Oerdin: the article says that 2.300 people got arrested. do you mean that 2.300 protestors threw bottles at the Police and broke windows? if so I wouldn´t call this a demonstration but a riot. I don´t believe it was a riot. I reread the article and I didn´t find such things. what I found was this:
he´s absolutely right on this. 
so the largest part - if not everything - were the usual demonstration cost.
do you live in SF? I´d like to know how many people demonstrated there.
"What price democracy?" Bobbie Stein from the National Lawyers Guild said Tuesday. "It's the cost of living in a free society."

The biggest bite out of city coffers came from the Police Department, which reported spending $2 million to police the civil unrest, with most of the money paying for officer overtime.
do you live in SF? I´d like to know how many people demonstrated there.