3 kids arrested this week for when they broke into a car, supposedly they were planning to "pull a columbine".
I remember when Columbine happened, I kept my opinion to myself, as I doubted many people shared it.......
I am SURE a degree of mental instability is involved in people who do these kinda things, but I dont think thats all of it, or even the determining factor.
When I was young I had a speech impediment and supposedly a case of ADD(wonder why in other threads I think medicating children is wrong in 99% of the cases? now you know)....
Needless to say I was mercilesly taunted and tortured throughout all of my younger school years, till my last year of middle school I kept entirley to myself because I was so sick of other people harrasing me. I dont think I had a real friend till I was 14(note at end*). I was always big(and still am) so I was never physically harmed, but I was insulted every day. I'm sure some other apolytonies experienced that...... being told your worthless 5 days a week for years upon years can do quite a bit to piss a person off.
I dont think alot of people realize how bad school tauntings can be, they are constant and unrelenting. I was lucky because I was big, if I wasent im sure there would of been a good deal of violence mixed in also. I cant think of anything worse then the taunting I experiened when I was younger, it truly seemed the ENTIRE world was against me.
I dont try to justify what school shooters have done, but I can ENTIRLEY see where they are coming from, and honestly, I personally feel MUCH more sympathy for them, then their victims, as I have been there.
Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?
*When I was 13 I got a call from the office.... my mom told me over the phone my grandmother had died. I went to a bathroom stall and started to cry....... 2 of the "more popular"(clich leaders) kids in my school walked in and hear me, taunted me...... I snapped. Its worth noting I had taken martial arts since I was 8, I was always "big" but I also knew(and know still) how to fight quite well. I was always very patient... never attacked anyone before. I got sick of it and beat the living crap out of both of them. I suddenly had instant respect from most of the school and was no longer harrased.... beating up those jackasses was proboably the turning point of my life lol.
I remember when Columbine happened, I kept my opinion to myself, as I doubted many people shared it.......
I am SURE a degree of mental instability is involved in people who do these kinda things, but I dont think thats all of it, or even the determining factor.
When I was young I had a speech impediment and supposedly a case of ADD(wonder why in other threads I think medicating children is wrong in 99% of the cases? now you know)....
Needless to say I was mercilesly taunted and tortured throughout all of my younger school years, till my last year of middle school I kept entirley to myself because I was so sick of other people harrasing me. I dont think I had a real friend till I was 14(note at end*). I was always big(and still am) so I was never physically harmed, but I was insulted every day. I'm sure some other apolytonies experienced that...... being told your worthless 5 days a week for years upon years can do quite a bit to piss a person off.
I dont think alot of people realize how bad school tauntings can be, they are constant and unrelenting. I was lucky because I was big, if I wasent im sure there would of been a good deal of violence mixed in also. I cant think of anything worse then the taunting I experiened when I was younger, it truly seemed the ENTIRE world was against me.
I dont try to justify what school shooters have done, but I can ENTIRLEY see where they are coming from, and honestly, I personally feel MUCH more sympathy for them, then their victims, as I have been there.
Anyone else have any thoughts on the subject?
*When I was 13 I got a call from the office.... my mom told me over the phone my grandmother had died. I went to a bathroom stall and started to cry....... 2 of the "more popular"(clich leaders) kids in my school walked in and hear me, taunted me...... I snapped. Its worth noting I had taken martial arts since I was 8, I was always "big" but I also knew(and know still) how to fight quite well. I was always very patient... never attacked anyone before. I got sick of it and beat the living crap out of both of them. I suddenly had instant respect from most of the school and was no longer harrased.... beating up those jackasses was proboably the turning point of my life lol.