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Larry Thorne finally rests in peace

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  • Larry Thorne finally rests in peace

    Lauri Törni aka Larry Thorne's remainings have been finally found, and laid six feet under.

    Legendary Finnish soldier, who became a citizen of the US and became a legendary soldier there too was buried in Arlington by pastor Douglas Stanton.

    He disappeared in Vietnam on his second tour when chopper crashed, when he was supposed to return to Khan Duc base. His fellow soldiers were convinced to this day, that he is still alive, living in the jungle with some natives.

    Here's a short story and facts of his career:

    Born in 1919.

    Became a soldier in 1938 (at the age of 19) and his career continued non-stop for 27 magical years.

    Winter War broke out in 1939 so he got to use the skills he learned right away. He was a patrol leader. At the end of the war, he completed his officers school, and became and officer. His patrols deep inside enemy lines were legendary.Later in the war, he formed a guerilla group called 'lightning', which was formed from volunteers. The President of Finland, Mauno Koivisto, served in the same group, which missions were dangerous and extremely difficult. Group gained notoriousity, as they inflicted big damage to the enemy inside their lines including several hundred kills all together, and they came back without getting even so much as a scratch. Their missions often laster for weeks, and they were based on bold and daring tactics. They didn't rest much, but once when they came back from a long patrol that had some combat involved and they got back to base, they immidiately went for another patrol because it was needed. The group lightning was feared and notorious, and its leaders, Larry Thornes, head was one of the most wanted in WWII.

    After becoming and officer, he was transferred to become a platoon commander in the ranks of second lieutenant. He volunteered to fight the Russians with Germany, as we were in peace with each other for a moment. But he soon returned back to Finland, being away for less than two months.

    He became the leader of the tank battalion. Thorne was severely wounded by a mine on a nocturnal ski patrol in Malu on March 23, 1942. He was injured by splinters all over his body and suffered from a partial stroke.

    He was promoted to first lieutanent and took a job as 1st company commander.

    Thorne led his company successfully in the heavy battles of summer 1944 and on July 9 he was nominated the 144th Knight of the Mannerheim Cross for his military merits. (note: in light infantry)

    After Finland withdrew from the war, Thorne left for Germany to get further training in preparation of returning to Finland to organize resistance in case the Soviets were to occupy Finland. When Finland was not seized and Germany broke down, Thorne surrendered to the Allies. Russia demanded that Thorne was to be jailed, and it was one of the top demands for peace to continue. (note: Thorne was not part of Nazi party, he wanted to continue fighting even after peace)

    He escaped from an English prison camp and, after a series of adventures, managed to return to Finland. In Finland Thorne received a 6-year sentence to prison for anti-government activity. He escaped from prison once. President J. K. Paasikivi pardoned him already in December 1948. Thereafter Thorne moved (1949-1951) to the United States through Sweden and Venezuela and managed to enlist in the US military force, finally advancing to Green Berets.

    Törni started his military career in the US armed forces as a private in Fort Dix, New Jersey, in January 1954 under the name Larry A. Thorne. He was successful in service and completed training in signals, mountaineering and parachuting. He also performed HALO (high altitude low opening) jumps with a parachute. In the spring of 1957 Törni was ordered to join the 11th landing division of the special troops. In summer 1957 the division transferred to Bavaria in West Germany and was joined to the composition of NATO. Törni served in the 10th detachment for special mission warfare, located at the base of the Alpes in Bad Tölz.

    The nature of missions assigned to Törni is well illustrated by an operation he was entrusted with in the Zagros mountains in Iran. A group of 12 men under Törni’s leadership recovered the remains of the crew of an American transport carrier that had hit a mountain, along with some classified equipment, finishing the operation by blowing up the plane’s fuselage.

    In 1963 Törni was sent on a field officer course in the infantry school of Fort Benning in Georgia. During the course he was ordered to serve in Vietnam for the first time. He served there from November 1963 to April 1964 and completed the course in December 1964. In January 1965 Törni received orders for service in Vietnam for the second and also for the last time.

    He was leading a special troops camp in Phan Chau and was wounded on June 12, 1965. Although Törni now had an opportunity to select more peaceful duties, he set off to be the commander of a special operations base and, true to his nature, also left to escort the first reconnaissance patrol of the secret Shining Brass-operation.

    Törni disappeared on the return flight to the military base of Khan Duc.


