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New Zealand legalizes prostitution.

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  • #46
    Flubber -
    Just curious but what has been the experience in the parts of Nevada where prostitution is legal?
    Very low STD rates, not nearly as much violence towards the women, actual health care know...much of what most people take for granted...


    • #47
      As prostitutes are now legally covered with everything other industries are, this includes fair work contracts, safe work environments and conditions. Wanting a woman you knew "off the streets" would be just a personal preference rather than a safety worry, when the law takes full effect.

      Thus wanting someone to stop being a prostitute would theoretically be no different under the law to wanting someone to stop selling cigarettes/liquor. Morally objectionable to a number, but with safety checks and balances in place no longer as serious a worry as previously.

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #48
        Originally posted by obiwan18

        What about expansion of the trade due to legalisation? Do we want more women to prostitute themselves?
        Do we want the ones that do to suffer? Or be protected?

        Originally posted by obiwan18

        Will legalisation curtail independent operators who want to cut corners?
        No. Legislation is not the same thing as enforcement.

        Originally posted by obiwan18

        Secondly, we need to look at why women prostitute themselves. Some are forced, I wish we could prosecute all the pimps that force women into prostitution. The problem is the evidence, and the security of the women who choose to testify. It is very hard to get these women out of the situation that they are in, when they are strung out on drugs.
        Agreed. That is why it is a very good idea to give them regular health checks to see if they are on drugs.

        Originally posted by obiwan18

        The other kind is that this is very easy money to make, especially in areas that do not have much employment. You can make much more doing tricks, than you can working at a full-time job in some areas, dramatically increasing the frusteration of those who choose another route.
        Yes, but it's not exactly a long term career. As for those frustrated with poorly paid jobs, no one is stopping them from getting an education and moving up the ladder.

        Originally posted by obiwan18

        Why don't we offer shelter, food, etc. for any woman that we see on the street prostituting herself, rather than money for a trick?
        Because she's not in it for food or shelter - she's in it for large amounts of cash. Why don't YOU offer sex industry workers large amounts of money NOT to work if you are so upset? Oh yes, that would annoy the hard paying workers...

        Seriously, offering them food and shelter doesn't solve their cash needs.

        Originally posted by obiwan18
        I can remember seeing notices, from families asking people to help get their mother home so that she would be off the street. Will legalisation help these people, or encourage others to follow the same path?
        Maybe it will help the mothers who work in the sex industry to earn a fair living with less fear and violence.

        Originally posted by obiwan18
        Now that's an effective argument. You don't see the Christians insulting their opponents.
        I've heard plenty of clergy of all denominations handing it out by the bucketload.

        Originally posted by obiwan18
        Another argument looks at the functions of laws. One effect is to encourage the lowest-common denominator, that whatever is legal, is also praise-worthy.
        That's why some things are taxed, to raise the price and lower the consumption.

        Originally posted by obiwan18
        I would argue that if one believes prostitution to be immoral, you should argue for prostitution to be kept illegal, and the nature of the restrictions up for grabs, as there are different ways to tackle the problem.

        Originally posted by obiwan18
        Now, what motivation will there be for crackdown on the illegal operators, other than the profit the government gets from taxation?
        Gee ObiWan, why do cops chase criminals?
        Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
        "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84

