Which do you use, and which do you think is better (please note that it is of course possible to have both in the same music directory and winamp/xmms playlist.
mp3's are pretty much omnipotent, but they are closed source, some licencing issues are potential problems, and generally give mediocre quality.
oggs are much newer open source technology, that generally gives better quality for the same size music file. However, they are still relatively rare (a quick search on gnutella doesnt show that many).
I personally prefer oggs, because of the better quality. Its especially clear on my stereo which is the audio output of my computer. www.vorbis.com for more info.
mp3's are pretty much omnipotent, but they are closed source, some licencing issues are potential problems, and generally give mediocre quality.
oggs are much newer open source technology, that generally gives better quality for the same size music file. However, they are still relatively rare (a quick search on gnutella doesnt show that many).
I personally prefer oggs, because of the better quality. Its especially clear on my stereo which is the audio output of my computer. www.vorbis.com for more info.