    He recieved lots of medals and decorations where ever he went and fought. In Finnish army, in Germany's army and in the US army. This is the list of his decorations in the US army:

    Jan 28, 1954 PVT-1
    May 28, 1954 PVT-2
    Dec 20, 1954 PFC
    April 28, 1955 CPL
    Nov 17, 1955 SGT
    Jan 9, 1957 1st LTN
    Nov 30, 1960 CPT
    Dec 16, 1965 MAJ*
    * Promoted after missing

    The Legion of Merit
    The Distinguished Flying Cross
    The Bronze Star
    The Purple Heart (2)
    The Army Commendation Medal


    A hero in Vietnam

    Pacific Stars and Stripes September 1965


    NHA TRANG,Vietnam-
    He has soft, blue eyes and a kind of shy, gentle smile, but the scars give him away. Finnish-born Capt. Larry A. Thorne is one of the most extraordinary fighting men in the world, and has been for a quarter of a century. But the days of his legendary heroics may be coming to an end.
    At the headquarters of the tough 5th Special Forces here, there he will soon be up for promotion, they are starting to train him in staff work and he is filling the slot of intelligence officer. “I guess they figure I am getting too old, or too much rank”, he says good naturelly. But at 46 the lean, blond officer can still out-hike and out-fight most of the 19-year-olds in camp and talking to him you get the feeling he regards a desk as some kind of useless civilian contraption and that his heart is back in the outposts.
    A veteran of six solid years of combat against the Russians from 1939 to 1945, wounded three times and winner of every medal Finland could bestow upon him, he joined the US Army in 1954. “I dediced that the airborne and Special Forces might be more interesting” (than regular units), he says, adding with classic understatement, “and I thought I had the right kind of experience.” His valor in Vietnam has already earned him a Bronze Star and he received The Purple Heart when he suffered his fourth combat wound in an operation near Dinh Binh, June 12th, 1965.
    He was commander of the Special Forces team at Chau Lang at the time. “We had a four-vehicle convoy and ran into a V.C. ambush”, he says, “I was hit immediately--small fragments in both legs—but I was still able to move around okay”. “I guess the V.C. force numbered about 200 men and they were equipped with recoilless rifles and machine guns.” “There were only 20 of us and eight were wounded, but we fought for about an hour and a half, beat off two assaults, and got away.” “I still don´t know how I got out of that one alive.”
    Besides his English and Finnish, Thorne understands Swedish, Estonian, Norwegian and “some German”. Thorne who volunteered for service in the Finnish Army in 1939, when the Russians were making ominous warlike gestures, still remembers vividly his first combat experience. “We had realized for several months that the Russians were going to attack”, he said, “and I was with a light infantry battalion on the Russian border. One morning while we were having breakfast, about 5.30 or 6 o´clock, we heard heavy artillery fire many kilometres to the south. At first we thought it was some kind of practice, but a few minutes later the same type of heavy concentration came on our own area.
    We knew then it was a real. But we were laughing and joking about it until a round came in and hit close to me and I saw my friend´s insides falling out on the snow. After that I didn’t laugh anymore.”
    Thorne´s first experience in unconventional warfare, at which he was to become so adept, came in 1942 when he was made commander of a companysize commando-type detachment. On his first mission, taking only a squad with him, he was gone “seven or eight days”, penetrated 12 miles into the Russian lines, engaged a 300-man Russian convoy, killing about 100, and made it back to his own lines without having one of his own men wounded What´s more, he brought back Russian couries mail which disclosed Soviet plans and gave detailed information on unit positions and strength. When Finland collapsed, Thorne was contacted by Finnish intelligence agents who asked him to a sabotage school in Germany. By the time his schooling was over, the Germans were so hard-pressed they could not get him transportation back to Finland, so he volunteered to fight alongside the German units against the Russians. “When V-E day came”, he said, “the unit was encircled far behind the Russian lines and continued to fight its way westward.” It finally met an American airborne unit which began supplying it with ammunition and advised it to continue fighting “as long as you can to get your people out”. “The unit then surrendered to the Americans”, Thorne said, “but the Russians knew what had been going on, and demanded that all prisoners and material be handed over to them. When the Americans refused, the Russians said ”well, in that case you can´t pull back either.” But the Americans just said “try to stop us” and the Russians backed down.”
    Turned over to the British an interned, Thorne escaped and headed for home across northern Germany and Denmark, finally arriving in Finland in the fall of 1945.
    But Finland now had a communist government and Thorne, the great national hero of the fight against Russia, was clapped into prison. He escaped once, was recaptured, made another unsuccessful attempt, and finally in late 1948 crossed into Sweden. There a Finnish seaman and patriot gave Thorne his passport. “ I changed the picture in it and got a berth, and jumped ship in Venezuela. I stayed there about six months, then shipped on a tanker to Mobile Alabama, and jumped again. That was October 1950.” By bus to Washington, D.C. and then by train, Thorne made his way to New York where “ I met other Finns who were in the American Army.”
    They introduced (Wild Bill) Danovan, who had headed the American O.S.S. in World War II. Danovan interceded on his behalf, but it was three years before the way was cleared for Thorne to join the US Army. He enlisted as a private at Fort Dix, New Jersey, in January 1954.

