Just finishing "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk. After that I'll finish "Galactic Patrol", the second book of E. E. "Doc" Smith's classic Lensman science-fiction series, which I postponed to read "Fight Club."
After that, I don't know... I'm coming off a six-month science-fiction binge (Niven, Orson Scott Card, Vance, etc.) I may pursue some non-fiction ("The Nothing That Is: A History of Zero", "How We Die", or Edward Wilson's "Consilience: A Unity of Knowledge"), and a friend has been recommending "The Agony and the Ecstasy", a 'fictional' biography of Michelangelo.
But honestly, I'm in a dark, gritty mood, so I may read a few crime novels, starting with Stark's "Payback" and then reading his other Parker novels.
Too many good books, and not nearly enough time...
After that, I don't know... I'm coming off a six-month science-fiction binge (Niven, Orson Scott Card, Vance, etc.) I may pursue some non-fiction ("The Nothing That Is: A History of Zero", "How We Die", or Edward Wilson's "Consilience: A Unity of Knowledge"), and a friend has been recommending "The Agony and the Ecstasy", a 'fictional' biography of Michelangelo.
But honestly, I'm in a dark, gritty mood, so I may read a few crime novels, starting with Stark's "Payback" and then reading his other Parker novels.
Too many good books, and not nearly enough time...