In essience aren't we paying a fund manager to closely watch the market and to key in to trends which we ourselves are to busy to do?
Do the watch or can they recognize trends? Sure. Yet, I am not going to trust them to be experts at this, especially since they are to engrossed in their own portfolios... Therefore, I prefer to take some time to learn these trends, learn for myself to recognize them, and learn how the market performs, before I invest.
So you know, I have a financial advisor, I have know idea why, but every now and then I get some good tips. They know alot about tax sheltering (which is something I don't need) they now how to measure your risk/reward values and they are good to have keep you in check so don't go on a gambling benge. Yet, if he tells me I should buy such and such stock I'm not going to just take his word for it! I will research the stock, research what he says is good about it, check historical situations associated with that stock, read their balance sheets, etc... Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I win and sometimes he wins... Says nothing to his knowledge, so I don't just take their words, so I am definitly not going to give them my money to manage on their own.
Case History: In 1992 my dad got a new advisor. He held him for 6 years (as tech was booming), my dad didn't pay attention to his portfolio, it went up 8% in 6 years when the market exploded. Needless to say my dad fired the guy. Some suck, some don't, but if you aren't watching your money, yourself, it may just disappear... Ever hear of commissions?