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Business is business.....

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  • #16
    I would go with the buy-out too. It seems the simplest solution.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #17
      Frankchan, I think your sister may well be depressed, as overwieght people tend to be more suseptable to this. And depressed people are rarely one's to take care of thier finance.

      I know this from personal experience too, since I was once diagnosed depressed and at that time i had (without realising) allowed my finances to be pretty bad. I am normally a money geek and manage my money to the last penny.

      Perhaps the answer is to get your sister to acknowledge the problems she is suffering from, perhaps even pursude her into sorting it out (I can bet you have shyed away since pursuading someone they have any form of mental illness is VERY difficult).

      Yeah, The Buy out is a wonderful option from a personal point of view and will protect your home. HOWEVER, if your sister remains the way she is then it really will do nothing but waste all money your parents have worked thier life for as she will squander the money. If you go for the buyout do the good thing and make sure she at least puts it down on another place (maybe even offer her a financial incentive to do so).
      Up The Millers

