Note: this isn't supposed to be the new 'official rugby thread'. I'll let our esteemed regulars start that one up after Caligastia and Finbar are done mocking me in this thread. 
All this week we've had various sections of the New Zealand public and media whinging about getting beaten by England at rugby.
Now it's the turn of that notorious idiot David Campese to get in on the act. Seemingly terrified at the prospect that the Aussies might conceivably lose to England at the weekend (FWIW, I don't think we'll win), our friend David has launched a particularly stupid attack on the state of English rugby.
Well that's nice of you to say, seeing as we've been ranked the number one team in the world all year. Thank God we haven't got any better in the last decade or we might have kicked your ass even harder at Twickenham last year.
Translation: Waaaaaa, the southern hemisphere isn't guaranteed to win the World Cup anymore! You've spoiled it for all of us!
To be honest, David, the England.v.AB's match last weekend was very exciting if you were English. It's not our fault the All Blacks weren't good enough to breach our defence enough times, even when we had two fewer players than them. If that's the kind of "exciting, expansive rugby" that the SH teams are apparently masters of then you can keep it - and stick it up your arse!
Or maybe if the AB's could have found a kicker half as good as Wilkinson then they wouldn't have had to rely on their toothless try-scoring machine to get them points. You see ... when England come against a good team like the AB's, and find themselves being pushed back into defence, we're good enough to a) not concede many points, and b) still manage to score enough to win the game. Shocking, isn't it? You should try it some time....
So the England team were guilty of rather a lot of cynical fouls? Oh. My. God. The shock! The horror!
Everyone knows that the southern hemisphere teams have been playing like that for years, and have been very successful with it too. Since it appears to work pretty damn well why shouldn't we be allowed to do it too?
I didn't realise that the England rubgy team was, as Mr. Campese seems to believe, supposed to be entertaining southern hemisphere crowds. I was under the foolish delusion that we were supposed to be beating up on the teams and making our own fans happy.
Obviously we've made a terrible mistake somewhere. We didn't realise that England teams whould always be the ***** of the SH teams and bend over to accept a shafting every time we play you.
I'm of the opinion that England will both lose to the Aussies this weekend and fail to win the World Cup. And I hope when that happens we have the good grace to accept defeat without crying and whinging. However, if by some minor miracle we do win the WC, I very much doubt that people such as Mr. Campese will be able to take it in good spirit.
I feel better after that rant. Thanks for listening.

All this week we've had various sections of the New Zealand public and media whinging about getting beaten by England at rugby.
Now it's the turn of that notorious idiot David Campese to get in on the act. Seemingly terrified at the prospect that the Aussies might conceivably lose to England at the weekend (FWIW, I don't think we'll win), our friend David has launched a particularly stupid attack on the state of English rugby.
"It's clear that English rugby hasn't moved on a jot over the past 10 years," he told the BBC Sport website.
Well that's nice of you to say, seeing as we've been ranked the number one team in the world all year. Thank God we haven't got any better in the last decade or we might have kicked your ass even harder at Twickenham last year.
"There was a time when rugby was exciting? Remember that?" he said.
Translation: Waaaaaa, the southern hemisphere isn't guaranteed to win the World Cup anymore! You've spoiled it for all of us!
To be honest, David, the England.v.AB's match last weekend was very exciting if you were English. It's not our fault the All Blacks weren't good enough to breach our defence enough times, even when we had two fewer players than them. If that's the kind of "exciting, expansive rugby" that the SH teams are apparently masters of then you can keep it - and stick it up your arse!
Or maybe if the AB's could have found a kicker half as good as Wilkinson then they wouldn't have had to rely on their toothless try-scoring machine to get them points. You see ... when England come against a good team like the AB's, and find themselves being pushed back into defence, we're good enough to a) not concede many points, and b) still manage to score enough to win the game. Shocking, isn't it? You should try it some time....
So the England team were guilty of rather a lot of cynical fouls? Oh. My. God. The shock! The horror!
Everyone knows that the southern hemisphere teams have been playing like that for years, and have been very successful with it too. Since it appears to work pretty damn well why shouldn't we be allowed to do it too?
I didn't realise that the England rubgy team was, as Mr. Campese seems to believe, supposed to be entertaining southern hemisphere crowds. I was under the foolish delusion that we were supposed to be beating up on the teams and making our own fans happy.
Obviously we've made a terrible mistake somewhere. We didn't realise that England teams whould always be the ***** of the SH teams and bend over to accept a shafting every time we play you.
I'm of the opinion that England will both lose to the Aussies this weekend and fail to win the World Cup. And I hope when that happens we have the good grace to accept defeat without crying and whinging. However, if by some minor miracle we do win the WC, I very much doubt that people such as Mr. Campese will be able to take it in good spirit.
I feel better after that rant. Thanks for listening.
