Serious question. I was in an internet cafe the other day, and in debate had some of the stupidest and short sided political misconceptions tossed at me by Chinese internet users. I'm talking downright ignorant and EVASIVE comments beyond anyone of capable mind! The question is, should we really take this gross negligence of reality at face value? Is this a fair reaction of supposedly free westerners behind their own screens???
Now I'm not saying the PRC has each net user at gunpoint the second he hits the switch, but wouldn't it make quite a bit more sense if each zig zagging comment we are troubled with daily were first identified as laced with a dose of fear? People are jailed and downright abused for speaking out against any and every government policy in the middle kingdom, so why would that stop net heads from sugar glossing life in typing to the rest of the world? Why should they be expected to accurately potray and debate reality when any other option just might land them in a jail cell?
I'm not asking for a movement of caring here... but from now on I know my course of action. Any time a Chinese user boasts of his/her grand Utopia, or defends inhuman/ politically backwards practises at home by rather pointing out completey irrelevant & topic deflecting problems in America - I'll just smile and nodd. After all, who am I to put a hardworking, worried young man or woman through undue stress by forcing them to argue for what's wrong online?
"FREE" western world indeed
Now I'm not saying the PRC has each net user at gunpoint the second he hits the switch, but wouldn't it make quite a bit more sense if each zig zagging comment we are troubled with daily were first identified as laced with a dose of fear? People are jailed and downright abused for speaking out against any and every government policy in the middle kingdom, so why would that stop net heads from sugar glossing life in typing to the rest of the world? Why should they be expected to accurately potray and debate reality when any other option just might land them in a jail cell?
I'm not asking for a movement of caring here... but from now on I know my course of action. Any time a Chinese user boasts of his/her grand Utopia, or defends inhuman/ politically backwards practises at home by rather pointing out completey irrelevant & topic deflecting problems in America - I'll just smile and nodd. After all, who am I to put a hardworking, worried young man or woman through undue stress by forcing them to argue for what's wrong online?
"FREE" western world indeed