Social welfare programs work... only about 10% of people on welfare are chronically poor. Most are people that lose their jobs so some corporate fatcat can get a huge bonus.
You're entitled to your opinions Japher, but they are based on little fact. As with most conservatives, your opinions are ideological, and not based on real world evidence. I'm considered a "liberal" but I'm, in reality, a pragmatic thinker. I agree with the politicians that want such policies. More of them tend to be Democrats. Whether or not the Democratic Party is truthful in executing an agenda that parallels their rhetoric is another topic entirely. The fact of the matter is, the Republican rhetoric and ideology is wrong... and their actions and policies, which rarely follow their rhetoric, are even more obscene and immoral.
You're entitled to your opinions Japher, but they are based on little fact. As with most conservatives, your opinions are ideological, and not based on real world evidence. I'm considered a "liberal" but I'm, in reality, a pragmatic thinker. I agree with the politicians that want such policies. More of them tend to be Democrats. Whether or not the Democratic Party is truthful in executing an agenda that parallels their rhetoric is another topic entirely. The fact of the matter is, the Republican rhetoric and ideology is wrong... and their actions and policies, which rarely follow their rhetoric, are even more obscene and immoral.