Probably for the best anyway, Master Che. You see, I'd make a very poor communist anyway. One of those (numerous) people you'd have to no doubt ship off to reeducation camps in the next revolution's equivalent of a Gulag for being too much of an individual for the good of the party bosses.
I do not have much, even today. But I busted my a$$ for what I DO have, and am continuing to improve myself every day.
Being focused on that goal, there's not a lot of time left for me to fret over the fact that I don't get invited to Gatesian dinner parties, or to worry over what choices he might have that I do not.
Nope...I got my own fish to fry, and I'm dead set on doing exactly that.
Not waiting for a handout, not waiting to be rescued by the workin' man's party, not waiting for the next Stalin wanna be to come confiscate Gates' wealth and give me my "fair share."
I'm making my own fair share.
I do not have much, even today. But I busted my a$$ for what I DO have, and am continuing to improve myself every day.
Being focused on that goal, there's not a lot of time left for me to fret over the fact that I don't get invited to Gatesian dinner parties, or to worry over what choices he might have that I do not.
Nope...I got my own fish to fry, and I'm dead set on doing exactly that.
Not waiting for a handout, not waiting to be rescued by the workin' man's party, not waiting for the next Stalin wanna be to come confiscate Gates' wealth and give me my "fair share."
I'm making my own fair share.