Originally posted by PLATO1003
I wasn't speaking of a legal obligation now was I? I was speaking of the duplicity of how government works. They encourage us to do one thing and then penalize us for it.
Why shouldn't my children (which I created) not get the benefit of my wealth (which I created)?
I wasn't speaking of a legal obligation now was I? I was speaking of the duplicity of how government works. They encourage us to do one thing and then penalize us for it.
Why shouldn't my children (which I created) not get the benefit of my wealth (which I created)?

Penalize you? How can they possibly do that? You are dead if the issue is your estate. They can;t possibly penalize you now, as you no longer exists (not in this plain of existance at least). As for why your children should not benefit from your wealth? Why should they? They might be your decendents, but they did nothing to earn that money other than by accident of thier birth, and by your affections. After all, estates do NOT go immidietly to children at all: in fact, if you hated your kids, they will never get a penny of it.
The government taxes large gifts of money. Getting an estate at best can be called a gift from beyond: I fail to see how the status of the gft giver should affect the tax issues.
Let your ids go out and earn their own estates. That will benefit them and the whyole a lot more than letting wealth sit and stagnate.