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Is it wrong to clone humans/organs to harvest them?

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  • Is it wrong to clone humans/organs to harvest them?

    People say that no one ever changes other peoples opinions on message boards....... well Kangax on another message board said something which I thought was VERY insightful, and to be honest I am now not sure if I think it is wrong to clone humans for organs......

    Kangax said the following:

    "So is a cow, but we don't care about killing and eating them for the betterment of the human race. Why should it be any different for a clone? That's a double standard"

    Thats a really good point.

    I love my dog dearly, and if I had to choose between a total stranger dying painlessly, or my dog, I'd be tempted to choose the stranger.....

    Tell me my dog is a dumb animal without a mind or immotions...... totaly untrue, she is very inteligent and shows her effection for me and the rest of my familly.

    I think its time we drop the premise that humans are somehow 'special' in that only they have emotions/inteligence, we know that isnt true........

    How about the premise that we are looking out for #1, which is why we have no quams about abusing animals, eating them etc..... A baby chimpanzee is as inteligent as a human baby, and just as able to show emotion and manipulate its enviroment.

    We arent all that different from animals, so justification of inteligence/emotions dont apply, so the only thing you can say is that we are looking out for ourselves.

    Under that premise(individualism seems to be the most popular religion now a days) it seems we can draw two conclusions.....

    EITHER: Its time we stop abusing animals, as we arent all that different


    Is it all that wrong to clone humans/organs to harvest their organs?

  • #2
    OR the animals can form their own damned legislature if they want rights. Humans are our own species, and using your own living kind as a toolbox is sick. I think I'd disapprove of harvesting from chimps too, just because of the similarity. Dogs and cattle belong to an entirely different branch of mammal. There's a pretty big difference between ungulates and apes.
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    • #3
      Absolultely it is wrong to raise for clones for organ harvesting. Human rights apply to all human beings, and their dignity and freedom cannot be violated in such a manner.
      "I'm moving to the Left" - Lancer

      "I imagine the neighbors on your right are estatic." - Slowwhand


      • #4
        I spent a lot of time, pondering this, when I was a bit younger.

        Short answer, according to my conclusions, would be no, it's not. I don't want to start arguing about this, however, mainly because of translation problems, so I'll just state my opinion and skip the reasoning.

        Tell me my dog is a dumb animal without a mind or immotions...... totaly untrue, she is very inteligent and shows her effection for me and the rest of my familly.

        I think its time we drop the premise that humans are somehow 'special' in that only they have emotions/inteligence, we know that isnt true........

        How about the premise that we are looking out for #1, which is why we have no quams about abusing animals, eating them etc..... A baby chimpanzee is as inteligent as a human baby, and just as able to show emotion and manipulate its enviroment.


        • #5
          A clone is a genetic copy of another being. They have the same potemtial as the creature they came from. If you assume a HUman being has rights, and that harvesting them for organs is wrong, then saying it's OK for the clone is absurd. Since clones are seperate beings from those they were clonned, even if you think the originator deserved to be harvested (as a frm of punishement for a crime), the same would not apply to the clone.

          Only if one drops the notion of the law granting all human beings with inallieble rights can you then start creating clones for harvest.
          If you don't like reality, change it! me
          "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
          "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
          "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


          • #6
            I don't agree with this, you see , if we have evolved the ability to dominate this world, and use the animal life as a resource, then let evolution take its place .. Our domination over animals is not a moral issue, no more than the lions when it devours its prey, its simply a fact of evolution.

            If we are daft enough to abuse that resource, then evolution will deal us the hand we deserve ..

            So I say harvest away .. but ensure that the resource is maintained , or else ...
            "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


            • #7
              It depends....If we are creating full-body clones to harvest their organs, then it is wrong.

              But if we are only cloning the body part/organ and not the entire human entity, then it's ok by my book.
              Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
              Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
              *****Citizen of the Hive****
              "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


              • #8
                "A baby chimpanzee is as inteligent as a human baby, and just as able to show emotion and manipulate its enviroment."

                Something tells me that we won't need to grow another "complete" human just to regenerate a stomach.


                • #9
                  A clone is a genetic copy of another being. They have the same potemtial as the creature they came from. If you assume a HUman being has rights, and that harvesting them for organs is wrong, then saying it's OK for the clone is absurd. Since clones are seperate beings from those they were clonned, even if you think the originator deserved to be harvested (as a frm of punishement for a crime), the same would not apply to the clone.

                  Only if one drops the notion of the law granting all human beings with inallieble rights can you then start creating clones for harvest.

                  I don't agree with this, you see , if we have evolved the ability to dominate this world, and use the animal life as a resource, then let evolution take its place .. Our domination over animals is not a moral issue, no more than the lions when it devours its prey, its simply a fact of evolution.
                  Erm, no? Think the letters you've written through.


                  • #10
                    Erm, no? Think the letters you've written through.

                    ?? Sorry Tuomerehu .. im not with you ??
                    "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


                    • #11
                      To keep it short, I think your logic is seriously flawed, but I'm way too lazy to start arguing about it (were I a native English speaker, I maybe could sum my thoughts to just a few sentence, with my present skills it would take about fifteen lines -- exactly the same case as the core question of this thread, but in a much smaller scale).

                      So I thought that you'd realize my points if I'd just asked you to spent some time, reading your own text. Guess I was wrong, then.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GePap
                        A clone is a genetic copy of another being. They have the same potemtial as the creature they came from.
                        I just want to point out that this is wrong, for several reasons. One reason is that the DNA is "imprinted" in the womb. Scientists aren't sure how this happens, but it causes the DNA to behave differently (we learned this in bio ). Also, the mitochondrial DNA is different. Finally, conditions in the womb can have significant effects on development.

                        Regarding the question, I say YES IT IS WRONG YOU SICK PERSON


                        • #13
                          I don't care for animals at all (blame childhood trauma) so I'll just sidestep that issue....

                          ....but I do believe that harvesting/cloning organs from basic cells isn't wrong in principle (though harvesting/ cloning entire humans for this purpose would be, IMO).
                          DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS


                          • #14
                            Oh, I'd also like to say cloning individual organs I have no problem with. Cloning a person and then cutting them up I do (I hated dissection in bio, luckily due to time contraints we only had a day for it )


                            • #15
                              Using stem cells, we can clone the parts we need, and not the whole thing.
                              To us, it is the BEAST.

