19:18 -!- Stefu [~tatuahpo@ip80-81-176-175.kotivayla.net] has joined #apolyton
19:18 < Stefu> Stefuuuuu!
19:19 < mrmitchell> hi Stefu
19:19 -!- settler2 [~settler2@] has joined #apolyton
19:19 -!- settler2 [~settler2@] has quit [Quit: settler2]
19:30 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us! | ApolytonOWN
19:33 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us!
19:33 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us! | Current Idlethon Winner: redstar1, 48hrs 58mins 39secs
19:33 < mrmitchell> okay
19:38 -!- Stefu [~tatuahpo@ip80-81-176-175.kotivayla.net] has quit [Quit: ]
siis täh?
19:18 < Stefu> Stefuuuuu!
19:19 < mrmitchell> hi Stefu
19:19 -!- settler2 [~settler2@] has joined #apolyton
19:19 -!- settler2 [~settler2@] has quit [Quit: settler2]
19:30 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us! | ApolytonOWN
19:33 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us!
19:33 -!- mrmitchell changed the topic of #apolyton to: Apolyton.net Chat - Join Us! | Current Idlethon Winner: redstar1, 48hrs 58mins 39secs
19:33 < mrmitchell> okay
19:38 -!- Stefu [~tatuahpo@ip80-81-176-175.kotivayla.net] has quit [Quit: ]
siis täh?