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Matrix Theory and the Animatrix

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  • Matrix Theory and the Animatrix

    First off, I'm not insane, I know the matrix is not real.

    Secondly, I am interested in the idea of the matrix and I was wondering, in the matrix, is there a past? is there a future? can the people still invent and discover? Won't there be an endless circle of man building machine, machine take over, build matrix get fuel from man, and in that 2nd matrix, it happens again. So there are matrix's within matrix's, get me?

    Now bout the Animatrix, I really enjoyed watching them and the thought that went into them was really well done, I really liked the Renaissance 1 and 2, World Record and Beyond.

    It got me thinking of other stories in our world that would back up the explaination of the matrix theory. (Just for fun of course! ).

    I was thinking along the lines of Bermuda Triangle, Bruce Lee, all those other great sportsmen (ali, etc), Nostradamus? lol

    Just wondering if others can come up with any
    be free

  • #2
    If someone doesn't soon make an official thread about Matrix, we'll soon have 15 threads about it on the first page.

    Not that I would care, but I actually do. These new ones bury all the interesting ones (threads, is what I means by 'ones').


    • #3
      I don't live in the Off Topic Forum anymore, so I have no idea what goes on here and I don't care really.

      in the words of panag: have a nice day
      be free


      • #4
        It would explain deja-vu and sight seers, though i do believe 99.9% of fortune tellers are fake and the real ones are probably haunted by their visions and don't really talk about them.
        As for the sportsmen, I thought Ali lost a fight in his career ? and bruce lee wasn't anything special until he moved to america. Great sportsmen emerge all the time and people are getting faster/stronger constantly. I dont think we've seen people who've broken free or an agent having a laugh with us

        I thought in the matrix they cut it off before people invented AI ? ie, when they're nearing it the machines turn it off and reboot the whole system, effectively repeating the years 1980-2050 or something ?
        Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lazerus
          I thought in the matrix they cut it off before people invented AI ? ie, when they're nearing it the machines turn it off and reboot the whole system, effectively repeating the years 1980-2050 or something ?
          Yeah, this is what I thought, too. But since each version lasted about 150 years, it would be more like 1900-2050.


          • #6
            I just saw Matrix 2, so now it makes better sense to me
            be free


            • #7
              The matrix is bogus hollywood, though creative and fun. The notion that we're at level one here in this perception, and those that pass the the test move on to the next level, isn't. The faith test that is...
              Long time member @ Apolyton
              Civilization player since the dawn of time


              • #8
                i disliked world record.

                now i'm trying to get someone else to buy this copy of animatrix i bought, because although the animation was great, and was fairly well done, i only really liked beyond, matriculated, and detective story.

                not worth the extra ~us$25.

                glad i played enter the matrix on my friend's comp, too. i coulda blown $50 on that.

