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The six degrees of seperation from serial killers

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  • The six degrees of seperation from serial killers

    Or knowing chegitz can be hazardous to your helath

    So they just caught a serial killer here in Jax last week. Turns out, he was a cab driver. Turns out, he looks a lot like a creepy cab driver Bunnygrrl and I used once.

    Too many serial killers are too close to my life.

    When I was in high school, serial killer Brian Dugan hid one of his victims in my friends' cars. He had dumped the car in the Seavy gravel pits, where a lot of high school kids used go party. Dugan put the nurses body in his car, drove past my house out to the pits, put his body in the abandoned car, and pushed it into a pond. Dugan was later convicted of killing (IIRC) Melissa Ackerman and confessed under hypnosis to killing Jenine Nicarico, both children. He's a lifer in Illinois.

    In the late 80s, an Army buddy of mine had another Army friend over who was stationed in Germany. Later my Army buddy got called to Germany to be a witness in a trial. Turns out his friend had confessed to two murders, one a fellow serviceman, to see if he could actually kill, the other a German prostitute, because apparently he could kill. My buddy didn't believe the guy when he tols him about it. The dude was really quiet and creepy when I met him.

    One person I met was killed by Jeffery Dahmer. He was the son of the owner of a coffee shop where I once frequented and my roommate was the manager. Even weirder, the store next door was owned by the guy who played Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lamb.

    Bunnygrrl's best friend was crazy about a guy whose best friend was later killed by Dahmer. One of my fomer roommates claims to have been approached by Dahmer, but thought so little of him he didn't remember it. He claims friends told him later that Dahmer had tried to pick him up. Course, this roommate told lots of stories.

    A former coworker of mine believes he once met Dahmer. Apparently my friend was at the club, Berlin, when Dahmer and another guy sat next to him. Dahmer got up and went to the bathroom, and the guy asked my friend his opinion. The guy wanted to know if he should go home with Dahmer, cuz he was getting a weird vibe. My friend told him he should go with his gut instinct, and the dude left. Dahmer came out and wanted to know where the guy hand gone, and my friend told him he left. Then Dahmer said something that chilled my friend. "Well, that's okay. I'll get him later."

    Now this cab driver. I thought there were only supposed to be 35-50 serial killers operating in the US at any given time. Why am I in close proximity to so many?

    On top of all that, my grandparents once lived a suburb over from John Wayne Gacy (or is it the same suburb?), and I used to hang out among the fomer hunting grounds of Larry Isler (Chicago's northside gay neighborhood).

    Are you scared yet?
    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

  • #2
    Serial killers don't like commies, I guess.

    but yes, that pretty creepy. I guess it's a small world, after all.


    • #3
      My mom knew Ted Bundy... she was friends with him...

      Only reason I'm not a serial killer is that I haven't quite lost that much touch with everything, I often see people as objects but I realize they are suffering objects (I've got no reservations about killing someone for little reason, and I match the profile to a T. except being reserved (I out and out don't care what the hell I say and to who))... sometimes for some people I think it would be good for me to help out by getting rid of their tormented lives. Doesn't that seem ethical, to get rid of life?

      I just don't think it is my thing... I'm meant for far bigger things than that... try world destroying...
      "Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!"​​


      • #4
        your mom knew Ted Bundy?

        are you sure you're not Ted Bundy's evil spawn?


        • #5
          It would explain a lot of things, wouldn't it. They say psychopathy runs in the family.
          Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


          • #6
            No actually I think the reason Ted Bundy didn't kill my mom is that he was afraid of her... she can be a real monster...
            "Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!"​​


            • #7
              Man, all I have is a piece of the door Jack the Ripper walked through to commit his second murder.
              Only feebs vote.


              • #8
                God's way of punishing you for being a commie. Next up; The mysterious appearence of Kiddie porn on your comp.
                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                • #9
                  "Are you scared yet?"

                  Freakin' A, I am! Dude, we had dinner together! Why didn't you let me know about this before I put my life on the line?????

