigns. But alot of that just isn't very creative, and is mostly just "does X with X amount of HP" stuff. :boring:

                    The 'Chaos' amulet for example, does nothing at all chaotic. My version of it would have a chance to turn the user into a frog, cast a fireball in a random direction, summon a hail storm, cause a random number of people in the area to go invisible, and so on...
                    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                    Do It Ourselves


                    • #11
                      Good point re: the Chaos to the creativity of them....that's true of EVERY magic item, and pretty much every individual element of any game (name me one magic: the gathering card that, minus its flavor text isn't essentially X ----> Y). The story is derived from the gaming session itself, not the raw ingredients....

                      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                      • #12
                        Some of the items are very powerful, such as the Swords of Doom and the Assassin's Amulet. Others are fun, like the Escape Globes (got this inspiration from Ninja movies? )

                        I myself made a number of magicial items for various campaigns duing uni days, but I have no idea where I put them. Some fun items include the Wands of Automatic Holy Water Dispensing and Pea Shooters of Power.

                        Yeah, there were also these Dice of Fate (artifacts no less).
                        (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                        (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                        (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                        • #13
                          Yep....Ninja movies....good stuff!

                          My general philosophy on items of magic is to make them interesting and versatile. The two really powerful items you mentioned were both in the hands of the various arch-villains of the campaign, and both were ultimately destroyed by the heroic adventurers....for the most part though, the players got very few items, and those they did get were generally "one shot" stuff (like the escape globes), or of limited use (few charges). I tried to average one permanant item roughly every three levels, and that seemed about right (made each item really special, and indeed, treasured). Also, there was a tremendous sense of discovery involved as the characters might have an item for years and accidentally discover some heretofore hidden ability....good stuff, that....


                          PS: If you can dig yours up, post 'em! It'd be great to see!
                          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, low magic is good. I had been in a couple of Monty Hall campaigns and got bored fast.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

