Ok, for those who work . . . . what do you do on your lunch break (what do you eat, what do you do to fool around, etc.)?
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Lunch Break
Originally posted by Japher
I don't normally take a lunch, but when I do I generally go out with a buisness buddy... Then, we hang out and chain smoke for about 10 minutes, than I come back to my desk and continue to waste time on 'polyA lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.
Well today I had a chicken salad with lashings of mayonnaise, courtesy of Atkins.
I also walked to a supermarket with a colleague who needed to drop off a couple of films.
Then I just sat around and talked to whoever looked interesting or bored.www.my-piano.blogspot
Normally, I go to the deli across the street or order the $5 Chinese take out though sometimes I go out with co-workers. If I was smart I'd brown bag lunch and save $100 per month.Try http://wordforge.net/index.php for discussion and debate.
I don't believe in lunch breaks. I'll just eat a sandwitch or two while at my computer. In school, I tend to eat lunch before or after all my classes (thus not really a break)."The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
-Joan Robinson
I buy a sandwich and a drink from the company cafeteria and go and sit in a nearby park and read for an hour while I eat. Or I might wander into town and do some shopping, but there's bugger all there.
Even if it's raining I'll go out for a 30 minute walk or something. I really feel the need to get some fresh air and stretch my legs after four hours sitting at my desk each morning.If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.