                  Jesus H. Christ - you even met my family!!!! That does it - Sophie is sleeping with mommy and daddy tonight... that is, if Daddy isn't out buying guns at KMart and ammo at Wal Mart.


                  • #10
                    Hmm, closest I've come is that my great great uncle was murdered by his male lover.

                    Well, I had an experience with a psycho, though. About 3 years ago, just after moving to NYC and not knowing anyone, I made a date with a guy I met on the internet.


                    We met for drinks, and he was decidedly weird. Not only was he not nearly as attractive as his online picture, but he had this odd, broken way of speaking and flitting his eyes. And he was just a dufus.

                    So I had two drinks and chatted, and said goodnight. I was polite, and gave him my phone number so I didn't appear to be completely ditching him.


                    He called me the next night, leaving a message asking me to go out. I didn't respond. EVERY day he would call and leave a message, and they were always very long, rambling and vaguely coherent. This went on for two weeks, and I never responded. You'd think he'd get the hint. But in his subsequent messages, it was if he had no idea I wasn't responding--each one had the tone as if it was his first time calling to ask me out.

                    I was online again 2 weeks after we met and he was in the same chat room, and he pm'ed me. At first I ignored him, but he kept pm'ing me, which p.o.'ed me. So finally I responded saying, "I am not interested in seeing you, so please stop pming me and calling me. Thanks."


                    This chat site opened up a new window everytime you pm'ed someone, even the same person. Suddenly my screen is filled with chat windows as he must have flew into a freakish rage and just started clicking away.

                    And then my phone rang, which naturally sent me into a panic. I didn't answer. Sure enough, a message pops up. Go to check's psycho boy! He says in the message that I was a "very, very bad person." (even his insults were lame). But then he goes on to say that I messed with the wrong person, I didn't know who I had given my number to, I was going to be sorry, etc.

                    Well, that was enough of internet dating for me!

                    I played the voicemail for my roommates, just so they'd know about in case, somehow, this lunatic was ever able to do anything. They suggested I go to the police, but I knew that would be a fairly useless tactic, since they guy hadn't actually done anything, I didn't know where he lived, etc.

                    Anyway, I thought it was over. But a couple weeks later I get a voicemail from him! And he's not mad, he's asking me if I want to get together for a date, just like in his earlier messages! Gaaah!

                    About once a week for the next month, he would leave the same message, as if his psycho fit had never happened. Finally he must have gotten the hint or forgotten about me, because the calls stopped.

                    Or so I thought.

                    SIX MONTHS later, I was in a tanning booth in preparation for a beach vacation. I hear my phone ring, but can't answer, of course. When I check the message...IT'S THE LUNATIC! And he's asking me on a date again!

                    Thankfully, that was the last time I ever heard from the nutball. However, I would not be surprised if one day he were to call again, the little bumbledick.
                    Last edited by Boris Godunov; June 22, 2003, 20:00.
                    Tutto nel mondo è burla


                    • #11
                      There was a serial killer in our town when I was a kid. He got away with it for about 15 years, starting when I was in elementary school and finally getting caught in the act when I was in college. He killed a girl that was a year older than me and lived 3 blocks away among others. When he was finally caught, it turns out that I knew him (vaguely). He was the creepy clerk at the bookstore who never stopped me or my stepbrother from wandering into the porn section, even though we were many years too young to do so legally.
                      He's got the Midas touch.
                      But he touched it too much!
                      Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Lonestar
                        God's way of punishing you for being a commie. Next up; The mysterious appearence of Kiddie porn on your comp.
                        So God gives all commies serial killer memorabilia and free child pornography. Which church is it you go to again?

                        Why isn't the party much bigger then. We're certainly offering more than the Democrats.
                        Only feebs vote.


                        • #13
                          Lots of people from high school are probably betting I'll become a serial killer at some point....Good thing they're going to lose that bet though.
                          DULCE BELLUM INEXPERTIS


                          • #14
                            Slightly OT but why is it always '6 degrees'? I know the saying but is there a statisical basis for 6?


                            • #15
                              I like 4 degrees better