    By Bob Leary

    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

  • #2
    Another movie on Lauri Törni in the USA

    The knight of the Mannerheim Cross Lauri Törni, alias Larry Thorne, the hero of the green barets in the USA, is about to feature in yet another producion of the American film industry. Back in the 1960s Törni already served as the model for the success movie The Green Barets with John Wayne in the leading role. – A new production company being established in Los Angeles is interested in the movie script, says Kari Kallonen, one of the authors of Torni’s biography. Johanna Juntunen, who works in the US and has studied the subject there, will be responsible for writing the script. Her previous script on female boxing is already under production. The new movie script is titled Purple Heart and it is based on the trilogy of Lauri Törni’s biography by Petri Sarjanen and Kari Kallonen. The two men also took part in the American-Finnish search patrol, which localized Törni’s destroyed helicopter in the jungles of Vietnam in summer 1999. The Purple Heart refers to an honourary decoration awarded to wounded soldiers in the USA. Lauri Törni was given two of them during the Vietnam War. Lauri Törni’s military career has become legendary. E.g. president Mauno Koivisto was fighting in his troops. After the political situation had changed in Finland, Törni was sentenced to prison and, having been pardoned, left for the USA through Sweden and Venezuela. On the new continent he became Larry Thorne, a highly regarded officer in the special troops, who e.g. recovered the remains of a spy aircraft that had crashed in the mountains of Iran. Thorne’s last mission was a secret reconnaissance operation in the Vietnam War, during which his helicopter was mystically reported missing, not to be recovered for almost 35 years.


    So.. Rest In Peace. You are a true hero, a warrior and your spirit will always live in many of us as you are not forgotten. We are forever grateful for you and your work. You are rare, not even one in a million. You passed away on a mission you volunteered to fight the enemy, anywhere, anytime and with all the means necessary. You passed away with honour and dignity that serves you and your accomplishments.
    Attached Files
    In da butt.
    "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
    "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


    • #3
      “the unit was encircled far behind the Russian lines and continued to fight its way westward.” It finally met an American airborne unit which began supplying it with ammunition and advised it to continue fighting “as long as you can to get your people out”. “The unit then surrendered to the Americans”, Thorne said, “but the Russians knew what had been going on, and demanded that all prisoners and material be handed over to them. When the Americans refused, the Russians said ”well, in that case you can´t pull back either.” But the Americans just said “try to stop us” and the Russians backed down.”

      Finns... always running around, trying to cause World War III


      • #4
        I like these old photos of soldiers. They always look so handsome and determined. Eyes full of fire, but in peace.
        They have style in them.
        In da butt.
        "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
        "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


        • #5
          Also anyone knows this would make one helluva movie. First he fights in the less known Winter War, then refuses to stop and goes to Germany to fight, then is jailed, escapes, returns to home country, is jailed, again escapes.. lots of adventures in that only. Then he comes to the US, starts as a private, all the way to the green berets and high ranks. Special missions in Iran etc.. then fights in Vietnam for two tours and vanishes.. What a movie! Though it should be a mini series, since you can't put that in 2 hours. There are books about him and his adventures, but I don't know if they're translated into english. BTW did you know, that the book green berets, which became a movie starred by John Wayne, used him as a model and it innovated it?
          In da butt.
          "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
          "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


          • #6
            Also the leaders who bended in front of SU, took away Thornes military rank, hunted him down and jailed him in his own country.. you will never be forgiven, never. He was one of our own, a true hero and a leader, and you bended because someone told you to. It is unforgiveable and you are the traitors.

            He was welcomed in the US, but not in his own country, according to the traitors who were afraid of their own butts, instead of sticking out to your own. I wonder why he was accepted with warm hearts, after all he was fighting for the axis, and jailed few times. Nothing but a bunch of traitor sissies, and your kinds are the only kinds that are not welcomed.
            In da butt.
            "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
            THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
            "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


            • #7

              Yep, Thorne was a serious asskicker.


              BTW, it's (from your article) the 11th Airborne Division, and 10th Special Forces Group.
              When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


              • #8
                MtG, Ok, I don't know the details of his adventures in the US too much. I just decided to buy the trilogy though. It's good, because there are still many people here that fought with him (including the former president), so the stories are about what really happened, because they were there too. Also his friends in the US are still very much alive, some of them, so the story should be good and not too much fictional.
                In da butt.
                "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                • #9
                  And this is what he looked like older in the US army:
                  Attached Files
                  In da butt.
                  "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                  THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                  "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.


                  • #10
                    He was a bit too cozy with the SS for my liking...
                    "On this ship you'll refer to me as idiot, not you captain!"
                    - Lone Star


                    • #11
                      Would you care to elaborate?
                      In da butt.
                      "Do not worry if others do not understand you. Instead worry if you do not understand others." - Confucius
                      THE UNDEFEATED SUPERCITIZEN w:4 t:2 l:1 (DON'T ASK!)
                      "God is dead" - Nietzsche. "Nietzsche is dead" - God.

